
Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy, Coming To Nintendo Switch in One Collection This Month

Today Nintendo announced that Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Sunshine will be making their way to the Switch in one remastered collection called Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

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Nitrowolf21367d ago

No Galaxy 2?
Looks like a direct 64 port rather than the DS port which looks better and has more content
Limited run until March 2021, this is including digital

Man Nintendo what you doing

-Foxtrot1367d ago

Yeah they could have went HUGE with this

Even get Super Mario 3D World on there

Maybe a really cool collectors edition


chownk1367d ago

3D world was announced during the direct as well:

-Foxtrot1366d ago

Ohhh so they are separating it


Sonic-and-Crash1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

very good offer imo...i never played Mario Sunshine and it was one of games i wanted to own ....

aslo here a very good example of marketing from Ninty ....not only they dont release Mario on PC but even on their own console release it in limited numbers ..............and the crowd goes nuts to buy the thing ...you hear that Sony???

mikeslemonade1366d ago

Don’t want the galaxy games but okay

bouzebbal1366d ago

Yet some more lazy ports.. Nintendo support for Switch is ridiculous..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1366d ago
Outlawzz1366d ago

They need to nickel and dime this as much as possible. Limited run is to increase demand for winter if people think it's not going to be available anymore. Marketing schemes all around

--Onilink--1366d ago

I mean, do they really need to artificially create demand for a Mario game?
Its hard to think of a franchise with longer legs (even taking into account the lack of discounts) than this one.

Its just plain weird for Nintendo to do this. Even 2 years from now it would still be full price and probably still selling a decent amount

1366d ago
DivineHand1251366d ago

Thought I was the only person that noticed because when I checked the comment section on YouTube the game was being showered with praise. I think they should have remade Mario 64 with more modern graphics and include Galaxy 2 since the collection now feels incomplete.

iplay1up21366d ago

I have been playing Galaxy 2 and Zelda WindWaker HD on my Wii U.

DoubleTTB221366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

Honestly I'm more surprised that they aren't releasing the games individually on a month by month bases as a year of Mario sort of thing. Outside of backwards compatibility on certain consoles Nintendo has always been really bad about making older games available at a reasonable cost. A collection would almost be a step up for them if it wasn't timed.

Antnee5341366d ago

So if you dont buy it before then you cant buy it even on digital that's insane.

fitofficial1366d ago

I'm wondering how they're going to implement the star bits from Galaxy. There's not really a way to point at the screen and collect them with the switch.

Unknown_Gamer57941366d ago

The Switch Joycons have motion control, and for handheld mode and the Lite, the touchscreen can be used. Nintendo has confirmed this, so that's one thing they haven't screwed up with this collection at least.

fitofficial1366d ago

Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. I'd like to play with the Pro controller I paid $65 for... what a jerk, right? Some of ya'll need to go outside and feed some ducks or something.

For anyone else interested I found an article saying Galaxy is compatible with the Pro controller.


Edgelordsupreme1366d ago

You specified that there was not really a way to point at the screen, thats not really true and so - Two disagrees. You didn't specify you wanted to play with a pro controller, perhaps if the question was "How do you point at the screen for the star bits with a pro controller" may have been a better question.

Keep that blood pressure high I guess.

deafdani1366d ago

The pro controller has the same gyro sensors as the Joycon, so maybe it would use that, along with the right stick... just a guess.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1366d ago
badz1491366d ago

WOW! and they are releasing these games AS THEY ARE? no effort whatsoever except making them playable on the Switch?

BrockEmSockEm1366d ago

I thought only the physical was limited?

Apex131366d ago

Jesus, people are never happy or satisfied.

Homushi1366d ago

What're you talking about. this collection is amazing and what we have all been asking for. Nintendo did amazing. The limited run is for the physical edition onlky.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1366d ago
SoulWarrior1367d ago

Why is it only available for 6 months? Also I hope it at least gets the 1080p/60fps treatment, 64 at least looked no different to me, feel this is a wasted opporunity but I don't think I'll be able to pass up the chance to have 3 of my favourites all on the same platform.

KnightNumber861366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

I am going to guess that the collection will be a limited that once complete, they will sell them individually at a higher price.

Unknown_Gamer57941366d ago

They are scummy like that. Or perhaps the only way to play them will be to stream them. Once they start adding games from later systems to the service they can start charging more for it. Either way, they probably have some underhanded plan to take us for all we're worth. Snagging the collection when we can is probably the best option even if these games do get re-released again somehow.

RaidenBlack1366d ago

Nintendo, would love to see Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess for Switch too.
And make it available for only 6 days this time.

gold_drake1366d ago

its "limited" for 6 months because they want people to buy it. if its available forever, people get it whenever. either that or another mario game is coming out next year ha.

Kurt Russell1366d ago

I feel the exact same. A little disappointed, but unable to avoid picking the title up for my Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1366d ago
Relientk771367d ago

A limited time release, really? Of course Nintendo finds a way to screw it up. Guess they don't want people's money.

RosweeSon1366d ago

I think it’s more they don’t wanna live in the past happy to dip back in on special occasions but they have a new current system they always trying to innovate. It’s 35th anniversary so they celebrating but like mini nes and SNES they won’t be around forever limited runs (still in the millions) get em while you can. 6 months is plenty of time really. They could have actually made it properly limited or just not bothered at all.

