
Halo Infinite Graphics Criticism Addressed by Dev;Game Features a New Acoustic Engine Leveraging XSX

343i's Studio Head Chris Lee addressed the graphics criticism for Halo Infinite. He also discussed the new acoustic engine in the game, which leverages the Xbox Series X improvements to deliver a much more realistic audio experience.

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Cybermario1406d ago

time will tell, but certainly using an old demo (assuming it was one) was a bad call considering the importance of the conference and how Halo is the flagship of the brand.

Daniel21831406d ago

Im sure they’re under a lot of pressure developing a highly anticipated game during a pandemic. Even if the game releases and has improvements patched later it’s not a massive issue .

bouzebbal1406d ago

But the same guy said most ambitious title ever and praised the graphics so much after the gameplay sequence.. Why are they do fond of u turns?? Why can't they get things straight and be honest for once?

1406d ago
TripleAAARating1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

"Im sure they're under a lot of pressure developing a highly anticipated game during a pandemic."
😆 are you kidding me?? so development started February of this year?...the damage control is real man 😅... even Digital Foundry is defending this with full video analysis coming to the conclusion that the bad visuals is a result of the time of day chosen in its showcase (basically "the lighting") if that doesn't show them up as MS shills I don't know what will...lmao man the game is scheduled to release maybe in 3 or 4 months.

stuna11406d ago

Pandemic this, pandemic that! Sure it's unfortunate that "We all" are suffering, but putting thing in context, we're simply not hearing this complaint from the other console makers to this degree.

I understand teams have to be able to interact and bounce ideal off each other, but Halo infinite has in fact been in development for 5 years, well before any talk of this pandemic. And in comparison to sony showing what they have lined up to release as flagship ip's they have done more with less time during the worst of this pandemic.

All I keep hearing is excuses, when you look from a sane point of view it was Microsoft tooting their little horn and their fanbase running around throwing the confetti! Now it's time to pay the piper and they've got nothing! What's funny is how at the beginning when Microsoft started talking about Series X all we heard was Sony is scared or, Sony has nothing! Ironically Karma is a real %itch in the grand scheme of things, because from my perspective Microsoft is actually in the predicament that everyone thought Sony was in.

Looking to find fault in others, is a easy way to overlook and therefore neglect or even realize that you also have faults as well!

1406d ago
Jin_Sakai1406d ago

“Im sure they’re under a lot of pressure developing a highly anticipated game during a pandemic.”

The game has been in development for nearly 5 years. They’ve had plenty of development time. The pandemic excuse is growing old.

bouzebbal1406d ago

Horizon 2, Kena, GT7, Ratchet, Cyberpunk, Spiderman say hi!!!

Godmars2901406d ago

They were under a lot of pressure to deliver on this presentation. Period.

If they didn't, are only making excuses for why they didn't, they shouldn't have bothered in the first place.

Poopmist1406d ago

They need to delay the game until the Ray Tracing is done. Too many people on XSX playing the campaign before that is implemented would do too much damage

FGHFGHFGH1406d ago


Well their "analysis" of Gears 5 was basically them just reading a note given to them by the developers. Whenever they talk about some of it's graphics features, they don't show it in the game, they bring up some random picture to show an example of it. He even messed up and says something like "when developing gears 5, we wanted to" like he was part of the dev team.

Unspoken1406d ago

"most ambitious title ever and praised the graphics" except this could still be true of Halo Infinite. You not understanding doesn't mean they lied to you. Yet another toxic trend.

If you can't see how the pandemic has affected all parts of society, and this would include game development, the there might not much hope for you and it's no wonder we are still dragging ourselves through this critical mess.

Digital Foundry bias towards Xbox? I used to not know any better either. Out of the three guys, one likes Xbox, one absolutely hates Xbox and worships Sony, and one really loves tech and he tries to keep the peace.

