
4 Reasons Why Grounded Is a Win for Xbox

Chris writes: "This week saw the release of Obsidian Entertainment's survival/ base-building title, Grounded in Early Access. Here's four reasons it's a huge win for Xbox."

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Vits1401d ago

I liked the game so far. And it's the most polished early access title I've ever played. The only problem is that there is a lack of content, especially in terms of survival as there are not many threats or variable scenarios. Obviously that is something that will be addressed as they develop the game, being a early access and all. But if you went to it now, expecting Minecraft 1.5 levels of possibilities you are going to be disappointed.

And besides the game being actually soli, one of the best things about it is that it's being made by Obsidian. At this point most people know how solid of a developer they are as far as RPGs are concerned. So it's a nice change of pace to see they tackling a different genre and actually delivering.

Minute Man 7211401d ago ShowReplies(15)
sprinterboy1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

You like the game so far apart from the lack of content? Lol that don't make any sense.
Early access, you mean bare bones GaaS model which will be unfortunately 75% of gamepass nxt gen to keep you subscribing for 12minths and not just 1 month and cancel.

King_Noctis1401d ago

Have you played this game yet?

1401d ago
DJStotty1400d ago

There is literally minimal GAAS titles in the xbox game studios library, or even gamepass.

Please enlighten us and list the GAAS under microsofts umbrella and included in gamepass.

I'll start you off :-

Sea of Thieves


MarkyMark891400d ago (Edited 1400d ago )

@SprinterBoy The top genre's are Moba and Survival titles on PC, and the biggest player base by far is PC so what does that say...But forget that, you seem like one to have never play a survival game so why are you here again? People enjoy early access and especially survival games where the community helps flesh out the game over the years. Rust is a prime example of the positive side of early access titles, while Ark is the negative that comes with them. But that is with all games not just early access, if survival is not your thing why bother commenting?

Not everybody wants that single player, linear experience my dude. Don't get why you Sony fanboys don't get that. Main reason I switched from PS4 to PC was the games, I am tired of single player games I beat in 20-40 hours, don't care how good they are. When Sony finally decides to bring back some good Multiplayer games they own Syphon Filter, Socom, maybe get Insomniac to work on a new Resistane, then I will look into buying a PS5 but until then I will enjoy gaming on PC with my Steam sales, all the free games Epic keeps dishing out and also dabbling in the titles they put on Game Pass for PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1400d ago
Petebloodyonion1401d ago ShowReplies(1)
sero331401d ago

polished? it has plenty of bugs. dont get me wrong. im absolutely enjoying the game. sure there is a lack of content but the groundwork's there for a solid survival game. but some of the bugs are getting really frustrating. spiders will spawn right on me when i wake up from sleeping. mobs of 10 or more larva spawn inside my fort destroying everything. soldier ants will camp paths and never leave. it just makes exploring hard when you have mobs trying to kill you spawn next to you every second.

badz1491401d ago

plenty of bugs?? is that a pun?

TheProblem1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

MS still have a lot to prove with their studios. They took Rare, a legendary studio. Probably top 3 in the world and reduced them to nothing.

After acquiring all these studios, so far the first release from them is bleeding edge by Ninja Theory. The lowest rated game they have ever released.

Now we also have grounded which has little content. Microsoft have been talking big but the results speak for themselves

King_Noctis1401d ago

You do realize games take time to make right? Games like Bleeding Edge and Grounded are just side projects for their studios. Let not pretend like big AAA games like Fable, Hellblade 2, Forza, or Avowed aren't coming.

1401d ago
Question_Mark1398d ago


Shhhh! Don’t use logic on Sony fanboys! It confuses them.

DJStotty1398d ago

Rare started failing before MS took over, people leaving, etc etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1398d ago
King Nezz1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

I was telling my brother when they add areas how amazing it would be to fly into the kitchen through the window on a bee. That would be funny.

Kribwalker1401d ago

Man Obsidian was such a huge get for MS. The outer worlds was awesome, grounded is a big success in early access, and Avowed’s trailer really hooked me and i can’t wait to get more info on that. These guys seem to be crushing it

chiefJohn1171400d ago

Ah Christopher! I been looking for you!

chiefJohn1171401d ago ShowReplies(1)
1401d ago
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Darkborn1401d ago

Honestly this is the only game that I liked from th rmicrosoft showcase except for probably avowed, even though no real gameplay was shown of avowed.

