
Thegamer - Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise Review

Bella Blondeau writes: Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing In Disguise is a broken game on multiple levels.

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shepherdzeMan1409d ago

this game definently wasnt for casual gamers!

jznrpg1409d ago

I’m really enjoying the game . Why it got a 0 is weird . It isn’t buggy at all so far

Felix_Argyle_Catbro1409d ago

The frame rate literally drops to 4 frames a second many times. It's an utterly broken game.

1409d ago Replies(5)
Pyrofire951409d ago (Edited 1409d ago )

For once I can understand a ridiculously low score. The game should not have been released yet.
edit: apparently the review has other problems that Milkshake212 quotes. The first game was quirky so I wouldn't think of stereotyping or whatnot to be a negative unless it's really trying to be offensive, which I imagine it's not.

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The Switch's Growing Third Party Problem

VGChartz's Thomas Froehlicher: "The Switch is starting to look very much comparable to the Wii. Both were smashing sales successes that gave rise to a lot of enthusiasm at first, but eventually resulted in disillusioned third parties, new release drought, and a demoralized fanbase. From my perspective Nintendo seems to be repeating the same mistakes it made in the middle of the Wii era, by being technology-adverse, persisting with outdated hardware, and failing to capitalise on incredible sales figures by building up third party relations and ensuring a steady stream of AAA software support.

Despite initially dominating the Xbox 360 and PS3, the Wii collapsed around five years after its debut, when both third parties and the casual audience moved on. It got an original Metroid game at around the same time that this happened; is this a sign that, as they say in SoulCalibur, history is eternally retold? Considering the respective momentum of both systems at the same period in time, I don't see the Switch declining so quickly, but third parties might not be prepared to wait around to find out."

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brewin1039d ago

I definitely agree they will be hitting that proverbial wall fairly soon here, if it isnt already happening. There has been a severe lack of high quality 1st and 3rd party titles already! Theres a handful sure, but nowhere near the level of quality from the first 2 years. They relied too much on Wii U ports the last year or so, and the pipeline isnt looking incredible by any stretch.

They really messed up by not announcing a real upgraded model, instead giving us this incremental OLED upgrade that no one asked for and that did nothing to the guts of the system. They really needed a system that could at least run some of the new generation games, even if at a lower quality. Even something as powerful as the PS4 and theyd at least get the big time 3rd party games. Im fully expecting the support from most publishers to fall off a cliff relatively soon here.

The Switch cannot survive on indies and vast amounts of shovelware, the Wii proved that already. Unfortunately, it looks like Nintendon't is back to doing its thing, cuz Nintendo wouldnt let this stuff happen all over again! But hey, at least we're getting a new Metroid!

Outlawzz1039d ago

There's good games coming out this year still. Next year I'm not so sure. I plan to supplement it with a steamdeck though by that time hopefully lol

Nintendo is always working on games and their directs have switched over to focusing on games within the near future so who knows wt they have in store for the next 1-2 years

masterfox1039d ago

Freakin finally somebody seeing the shovelware that is being created for a while now for the Switch, exactly like the Wii, the thing is just selling cause imo is a fad, cause if you look closely the quality of their games is below average imo.

tehpees31039d ago

I honestly do not see a new Switch getting AAA support like this one did. I will explain why.

PS4 and Xbox One (the base models) were never a full generational leap. They were underpowered 2013 consoles and were never as far ahead of the HD era as people made out. PS5 and Xbox Series are full generational leaps so I imagine a new Switch trying to keep up with them would be like PSP trying to keep up with 360 and PS3.

It can't because the default platform is a full generation ahead. PS4 (the base model) was not.

Sciurus_vulgaris1039d ago

Nintendo ever since the N64 has had issues with 3rd party. A variable combo of either: dated hardware, storage issues, underdeveloped online, weird controllers or high licensing fees, has caused issues for 3rd parties on Nintendo consoles.

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Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise Review | Gamereactor

GR writes: "Like its predecessor, Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is an experience that probably shouldn't be given a score at all, so bear that in mind when considering the number below. It's a game that is hard not to recommend, but at the same time, it's the opposite. Solving mysteries and following the story is great, but the game engine is bad, the game is littered with technical problems, and missions are either great or horrible. And still, despite all this, I have to say that I enjoyed my time while playing through Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. It is, for a lack of a better description, a blessing in disguise."

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MadLad1423d ago

Just watched Sterling's video on it, and the framerate is terrible. They also have no immediate plans to address the issue.
All we can really hope for is a PC release, or simply Switch emulation, to get the game to where it should be.

Sad. I loved the original for all its weirdness.