Notice the person who hates? Yeah that person always, and I mean always hates anything Xbox and will attempt to trash them any chance he gets. Sony fans are toxic.

Chaos_Order1406d ago

"They're under pressure! And the pand-d-d-demic!"

There I was, creating assets for a game when, BANG! Under pressure! My hand slipped and the code went all wrong. I tried to fix it but the pandemic got me down and I started crying at my desk. In a fit of insanity I made the brute look silly and made the draw distance go all out of whack. My only solace was knowing that this was happening to every developer in the world, and nobody would be capable of actually making a game that met expectations.

343, signing out.

conanlifts1406d ago

No, they need to release finished games. I would rather a delay than an unpatched, unfinished game.

Smitty20201406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

How many more times are ppl going to blame the pandemic lol I know nothing about gaming development but am sure ppl have been working from home, and if it wasn’t ready they shouldn’t of shown it in my opinion or at least state it’s in early development

Lostbytes1406d ago

Sure it it is, this trend of releasing unfinished/broken games needs to stop. It is not ok to put out a unfinished product. Just because you can improve it later. (after they have your money) In ANY OTHER INDUSTRY this would be unacceptable.

MajorLazer1406d ago

They shouldn't release it then. Hate the practise of releasing an incomplete and/or buggy game and fixing it later, if at all.

C-H-E-F1405d ago

Ghost Of Tsushima & TLOU2 were developed during the SAME pandemic, CYBERPUNK is releasing the same time as HALO and it's a third party game made for nearly every console. Allowing Microsoft to use these excuses is why they are still in the game industry now. The only thing Microsoft brings to the table is the American Business model.

--Onilink--1405d ago

@ TripleAAARating

Are you kidding me?

He is literally calling them out for using poor lightning techniques instead of ray traced GI (and calls them out on doing this due to the game starting as One game).
He calls them out on pushing for native 4k instead of reconstruction techniques which is a waste of resources
He calls them out on their plastic materials on the brutes armor
He call them out on their effects work and even mentions how he prefers the ones in previous games
He calls them out on not using self shadows on the hands holding the gun

He gave a very detailed explanation of everything they are doing poorly and how the techniques they are using will look bad, especially when in shadows, and mentions what can be done to improve it.

In their discussion of the showcase they even talked about how it should probably be delayed and also how it was a poor showing overall

How the hell is that being biased?

ForwardDude1405d ago

The pandemic is only since March. 343i only games is Halo and Halo 5 released in 2015 meaning Halo Infinite is in development since at least 2015. They had 5 years to develop the game and only 5 months of that was during the pandemic. Microsoft Team make working from home super easy. They lost probably 2-3 week max to the pandemic. The rest is just excuses.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 1405d ago
djplonker1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

"But while it’s easy to get carried away about the prospect of playing Halo Infinite, it’s worth taking a minute to think about the enormous work put into this playable preview of Halo Infinite. While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere!"


What was shown was the best they have to show and they admit that they spent alot of time getting the demo area "pretty enough for premiere" yikes......

"while we’re happy with how it’s shaping up, there’s still lots to do! This is just a glimpse of what next-gen gaming looks like!"


stuna11406d ago

People better pay attention and pray this scenario doesn't play out like Crackdown 3! And before the fanatically frustrated rush in to defend, I'm speaking on the developmental nightmare the game went through and also the likely possibility that Halo might not get to much better looking on a graphical level.

RpgSama1406d ago

What a bunch of horseshit, up until 2 days ago this was supposed to be the presentation to DESTROY Sony, now they are making excuses about putting "PRE-ALPHA" running on a PC, only months away from release for a game that has been in development for at least 5 years and it's supposed to have a budget of $500 million, you know how behind they are that they already confirmed that Ray tracing will come out in a patch later after release.

Gamist2dot01406d ago

Damn. They really have low standards for their work. What a damn shame, and it makes me angry.

russo1211406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )


"...They really have low standards for their work..."

