
Halo infinite campaign left me smiling all weekend

Arron Greenberg talks about halo campaign.

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LordoftheCritics970d ago

Ohh that campaign screenshot looks really good. What a difference since last years reveal.

TheProblem970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

“Halo Infinite's Campaign Left Me 'Smiling All Weekend”

Aaron “The Truth” Greenberg

NeoGamer232970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

Aaron Greenberg is marketing...

I do not trust marketing. Nor do I trust the people spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) about the campaign. I will trust what I see when it is released. Sources like word of mouth from people I trust and played the campaign and reviews that are not from fanboys on all sides of the fence.

343_Guilty_Spark970d ago

Based on glowing previews of the MP I'm seeing little reason why the campaign won't be excellent unless the story is absolutely atrocious

Welshy970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

Since when has multiplayer quality ever been indicative of campaign quality? Maybe in terms of gameplay mechanics, but it has no bearing on writing, level design, voice acting etc.

You could pretty convincingly argue to the contrary, look at some of the top tier multiplayers and how they've often had disappointing at best campaigns. Relatively few games nail both in equal measure, but I'm open to bring proven wrong, everyone wants great games after all.

343_Guilty_Spark970d ago

Well Gameplay/Gunplay, graphics, audio (some of the best Halo music I have ever heard), and atmosphere I can say they've nailed classic Halo feel.

CaptainHenry916969d ago


You're going to be disappointed with the campaign. 😁

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 969d ago
Jin_Sakai969d ago

The tech test had me smiling all weekend. Hopefully the campaign does the same come launch!

darkrider970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

The exec from Microsoft would say this. another exec told last year that he was impressed too. Just show a gameplay trailer. Not an in asset trailer or something like that

CaptainHenry916970d ago (Edited 970d ago )

At first I thought they were talking about some random user but when I found out it was an exec from Microsoft, I was like he would say that LOL. This is how you advertise and market your product to perfection LMAO

Chevalier970d ago

Yeah just like Crackdown 3 was coming along well....

Lightning77970d ago

It's safe to say the game won't be anything like Crackdown. Just realized Aaron Greendburg was just replying to someone. This shouldn't be news of any sort. Unless he made it a main tweet, but he was just expressing off handed excitement in replying to someone. Not sure why this is news here.

DarXyde970d ago

I would just say go into it with checked expectations: not low, not high.

Not a Halo guy, but I believe it'll be a great experience for fans. I've heard good things about the MP mode and they're not going into this with Crackdown 3's hype. Overall, I would say they've been quietly working on it and delayed it to get people forgetting about the reveal. Not a bad approach, I'd say. Seems to be paying off. With Halo losing its status as THE FPS to be playing, the devs have a lot to prove. They don't want to go into this generation living in Bungie's shadow.

BLow970d ago

I'm mean I get it. But for me, if you have confidence in your product, you would show it. The fact that this game comes out in what a month and we still haven't seen the campaign again is shameful. Especially after the first showing.

It better blow us away and have our jaws on the floor especially from the most powerful console on the planet. We had to hear this for years, now show it. This is Halo and I...I repeat I... expect to be blown away like I did when it 1st came out. Halo used to do that and we need to that to happen again.

Just hearing the chants used to give me goosebumps lol. Blow us away with those 12 tflops. All those buzzwords should be on display including Ray tracing right??? Blow us away...

strifeblade969d ago

Your a ps fanboy. Literally in your previous comment you told ppl to stop complaining about ps+ games and be happy and to keep gaming. And your doing the exact opposite. Hypocrisy at its finest. Dont be so worried about halo, I beat all 7 and not one dissapointed

strifeblade970d ago

Honestly we had like 7 halo games and not one of those campaigns were bad. Not one I enjoyed all of them and played them all co op. A screenshot does not dictate the quality of the campaign but I'll trust my experience with the history of the franchise.

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CYALTR970d ago

I guess we will see. Halo has never really been big on campaign, but hopefully the extra time has produced something good,

sammarshall102970d ago

I disagree. Halo used to be the complete package of story mode campaign and multiplayer with Halo 1, 2, and 3. Reach had a good campaign too even though these games have always been overrated IMHO

chiefJohn117970d ago

Did you really just say that BS? Foh don't know nothing about Halo clearly

MadLad970d ago

Every Halo game, up until 4, says hi.

Obelisk92969d ago

That's a modern conviction, the first three campagins of Halo were absolutely amazing. I played Bungie's Halo just for the single player.

spicelicka969d ago

Halo has always been big on campaign. There's a huge community that only plays Halo for it's campaign, and the majority of players value the campaign and multiplayer equally. If you mean it hasn't had a big campaign length wise then yes that's correct, the campaign has never been the size and depth of single player only games but much more than the average campaigns like COD. The story and lore are immense, and that's one of the reasons Halo 5 was criticized so heavily despite having an incredible multiplayer.

CYALTR969d ago

Well, I'm not going to bore you all responding to every single comment, but...

While I agree that the Halo series has a decent mix of campaign and MP content, I think it has leaned more and more to the MP lately. I don't really care for MP, I understand that mostly just makes me OLD, but as far as being "new to gaming" that is truly laughable. I feel quite sure, Bathyj, I have been gaming far longer than you have existed on earth. Perhaps not, but I have been gaming for almost 43 years, my first gaming system was a classic Atari 2600, but I had played my parents friends Pong machine (yes there were once gaming "consoles" that only played Pong!!) so I feel like I have my OG gaming credits. Just sayin'

As far as the rest goes, like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if they are wrong!!

Peace and gaming

CYALTR968d ago (Edited 968d ago )

@SCW1992 53 years old

Started playing in 1978
You do the math

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 968d ago
darthv72970d ago

The multiplayer test flight left me smiling all weekend so I hope the campaign will do the same

CaptainHenry916970d ago

The Multiplayer is always good except for Halo 4 multiplayer

franwex970d ago

I agree that it was weak, but it was still good compared to all the COD clones of that time- and it has aged well.

sammarshall102970d ago

It's time for them to stop talking and show the campaign again

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