
Halo Infinite Developers Considered Delaying the Game Again

Speaking to these delays and the reasons why 343 opted not to push Halo Infinite back once again, the studio's creative lead, Joseph Staten, opened up about the conversations that have been had in recent months. "Yeah, I mean we talked about doing [delaying the game]. But where we landed is that Halo Infinite is a live game, so it isn't ever really "done."

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-Foxtrot1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

"But where we landed is that Halo Infinite is a live game, so it isn't ever really "done."

And there's your excuse if it fails to live up to expectations or lacks features at launch...

Jin_Sakai1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

The game has been in development for 6 years and they still considered delaying the game again. On top of that it’s launching without Forge and the Co-op. 343i seem incapable of handling the Halo franchise.

DarXyde1013d ago

I still think another delay would have been in the best interest of the game. Ideally, you want to give people the best first impression possible. I'm not sure if it's right to say they are incapable of handling the franchise. I suspect the scale of what they want to do is tripping them up. I would say that would hurt reviews, but I don't think Microsoft cares about reviews anymore on first party titles. It'll be on Game Pass, so there doesn't seem to be a risk. It feels like a monetization strategy, frankly. Release it in pieces/seasons so people stay subbed to GP. Kinda gross, but as long as Sony and Nintendo don't do the same, I don't care.

SyntheticForm1013d ago

I've never liked a 343 Halo game. For me Halo peaked with Halo 2 which in my opinion had the perfect gun/grenade/melee formula with the BR/nades/and melee. Halo 3 was pure fun, though I thought the gun battles were just a smidge lesser than Halo 2's, probably due to the inclusion of other things.

So, Bungie all the way with Halo for me.

NeoGamer2321013d ago Show
TheLeapist1013d ago

@NeoGamer232 Jesus christ, does your dad work at 343? What on earth does ghost of tsushima have to do with Halo? Who mentioned microsoft or sony? Dear lord, the irony of you comment and you don't even see it.

NeoGamer2321013d ago Show
Livingthedream1013d ago

@Darx I don’t think it has anything to do with game pass. It’s been a long development cycle i imagine the cost has been significant and it’s way over due to release. I think the lack of coop is a big deal, but don’t care for forge. Would it benefit from a delay? Possibly, how long would it have to be delayed to add those features? I think that’s the real question, if it’s near a year, I’d rather have the game now.

TheDoomedGuy1013d ago

Ghosts of Tsushima took as long as it did to create a whole new IP. An IP which may see future iterations. And a game that once released was met with awe and applause.
They added features afterwards that were never requested or expected.

Halo on the other hand is a long standing franchise will little to no innovation from one iteration to the next. It has the same playstyle, same enemies, lots of the same weapons and even samey environments. It's taken them 6 years to release a multiplayer a en single player campaign, of which the first showing was quite poor.

Good job comparing a completely new IP that was not even expected to impress with halo...

Chevalier1013d ago

" I was simply pointing out that a very similar thing happened with Ghosts. 6 years of development, shipped without some key features that were added several months after the game shipped. Nobody was complaining then, but because it is Microsoft,, this is a international state of emergency, the sky is falling, and the world has come to an end as we know it."

No need to get mad at TheLeapist. Your comparison is just idiotic as pointed out multiple times. It doesn't make sense even. Ghost of Tsushima took 6 years because the IP is NEW and the team is literally 1/5 of 343s Halo team. Plus Suckerpunch not ONLY managed to complete the game, they also did free MP and expansion before Halo even releases. MP wasn't expected either.

Sunny_D1013d ago


What a disingenuous comment to compare GOT to Halo. GOT didn’t take all 6 years to develop. Sucker Punch were developing a prior cancelled game before they started production on GOT. You can see the trailer for the cancelled game on YouTube. GOT was also released in full. No one was anticipating a multiplayer option. The game was sold as a single player story. The multiplayer was a bonus that surprised many people when it was announced. Not to mention , GOT is a brand new IP and it still released sooner than Halo Infinite. Halo has always been a single player game and multiplayer game. This is such a clown take.

The Wood1013d ago Show
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1013d ago Replies(11)
343_Guilty_Spark1013d ago

It won't fail though...just because you want it too.

-Foxtrot1013d ago

Why do people take shit so personal, I don't want it to fail, I'm just reacting to these silly comments from 343/Microsoft about Halo Infinite.

The Wood1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Deflection. . .

If it fails its because its s#ite and people capp'd for it whilst sticking their heads in the sand not because of peoples wants. You should have more issue with those using 'it's on gp' as a pacifier for incomplete/ sub par games. Shout out to the actual halo fans who are voicing their issues with this game. Without them its easier for developers to ram gamers with zero lube

SullysCigar1013d ago Show
Pickledpepper1012d ago

You are correct, people dumb people do fall for marketing and pr, just like I did with

UltraNova1012d ago

The Wood using the word lube...that's gold right there!

PS, agreed.