It's more than enough for their audience, observed by the amount of damage control all over the web...

potatoseal1406d ago

Holy hell. WOW. I can't believe it. This is bordering on a dumpster fire. We'll see, but I would not be surprised if this game and/or the console was delayed.

rainslacker1406d ago

My God. It's like their standards for next gen are as low as the xbox fanboys standards are.

Sharky2311406d ago

The almighty Phil will Waze his wand and call down the power of the cloud!! Then everyone in MS Land will live happily ever after... THE END!

Just kidding! Lol! No studio head has last two generations at Xbox. They get the messaging so wrong and can’t seem to live up to the hype they create. Then the console doesn’t perform like they want and somebody leaves. I don’t think this will happen to Phil but it will be something to watch.

morganfell1405d ago

"...it took a herculean effort..."

As a gamer I do not pay for effort. I pay for results. I am sure if I went to them and said, "I tried to pay for the game" then they would not just give it to me.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1405d ago
_SilverHawk_1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

Some people need to stop apologizing for Xbox and realize that they are liars. Reps at Xbox were saying Sony had a bad ps5 showing of their games and how they have a way better show coming up for Xbox but it was all rubbish.

I also see fanatX going on tour to Apologize for halo infinite looking really bad with all sorts of excuses. The reality is that Xbox series x is just a more powerful gaming system to play Xbox one games and there isnt a next generation Xbox. Halo infinite looks like rubbish and the gameplay looks outdated. I know Xbox will have a lot more outdated looking games coming out for a few years so people need to accept it that Xbox isn't as good as Playstation

gamer78041406d ago

So one game looking unpolished defines all of the rest of the games? That’s your argument? sounds like you need to go on tour as well....

Zeref1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

Xbox showcase was better.
Gears 4 looked bad before it launched to.

This was a demo. Too early to judge. Even the trailer they showed after the showcase already looked a little better.

Atticus_finch1406d ago

Yea one game, because that's the only gameplay they showed.

chiefJohn1171406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

The showcase was better! And the graphics of one games demo not being up to expectations does not diminish everything about the show

BLAKHOODe1406d ago

Ratchet & Clank at the PS5 showcase blew everything away that Xbox showed. R&C legit got me excited for what's to come with next-gen gaming. The Xbox showcase just reminded me it was nice to already have an Xbox One X.

WillyC0091405d ago

How anyone can actually claim the Xbox show was better is truly baffling. It was utterly pathetic. One game showed some real gameplay, and it was awful. The rest were CGI, mostly not on Xbox and the only one that was remotely interesting was Fable.

Never change people, it’s like Xbox is a cult.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1405d ago
Zeref1406d ago

Remember how gears 4 looked before launch?

Master-Tonberry1406d ago

Yes I do remember. It looked about 100x better than Halo Infinite and that was 5 years ago.

Atticus_finch1406d ago

Was gears 4 running on 12tf.
Just stop bro.

rainslacker1405d ago

It looked better than the halo demo, and while the dialogue was cringe worthy, it had better cinematics and IMO more exciting game play. Not that I'm an aficionado of FPS or anything, but I've gotten more excitement from any given years COD trailers.

King Nezz1406d ago

Exactly my thoughts. Sony has their loyal customers and fans in droves that will be there. While Microsoft has those too, I don't believe it's anywhere near Sony's. Microsoft has to be aggressive and precise. And they are not that.

The showcase was disappointing for me. I would have preferred a few minutes of actual gameplay from Forza and other 1st party games. I know that a lot of them are early, but potential adopters of the Series X are looking for something that will put no doubt that Microsoft will deliver this upcoming generation before they drop whatever amount of cash the next Xbox costs. I do believe they will deliver with the Series X, but then again, I have always preferred Xbox consoles over any other.

