
Nintendo Switch (OLED model) - Announcement Trailer

"Meet the newest entry to the Nintendo Switch family! Nintendo Switch (OLED model) brings the versatility of the Nintendo Switch experience with a vibrant 7-inch OLED screen, a wide adjustable stand, and more. Nintendo Switch (OLED model) releases on October 8."

Doge1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

OLED screen is nice. Extra storage and Ethernet Port should've been there from the beginning though. Probably no performance upgrade though which is a shame.

--Onilink--1060d ago

Yeah, more of a traditional revision than anything else, and given that its coming out this year (around 4 years and 7 months in its lifecycle), not that surprising to be honest.

Not that interesting to me since most of the upgrades are in handheld mode, but its still a decent revision. I would imagine these are going to be the screen in a Switch 2 in late 2021 or early 2022 if it comes out within the usual 5ish year cycle Nintendo has done in the past

Outlawzz1060d ago

I think Nintendo has stated they want this gen to last a bit longer this time around. I'm expecting 2023 for any new version switch tbh, which sucks cus I was looking for the rumored pro to be able to hold me off until then lol

--Onilink--1060d ago

Switch 2 in late 2022 or early 2023*

CobraKai1060d ago

Part of me is kinda relieved that it’s only an OLED screen. Since I game mostly in docked mode, I can use the money I woulda spent on upgrading towards new games.

-Foxtrot1060d ago

Yeah not what was rumoured and built up

Where’s the performance upgrades and the like

Tacoboto1060d ago

Nintendo's prepping a full price port of Star Fox Zero just to give review copies to the editors that ran these rumors.

The first bullet point will be "Performance Enhanced for 1080p displays"

bouzebbal1060d ago

My HD ready screen from 2006 cannot wait for this beast

wiz71911060d ago

And it needs the performance upgrades so much, I love the Switch and games looks good on it. Tried playing Apex Legends on it and my god is it ugly on the Switch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1060d ago
Muigi1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

PS5, PC, Switch is all you need. This is a day 1 for me.

roadkillers1060d ago

PS5, PC with XCloud subscription, and Switch ;)

Don't leave out the Xbox subscription, Flight Simulator, Forza, and infinite!!

1060d ago
Tacoboto1060d ago

*cringes in awkward shill*

Kaze881059d ago

Prepped my Xbox acc and all things for upcoming Win11. Then I check the game pass for fun what they have in there....I already own almost everything I want from their library. Maybe in the future then I guess. Also no, flight simulator and Infinite are not a selling point for me. Forza would be interesting to try.

spicelicka1060d ago

Lmao "ALL" you need, you named 3/4 platforms...

I think Xbox Series X/PS5 is the best combo if you mainly like mature games. Much cheaper than PC/PS5 unless you're upgrading a PC instead of getting a new one.

Switch and PC is also a good combo.

Fntastic1060d ago

Well some people use their PC for much more than just gaming so..

And some prefer KB & Mouse as it's superior to a controller, especially for FPS & strategy / management games etc.

Muigi1060d ago

My point is there is no reason to have a xbox when everything comes to PC as well and with superior performance.

N1GHT_W0LF_X1060d ago

A PC with the specs required to surpass the performance of an Xbox Series X would cost at least 3 times more than the XSX itself though.

spicelicka1059d ago

Well I'll give you a good reason. Your assumption is true but only applies to people who already have a decent gaming PC and all they need to do is upgrade the graphics card. Not everyone magically has a gaming PC. To build one equivalent to a Series X can cost more than double the price of a Series X, even just the graphics card is as much as the Series X itself. Many people also don't like to game on PCs, or they prefer to set up consoles on big screen TVs, or not have to deal with optimization issues. For the price of a gaming PC you can pretty much get both Series X and a PS5, that's a huge gaming library for console gamers, and with Gamepass the value is undeniable.

AspiringProGenji1060d ago

No performance upgrade. Pass

Welcome to 2012 Nintendo

Levii_921060d ago

What are you serious ? Did they confirm that ?! Well what a disappointment then if true Nintendo just keeps letting me down. Hard pass for me too .. i mean what’s the point of a bigger OLED screen if the specs are shitty as before.

ThisPlaceIsToxic1060d ago

Agreed. Those jaggies will look GREAT on that OLED screen 😂

darthv721060d ago

Yeah, missed opportunity to have made improvements all around and be the switch pro people have been asking for.

specialguest1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

Nintendo showing yet again that they don't need a complete system overhaul to make big lasting sales. I think many Nintendo fans will buy this. They're in a unique place to be able to do this. I guess it'll be the year 2030 until we get a 4k Zelda game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1060d ago
Vits1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

The OLED screen is nice and the Ethernet Port is a good addition. But the other upgrades are just so pitiful... Personally I don't think it is worth the extra $50 that they are asking over the normal Switch.

OMGitzThatGuy1060d ago

Oh it's worth the 50 for the OLED and built in ethernet but 100% not worth if you already have a Switch. Literally no incentive to upgrade.

Vits1060d ago

I have to disagree. The upgrade is so little for the extra money that I don't see anyone that was on the fence about the console making the plunge for this model. If anything I could see it appealing more to owners of the OG Switch or the Switch Lite. As the first are probably suffering with the low battery life of the original model while the latter would make use of the OLED screen as they play primarily undocked.

Tacoboto1060d ago

The battery on my launch unit Switch is shit after all these years, been mostly Handheld. The first model of the system only got to about half of what the current one is.

Wish it wasn't $350 either, but finally getting that better battery life in a screen better than a Fire tablet is welcome.

Vits1060d ago

You and the people that only own a Switch Lite are the public that I feel this would appeal more to. As you guys do have a OG model so the difference in screen will be apparent and it is a upgrade. Even if a small one.

Though I would wait a little before buying one if I was you. Because Nintendo did cut a lot of corners with the Switch already - low speed internal memory, below limit RAM, inadequate thermal solution, joy con drift, etc. So I wouldn't be surprised if they are also using low quality OLED screens for this model and that can be a problem in a year or two.

Cyb3r1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

My aging 1080p TV is ready lol

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Inverno10h ago

Jesus. The AAA space is gonna implode on itself. We went from "indie is the future" to shutting down devs who make smaller budget games to make way for games that take 7 years to develop and blow through half a billion bucks with almost nothing to show for it.

badboyz099h ago

You guys act all upset but don't buy the games. I bet none of you bought RollerDROME!

qalpha6h ago

I bought 'No Rest for the Wicked', which is published by Private Division, so it does concern me about its future.


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