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phoenixwing1013d ago

While i own a gaming pc and therefore am required at the bare minimum to want microsoft to do well I agree with you foxtrot. This is just them letting people know they set the bar low for themselves. I mean it's on gamepass so what do you expect anyways? You can't have a cheap service and expect the highest of quality at every single step. They'll cut corners until game pass becomes profitable enough to sustain the quality.

ApocalypseShadow1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Lol. I usually don't jump into things like this. But this is insane. 2 TRILLION dollar market cap. 500+ million dollars to create the game. Over 750 employees working on it. 6 years in the making with over a year delay. And they're going to release it half finished without content normally there for Halo.

Finish the fight? These guys can't even finish the job.

That 7.5 billion dollars buying Zenimax should have went into finishing this game. What's going on over there at 343? What's Microsoft doing? The incompetence.

Aloymetal1013d ago

Now watch the game gets praised like the second coming of Jesus, especially here in the U.S. by the biased media. I can already see the titles of the reviews…
Can’t blame them though, that’s all MS gaming division have going for them, the PR, hype and promises. Nobody really cares about the brand and its games outside of the U.S. and maybe UK

Sitdown1013d ago

Talk about short sighted.

Chevalier1013d ago

Just look at the excuses flowing out. Like Neogamer in this very thread compares how Suckerpunch took 6 years and MP afterwards and no one complained. Uhhh.... Suckerpunch took 6 years with ONLY 160 people to create a NEW IP and added free MP later. Reason no one complained? MP wasn't expected and added for free.

But yeah let's make excuses for the studio that is 5x the size, $500 million budget and help from another huge AAA studio. The idiocy to even suggest the 2 scenarios between those 2 studios being the same in ANY way is disingenuous. It's probably good they came put and said all this, it's great to set that bar real low.

fr0sty1013d ago

This is why you don't call your game something that has to do with a long amount of time... like Duke Nukem Forever.

-Hermit-1013d ago

What is going on with game development these days? I remember a few years ago devs were saying it's easier than ever to make games because these game engines are so much easier to work with compared to the past. So if this is the case, why are they buggy, lack content and take so much longer to develop?

Christopher1012d ago

Mostly it's a lot of management issues with poor utilization of time, changing milestones, etc.

Chevalier1013d ago Show
CobraKai1013d ago

I gotta give him props. That’s one of the best bullsh*t excuses I’ve heard. 👏👏👏

CrimsonWing691013d ago

It’s kind of disturbing that’s the mentality they have with developing the game. At one point they decided to not rush out a project and now they say f*ck it, send it out as is and they’ll fix it post-launch.

FinalFantasyFanatic1013d ago

Aww shit, this is going to be Duke Nukem and FF15 all over again, I know exactly how this is going to go down.

1013d ago
ElvisHuxley1012d ago

Sea of Thieves all over again. Pay $60 for an unfinished game, and a few year later, you'll get your money's worth. I guess this is what they mean by GaaS. Eh, to each their own I guess.

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CaptainHenry9161013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Like I said they would. I don't like the fact it's going to be a live service game😕

WillyC0091013d ago

Should have delayed it. It’s incomplete and missing standard features. Seems like a no brainer.

Christopher1012d ago

It's got the most standard features, which are MP and SP. It's the extras it's known for, co-op and forge (typically not at release as it is) that are delayed.

I do think this game has had some issues in development, but I can't say right now that it's bad enough that they wouldn't deliver on the SP and MP they're known for.

OhReginald1013d ago

They should definently delay the game again.

DJStotty1013d ago (Edited 1013d ago )

Why? the game does not need to be delayed, the only thing pushed back is forge mode, and campaign co-op will not be available at launch.

The SP campaign, and the MP are finished, done, and will be ready for launch.

No reason to delay an entire game, because a feature is not finished.

PhillyDillyDee1013d ago

I seem to recall this excuse for Battlefield V. Look how that one ended up.

DJStotty1013d ago

What does this have to do with BF5?

The article and discussion is about how 343i threw around the table the question of whether they should delay again Halo Infinite, due to co-op campaign, and forge mode not being ready in time for launch.

They decided to delay the features, as opposed to the game, it's right there in the article!!

Godmars2901013d ago

What's going to be the reaction if Infinite comes in under par in terms of graphics let alone gameplay?

How can MS justify their continued existence as a game maker while repeatedly not living up to expectation? How have they gotten away with it for so long?

darkrider1013d ago

The problem is that 343 is not able to handle a franchise like this one

343_Guilty_Spark1013d ago

Have you seen the reviews on the technical over on YT? Graphics are not an issue.

1013d ago
1013d ago
Lightning771013d ago

Your talkin about a game that's also on X1. I dunno why everyone continues to overlook that.

Godmars2901013d ago

Because MS talks up cross-play between their systems as if its not going to effect quality, while push the Series X as their end all be al system.

TheDoomedGuy1013d ago

Believe me...it's not being overlooked...hence why the expectation of not so great a looking game.

Darkborn1013d ago

Their fans not holding them accountable is the problem. It's the same with Activision on call of duty and Ubisoft with their franchises, although they are slightly tweaking them now to overcome the sameness they were plagued by.

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