Minute Man 7211406d ago

Yes 100% correct. Need to see what both systems can do before shelling out $500.

medman1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

Man, I thought the days of the good old xbox done jokes were behind us, but man....Microsoft is working feverishly to bring the memes back with a fury!

rainslacker1405d ago

Maybe they're purposefully trying to do as poorly as possible to see how far they can go...because the launch of this gen may have just been a fluke and they need more data.

If that's the case, then it makes sense.

Either that, or they want to look really bad so they can turn it around later and say how they're listening, and how great they are, and phil can get some more smoke blown up his a**. That hasn't worked well for them this gen, but maybe next gen will be different. Just wait for it, and then we will see.

amazinglover1406d ago

Game begun planning in 2015 and likely didn't start development in earnest until 2016 or 17. For current gen so I have a strong feeling what we saw was more indicative of what the One X will be like then the series X. Still a bad decision too show it regardless. Especially since the pandemic may make it harder for devs to get it working on dev kits while working from home so late in the development cycle.

Graphically no next gen game for either system has wowed. Though Ratchet and Clank did show us the best example of how the SSD can be leveraged.

mkis0071406d ago

This was a series X event Everything should be indicative of series X graphics of those games. If not then it's incompetence at best.

Teflon021405d ago

Ratchet didn't wow!? Lol

The thing I don't get is how are ppl using Covid as an excuse like Sony didn't have to deal with the same issues and still provided quite a bit of gameplay in comparison lol.

DOMination-1406d ago

Game looks stunning. Not sure what all the fuss is about, the difference in quality is obvious

Xbox Series X

Sony Playstation 5

1406d ago
akurtz1406d ago

the fact that youre comparing both those games is sad.

unless you forgot /s?

Felix3131406d ago

@Global it's called Busnax from the makers of Octodad (a small independant studio)

SyntheticForm1406d ago

This is the most blatantly disingenuous post I've seen on N4G, and I've seen a lot.

AmUnRa1406d ago

O please stop...making a fool of your self, look at a Screenshot of R&C ore Horizon and than come back to defend your post....

WillyC0091405d ago

Lol, nice spin bud. Now put that scene up against a cutscene Ghost of Tsushima. Halo looks like trash next to that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1405d ago
rainslacker1406d ago

It does have to be pretty disheartening to have all this criticism thrown at the game after working on it for so long.

Minute Man 7211406d ago

Hell no they deserve it. They must have garbage artists

rainslacker1405d ago

Probably not garbage, but they do seem to be really behind schedule.

This is one of those times where a bit of humility goes a long way to quell the criticism.

Unfortunately, this isnt some random disappointing occurence, and this game was hyped up before the show
That's not all the devs fault, but the dev hasn't shown any humility here.

1406d ago
Muzikguy1406d ago

All I heard for weeks was how Sony was supposed to be worried lol.

mkis0071406d ago

So true, and frankly I thought MS had to have something substantial with all the rumors and hype going around . A lot of it was direct from xbox too. I'm starting to think Phil doesn't get it, and his gamer personality is just for show.

SyntheticForm1406d ago

I was really looking forward to seeing the potential of Slipspace Engine...

...it's not what I had in mind.


There's no justification for this, it wasn't a live event, so they didn't really needed it to be a demo. And not running it on a series x is suspicious of not concerning.

Seraphim1406d ago

if it's not ready to show or up to par then don't show it. Simple as that. The E3 trailer/teaser last year [?] was phenomenal. For a game supposedly releasing Holiday 2020 it's a bad look. A portion of the game should be far along enough to be a good example, a showcase of the actual game.

After reading some comments.
Pandemic? Yes it's a real issue causing delays and hiccups in the gaming world. But every single developer seems to have gotten over and past that. There maybe some outliers but at worst it sounds like some schedules have been pushed back 3 months. Development teams were quick to setup work from home and video chats for necessary meetings.

Digital Foundry saying the time of day. This is a showcase piece so even if that were the case the developers should've altered the time of day to make the game look better. They control the scene. honestly I call BS though I do admit there can be a drastic difference between time of day in game.