1401d ago
GunHoCharlieA11401d ago

Oh, man is this a trend we're noticing here with XGS pumping out CGIs and solid textured colred games? Where is the action-adventure gameplay and exclusives?

PyroMessiah861401d ago

Don't knock the game until you tried it. It's a decent game.

1401d ago
1400d ago
King_Noctis1401d ago ShowReplies(3)
phoenixwing1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

basically microsoft is lucky they bought obsidian, the only real people who know what they're doing out of all their studios besides the ones who do their forza racing games. maybe ninja theory too but they're getting typecast a little with hellblade

RamRod881401d ago

Obsidian is the only talented developer at MS. Oh maybe Ninja Theory too, Turn 10, playground games, The initiative, The coalition, Inxile, Rare, Double Fine, but that's it! Nobody else!

phoenixwing1401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

inxile aren't all that great, double fine's claim to fame is psychonauts which gameplay wise is crap, it's only lauded because of writing and interesting level design that doesn't all come together well. rare is a shell of itself, the coalitions last game is microtransaction infested, the initiative is unproven and hasn't made a game yet so don't act like they're golden when they aren't. i already said turn 10 was ok because they made racing games.

so yeah i said 3 devs what of it. i didn't say all the others are that great and i stand by it

edit: also if you payed any attention to the development of the halo game you would know that they cantract out the work instead of hiring permanent staff because they're trying to save a buck and it's creating development hell for the few that are actually staying on

FlavorLav011401d ago (Edited 1401d ago )

And still, not a single Sony Santa Monica,
Sucker Punch, or Naughty Dog caliber exclusive debatably since Halo 3 or Gears of War 3(outside of Forza), a full generation ago. Wish it wasn’t so hard to admit for some that it has indeed been a bit of drought for those looking for those big ARPG experiences from studios with 1st hand knowledge of their hardware

1401d ago
Melankolis1401d ago

They're all good. But i think they are too predictable. Look at Guerilla, suddenly they make Horizon after Killzone, Sucker Punch make Tsushima after Infamous, and Santa Monica, when we we thought God of War was finished, they rehaul everything in it.

RamRod881401d ago

Inxile and Double Fine have been around for about 20 year. They've been getting by with releasing terrible games this whole time. Psychonauts 2 and Wasteland 3 look absolutely horrible. /s Sea of Thieves is probably Rares most successful game to date and Everwild looks excellent.

Let's ignore the fact Gears 5 story is great, has some issues, but still better than 4s. How many of Sonys developers release a game with as much content as Gears 5? A story mode, multiplayer, escape mode, level creator, and Horde? I'm sure if The Coalition only focused on making an excellent story and nothing else, I'm sure they would nail it. Lets not forget they helped Splash Damage make Gears Tactic throughout development, which turned out great.The Initiative hasn't released a game yet, but once they do, I have no doubt it will be anything less than great simply based on the talent they have there. But sure, we'll take them out of the equation for now.
I've been paying attention to the development of Halo infinite so I'm aware of the contractors they've been hiring and other things going on. I'm sure with the COVID, it certainly has put more stress on the developers to get the game ready to ship this holiday. They have some issues internally for sure. I'm still confident Halo Infinite will be a great game. I know the graphics aren't where we all expected the game to be around this time, but then I look at everything else going on in the game, I see a game that lives up to the Halo standards. I'm going to reserve final judgement once the game fully releases.

King_Noctis1400d ago

“ They're all good. But i think they are too predictable. ”

Did anyone predicted that Obsidian would make Avowed? Ninja Theory would make Project Mira? Rare would make Everwild?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1400d ago
1401d ago
Gunstar751401d ago

Typecast? They made 1 hellblade game...

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Grounded PS5 Review - Buggy, In a Good Way | COGconnected

Grounded is a survival and crafting game about kids that find themselves in a miniature backyard world, originally on PC/Xbox and now on PS5

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anast33d ago

Never read an article that begins with "fan boys", it's a waste of time.


Grounded comes to PS5 and Switch - but performance is a problem

DF investigates Grounded on PS5 and Switch - how does the game compare to the original Xbox release? And how does cross-play work?

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gold_drake38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

360 to 720 p

what did they do lol even on the ps5 its horrendous looking

Palitera33d ago

Long story short: shouldn't be bought on PS5. Screw these guys.


Grounded (Nintendo Switch) Review - CGMagazine

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