Bleucrunch1366d ago

love making them rationalization I see.

remixx1161366d ago

What are you even talking about?? ninty does more ports and rereleases than Sony and MS combined. Lol all they do is live in the past. Even their new games are just continuations and sequels of franchises they've been doing for years.

RosweeSon1366d ago

Remixx116 you realise how stupid that is of course Nintendo do more rereleases than Microsoft no one wanted to play binx the cat back in the day let alone now they don’t have the quality BC of games Nintendo or Sony do. Hence this whole we’re BC next gen is laughable. 🤷🏻‍♂️😑 🤣

tombfan1366d ago

More like... they want peoples money... but full price, not with a discount, let's be honest whoever is going to buy the edition will buy it in the first months.

RosweeSon1366d ago

Well of course they want money they are like any other business that sells products. Full price? It’s 3 top notch games for the price of 1 Fifa each and every year 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷 🏻‍♂️😂

tombfan1366d ago

I'm not complaingin Roswee, I've never hated the gaming business, there are people who bash it all the time, but they need to remember it exists to make money.

GameBoyColor1366d ago

Oh theyll get their money lol. Nintendo is smart with their artificial scarcity and will even reap the single sales at full price later. All because it's mario. Scummy move but smart from a business stand point

AnnaDea1366d ago

When the texture packs looks better on emulators than official releases....

CaptainObvious8781366d ago

Don't worry, ninty fans will still blindly eat it up.

Terry_B1366d ago

Other companies are able to completely remake their old games (Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, Medieval come to mind) but Nintendo..one of the biggest game companies is only able to release Ports of some of their best games of the last 25 years.

They look really cheap in comparison to their competitors. And that Galaxy 2 is not on board and that Mario 64 does not have the extras from the DS version makes it even worse.

thesoftware7301366d ago

You make some good points.

With that said IMO the 3D Mario games were better and more fun that the games you listed and I like collecting stuff ,so I will buy it.

yomfweeee1366d ago

Because Nintendo fans will eat up anything for their major franchises. The whole Switch generation is built on games that were released on previous systems.

SegaGamer1366d ago

Because the fans never push for anything better.

CaptainObvious8781366d ago

And this is why I keep asking the question, why the hell is the switch selling so much when ninty have shown their continual lazy behaviour?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1366d ago
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Nintendo million sellers - Super Mario 3D All-Stars at 9 million, Link's Awakening over 6 million

Nintendo has just provided some updated information on several of their Switch million seller titles via CESA 2022. As such, we’ve got some new sales figures for a few of these titles.

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brewin635d ago

Awesome to see Bayonetta 2 get over a million and the Xenoblade games to do so well! Good numbers all around. Nice to see Nintendo recover after the Wii U.


Nintendo Shipped 60,000 Units Of Super Mario 3D All-Stars After Limited Release

With the release of the White Book, Super Mario 3D All-Stars lifetime sales hit a new total of 9.07 million.

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I still have a sealed copy of this game. I heard it was going to be a limited release so I never opened it. I wouldn’t exactly call 9mil limited however.

640d ago Replies(1)
MasterChief3624640d ago

It is highly doubtful this game will increase in value, especially on the level that some were expecting. This is one of those "limited" releases that isn't limited at all, like you said. Getting a sealed version of this and keeping it like that will not net you much profit, I can guarantee it.

Knushwood Butt640d ago

Maybe they limited it to 10 million.

Limited lol

Nintendo get away with it again.

HeliosHex640d ago

Nintendo played us yet again. Fattened up their pockets by using the coveted limited release tactic to gain profits by secretly releasing more than they said was available.
I feel this as bad as insider trading. There's a law broken somewhere here. It doesn't feel right. Bastards never again will I listen to their bs.

Sgt_Slaughter640d ago

Who knew Nintendo could piss someone off just by operating as a business that likes money.

CrimsonWing69640d ago

Are you familiar with the concepts of “bad business ethics” and “damaging the confidence of consumers”?

Making money for your business doesn’t always equate to a company doing what’s right.

Neonridr639d ago (Edited 639d ago )

I mean I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who bought the collection just wanted the games to play again.

Just a hunch though.

HeliosHex639d ago

Lol I wasn't one of them.

brewin639d ago

Well I wouldn't buy something they said was limited but didn't included any limited edition stuff. There was no special box or special edition items included so the writing was on the wall. Its like they were trying the old Disney tactic and telling everyone this would go back in the vault soon. Im more upset that it didn't include the excellent Mario Galaxy 2.

Necr0philiac639d ago

Remember amiibo's or how Nintendo was creating artificial Wii shortages! The Wii dominated the news without even having any good games. Parents most of the time are clueless and listen to what media deems popular or sold out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 639d ago
Smellsforfree639d ago

It was stupid to make it a limited release to begin with. No matter, it is pretty easy to find used copies for people who missed it and want the collection. It is a fine collection, especially having Mario Galaxy which is a pain to emulate because of the controls.

brewin639d ago

Can they just do the Zelda collection already?! Yes we know Mario is popular. But damnit I want a Zelda collection of all the handheld games, including the 3ds remakes of Ocarina and Majora along with the great and underappreciated Link Between Worlds.