JimmyDM901405d ago

The fact that Halo Infinite was designed for Xbox one and is still a cross gen game is what’s really hurting it visually.

The compromise of keeping it on Xbox one means it’ll never compete visually and technically with next gen exclusives.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1405d ago
ccgr1406d ago

Hope they make their Halo fan base proud

russo1211406d ago

They lost that hability since x360.

1405d ago
AuraAbjure1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

I am proud of them. They did away with the squeaky hit marker and shield regeneration sound effects from Halo 5. Should be a great game now :)

solideagle1405d ago (Edited 1405d ago )

343i thinks that this demo was well polished and took hell a lot of effort. If you take "Halo" name away from that demo, I am pretty sure non-halo fans would think its an Indie game. This game was in development since 2015 and Mr. Green is giving excuses of "pandemic" which in my humble opinion is lame.

I wonder if they were to make a brand new IP than Halo. I think it's time for Xbox fans to call out Phil's lies.
Remember he said he feels confident after Sony show or the most powerful console ever. Halo was not even running on XSX, that is very embarrassing.

Now the new controversy is this new "10-year plan" halo as platform aka Destiny clone...yikes.

I hope they sort this out or delay the game to make it better for Halo fans.

IRetrouk1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

Sounds like damage control to me, the game is what it is, own it and move on, wont stop it being fun.

"The gameplay demo is a great example of how we're running on Xbox Series X, you'll be able to run at a solid 60 frames per second at up to 4K resolution."

A good few users were saying all ms first party titles would be native 4k 60fps, guess that narrative is now truly dead and buried.

Still wont stop it being fun or a good game.

djplonker1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

See my reply to cyber above to see what 343 had pre-written about the demo.

Hint: Its the most polished thing they have and is meant to "give us a glimpse of what 'next gen' loos like" they were more than happy with it apparently.

IRetrouk1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

I have not long read that, didnt think I could get any more flabbergasted, I was wrong. Also robbed to make a point 🤣👍

ForwardDude1405d ago

The best part:

"I can’t wait for the world to see what we’ve been working on. It’ll be so cathartic for everyone to see the hard work we’ve been doing all this time. I want to give Halo fans the chance to come back to that feeling, a feeling that I’ve been waiting for too."

Cathartic it is... for Sony Fan. Is disapointed the feeling he is talking about?

Atticus_finch1406d ago

This is were all the bragging about TF and "the most powerful console" bites them in the ass.
No excuses 😂😂😂

IRetrouk1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

The nothing gets held back by being cross gen is out the window and all😂

Poopmist1406d ago

No way it's steady 4K on even the highest of high end PC's after RT is implemented

Atticus_finch1406d ago

The footage we saw was on PC and probably not a cheap rig. Not very promising.

AuraAbjure1406d ago

If it's just ray traced global illumination and the XSX really boasts the new RDNA2 instruction set architecture I believe it can probably do 4k @ 60 FPS with no split - screen enabled.

specialguest1406d ago

It's going to be a fun game, but it sounds like they can't push better graphics and maintain native 4k at 60fps

IRetrouk1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

It's not native 4k

"The gameplay demo is a great example of how we're running on Xbox Series X, you'll be able to run at a solid 60 frames per second at up to 4K resolution."

Quote is from the article.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1405d ago
SpaceRanger1406d ago

So somehow they’re going to re-haul graphics and overall performance over the next few months? The amount of pop-in was bad, the shadows and texture were bad, the landscape looked like it was copy and paste.

I don’t know how MS can tout the XSX as a powerful console and then the fanbase being okay with them showing an “old build” like that at that big of an event.

morganfell1406d ago

First of all the excuse of "an old demo build" doesn't pass the smell test. Think about the logic of that. The biggest show case for them this year, and the one in a console launch year and the decision made is to use an old build. If someone chooses to believe that then it says these are the most incompetent people in the world. It is either one or the other. It isn't like you picked up the wrong remote in the dark to change the channel. This is a video that would have been reviewed by several people including Phil so stop with the BS already.

Second I have to wonder if the entire game is going to launch this fall. There has been no sign of multiplayer, no beta stress test, and just as important no announcement of a MP beta. If I were to guess I would say that part of the campaign and maybe a partial multiplayer will launch. There has been a lot of talk about this being an evolving process and they have done this for a reason.

Father__Merrin1406d ago

I think it will be delayed or it will be launched in a broken state i.e. multiplayer come after and maybe some of the missions missing etc also RTX effects can come at a later date

phoenixwing1406d ago

morgan i don't disagree on the demo part and as for your suspicion its unfinished they already verified it by saying they're releasing content like destiny does. basically copying destiny and fortnite. gaas full steam ahead

IRetrouk1406d ago

Being an old build 100% does not pass the smell test lol, the dev literally contradicts it with this statement

"While this is just a section of the final game, it took a herculean effort to make sure this little corner of our Ringworld was polished and pretty enough for its premiere!"

How can it be an old build🤔😏

morganfell1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )


Good catch. That in and of itself is an indictment.

Found the link here and they specifically link the demo as well:


So much for damage control...

IRetrouk1406d ago

There is a real effort to control it, without a doubt there man.

morganfell1406d ago

It’s time for a major website to show some journalistic integrity, not mince words and on behalf of gamers formally call out Greenberg for his lying to the public. It’s PR is not an excuse and it is wrong. This sort of thing continues from all companies because no one ever does anything about it. Here they are attempting to deceive an entire generation and it’s time for him to get clocked.

1406d ago
IRetrouk1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )

as much as I agree, it will probably never happen, not enough people ever speak up when needed, see it all the time.

Yeah kind of, they are just trying to soften the blow of how disappointed people are with how the game runs and looks, they are just doing a bad job of it, contradicting each other etc.

morganfell1406d ago (Edited 1406d ago )


I know they will not because my own statement carries the reason. Journalistic integrity required.

343 may be telling the truth as far as they understand. Maybe they really do think that video is next generation. I stated it the other day, the management at 343 in charge of hiring and assisting development talent need to be fired. They have had 3 games and a decade to get it right. They haven’t succeeded.

Regardless their own webpage clearly shows Greenberg is lying. That’s in addition to the smell test. The issues in that video are unmistakable. You can’t not see them. With that in mind consider there is no way, absolutely no way Phil Spencer got up to address the gaming world, the entire world without having seen that video at least a week in advance. He has been privy to dev builds since the beginning. Either he didn’t understand what he was looking at which makes him the wrong person to run Xbox, or he didn’t care...which makes him the wrong person to run Xbox. Gamers can pick one.

IRetrouk1406d ago

All fair points and observations, I'm not really sure who's to blame, whos really in charge etc, I just know I dont like what I'm seeing.

1406d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1406d ago
Father__Merrin1406d ago

This is pure damage control there's nothing else for it is just damage control

Show all comments (168)

Trying to push players over from PC to console is a terrible idea, PlayStation

As PlayStation announces its new strategy to encourage PC users to choose PS5 it is a bitter-sweet moment for PC gamers.

Christopher20h ago

I mean, it's a business based on hardware market. Do we expect them to not even try? It's not like Nintendo doesn't do the same by not putting any games on PC and Microsoft until recently did the same. I don't care what they attempt, as long as they don't abuse the community or lie about their goals/requirements.

Will it work? Not likely. Should we care? No. Let them waste their time, it doesn't affect anything.

RaidenBlack20h ago

let them try ... at the end of the day, we get few extra PC games ... yay ... and also promotes game preservation via PC ... so double yay.

LordoftheCritics3h ago

If only Playstation games provided the ease of pc gaming features.

Primary being very few PS games support m/kb.

Fishy Fingers19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

I wish them the best of luck.

But PC players are often a patient bunch, many will even wait for Epic launcher exclusivity to end until a game comes to Steam.

If they didnt buy the console when its games were exclusive, why would they do it now theyre not?

MrNinosan5h ago

Way more do than you probably think.

ravens525h ago

All you need is that one game that'll make a few switch at a time. Like a game a PC player REALLY wants.

outsider16241h ago

I mean if there's 10 million pc gamers out there...getting atleast just 1 million from there is probably a good thing..right?

-Foxtrot19h ago

PC gamers are just too patient and loyal to their gaming set ups, something they've spent a lot of money on to perfect. They have backlogs of games which many never get round to finishing or get round to at all and will always have other multiplatform releases to keep them going.

Over the many years Sony has published so many awesome titles such as The Last of Us, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Infamous, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, Dreams, Puppeteer, Resistance, Heavy Rain, Gran Turismo, Motor Storm, God of War, Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne

If none of those games BEFORE all these PC ports convinced a hardcore PC gamer to get a PS5 console then why on Earth would porting them them to PC now make any difference? All PC gamers now know 100% is that they just have to be patient, which they are good at anyway to get a PS5 game 2 years later.

I get GaaS games or multiplayer focused titles but if people really want to play these games they'd have gotten a PS console years ago.

Crows902h ago

Not sure they're aiming to convince the hardcore PC gamer.

Not sure why people are obsessing over his comment...it seems pretty simple to me.

He will do all he can to entice gamers to move to his ecosystem. As you say....exclusives existing hasn't moved many gamers over. But if they get to try them and love the games then they might change their mind about waiting 2 years.

We're in an echo chamber on this site...I've Personally seen people with Xbox and PC setups but no PlayStation. I've also seen people with small PC setups but no console. Not every pc gamer invests thousands and many may decide to put one in the living room.

They're not looking to convince all of players to buy a PlayStation...just a few...and really it is just a PR statement after all...they have to give a reason why single player won't release day 1....not to mention they also have to ensure current PlayStation gamers don't jump ship to PC. It goes both ways and they're ignoring the big L by putting any of their games off their platform.

anast1h ago

"Not sure they're aiming to convince the hardcore PC gamer."

Right here

Kakashi Hatake1h ago

PC gamers think tomorrow is promised. Sorry, don't have time for that.

Michiel198949m ago

it's not just about loyalty or sunk cost, pc is an open platform while consoles are closed platforms. If you for example want to mod, you will play on pc, no question about it. Also if you like indie games, steam is a fucking goldmine for that. I've been playing a lot of indie games over the last years and there just seems to be an endless amount of them on steam. Also not having games locked to a certain fps is a prettty big deal for me and I assume a lot of other pc players.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 49m ago
helicoptergirl19h ago

Who cares? Then just stay on PC and play the waiting game. No big deal. Sony wins in the end anyway.

Number1TailzFan19h ago

I mean if there's any single player Sony games that I actually want that aren't on PC then I would buy said console to play them on. But the ones that I like that aren't on PC are few and far between anyway so no loss for me.

If I game, it's usually multiplayer titles, otherwise I like playing around with some other software.

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ARK: Survival Ascended Premium Mods on Consoles Q&A - By 2030, Time Spent on UGC Will Be Way Bigger

ARK: Survival Ascended has introduced Premium Mods on consoles. Wccftech talked to Studio Wildcard and their partner Overwolf about the rising importance of user-generated content, especially for live service games.

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Halo Infinite's Split-Screen is One Step in The Right Direction

Halo Infinite has spilt screen PvP, but it's still missing another classic multiplayer feature that should be completed before Halo 7.

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Jin_Sakai6d ago

Putting on PS5 is another step in the right direction so the player base can grow.

anast6d ago

How many years has it been?