
Lies of P is Breaking One Major Soulslike Tradition

Game Rant Writes "The upcoming indie title Lies of P features a new spin on the classic tale of Pinocchio, and the narrative should set it apart from other Soulslikes."

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TheProfessional567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

There are too many "soulslike" games, it's becoming oversaturated like nazi zombies and "metroidvania". And honestly none of these games have any kind of easy mode or accessibility just so some gamers can be elitist and say "get gud".

A few of the games are definitely great like sekiro etc but its kind of selfish to leave other gamers out when most games don't even have difficulty trophies anymore. Some people don't like the trial and error and constant dodge block mechanics and that should be okay. But hey I guess its really a huge accomplishment to put 200 hours into dark souls clone #25 and an easy mode would take away from that.

mandf567d ago

So you're saying we can't have a couple of hard games for the more skilled players. Plenty of easy games out there for everyone.

lonewolf10567d ago

Same can be said for any genre really.

GoodGuy09567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

And most of them are pretty good. Hard difficulties are dying and these soulslikes are keeping it going so I appreciate that a lot. 1v1 more personal combat is also a great feeling.

Shooters are the most cloned genre so go and bash on them instead.

SurgicalMenace567d ago

What I'm witnessing is an individual suffering from the effects of the "gold star for participation" era. Well I hate to inform you but there are scaled/graded performances on every level from school to jobs. Why should games be any different?

Making something easier just so everyone can be included is not the point of soul-born games. They are here to separate the casuals from the hardcore as the hardcore spend the most time and money on gaming. These companies are beginning to remember what made the industry so unique and it's NOT appealing to the casuals anymore. You're the very example that needs to be addressed, as the constant whinning about not getting things how you want them is attempting to suffocate what makes gaming great.

Hardcores have been ignored for far longer than they should have and it's about time that these companies gave us what we want for a change. You're complaining about how many souls games there are but are you ignoring how many Mario, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing types there are out here? If soul's games are too hard for you, get better, instead of whinning about it. There are plenty of easier games out there, not as cool or satisfying, but they're available.

Guys like you are the type that ask why all the girls like the guys riding motorcycles over those with bicycles. News flash is because riding motorcycles, flying planes, and racing cars all take a massive amount of skill to do and often speak volumes of their prowess in other departments. I guess you should get paid like an executive too with the acumen of laborer? Just game on your level and realize that all levels are not for everyone.

Noskypeno566d ago

Yet Kanye has no problem getting girls, he'd probably pull in Anne Frank if she were still alive. He's got bad personality, not the easiest on the eyes, yet somehow pulls in any girl he wants.

CrimsonWing69567d ago

I love this genre. I don’t see what’s wrong with giving people, who are interested in these types of games, different options for a new souls-like game. You have plenty of other games to choose from.

KwietStorm_BLM567d ago

Some people don't like this, some people don't like that. Sure it is okay to not like something. That's why there are countless other games for you to play at any given time. There's far fewer Souls like games than any other genre. If you think a game exists just so gamers can be elitists, you should look up the word entitled. Not everything in life is going to be for you, and that's okay, just like you said.

And Sekiro is made by the people who created the "Souls like" genre. So it's funny you used that as your exception.

ChiefofLoliPolice567d ago

Nah I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you here. It's Gaas/Live Service, free to play that's saturating the market, especially Live service. Most Soulslike games at least have some damn good quality and replayability.

Shadowsteal567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

You're in the minority bud. The games you're referring to makes up less than 5% of all the games available.

Go play the 95% of games, instead of complaining about the <5%.

ChubbyBlade567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

Would you stop with the easy mode crap already? You literally just explained to the world why not everything is made for everyone and are bitching that everything should cater to everyone.

Not everything is for you. Go play something else.

Too many souls like games. Jesus Christ. There’s…what…4 outside of FROMS titles? That’s too many to you? Out of the hundreds of titles that release every year, you’re caught up on the total of maybe 10 titles out of thousands?

Grow up. Stop being selfish and trying to force developers to cater to people who don’t want to play their game. They’re not making them for you.

Vithar567d ago

That's an odd reply lol, like how many platformers, shooters, sports games are there lol It's a popular genra of course Dev will want to make games

This looks very cool and interesting

anast567d ago

Your opinion is wrong. Yes, it is possible.

KillBill567d ago

Then don't play 'em. Same could be said of FPS, Platformers, Fighters, Survival, Single Player Solo, Battle Royal, etc, etc, etc. It's not like there aren't available new titles of every genre to play.

notachance566d ago

just let people make what they want ffs

CorndogBurglar566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

While I agree, there's no reason they can't add an easy mode, the real point is THEY DON'T WANT TO.

It's their game they are making. If you're not willing to put in the time to get good at these games then they aren't for you.

Do you cry about every other game that doesn't interest you? Do you think those games should all be changed to appease you as well?

Let the devs make the games they want. If you don't like it, too bad. No one cares.

CorndogBurglar566d ago

"Some people don't like the trial and error and constant dodge block mechanics and that should be okay. But hey I guess its really a huge accomplishment to put 200 hours into dark souls clone #25 and an easy mode would take away from that."

If this is what you think then you are missing the entire point of the genre.

You're not supposed to be able to run through the game with no problem. It's supposed to be a challenge. It's supposed to cause you to think, because most enemies have a specific weakness that a particular weapon, item, or strategy will defeat easier than others. It's up to you to figure out what that strategy is, or where to get that particular weapon or item before going to fight. And yes, there is a lot of trial and error. But when you finally beat an enemy you've been stuck on, sometimes for days or even longer, the feeling of accomplishment is better than any weapon you earn in the game.

That's what people like you don't get. So just get over it and move along. These games aren't for you. Go play your easy hand holding games. There are more than enough of those out there.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 566d ago
Vengeance1138567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

Good, the more "Soulslike tranditions" it can break, the better chances it has at actually being something unique.

oldenjon567d ago

Meh. Typical gamerant clickbait. Plenty of soulslike with more overt narrative and story, sekiro Nioh etc. nothing new about it

robtion567d ago

Yes. I think this could potentially be the next Bloodborne. Looks great.

GhostScholar567d ago

In order to sell these days it feels like every game has to be a souls like or rogue lite. I need neither. I guess if your a Virgin without a job or friends, it probably feels good to say you beat the final boss with just your fists though so......

anast567d ago

This has to be one of the most anti-gamer comments I have seen in awhile.

gold_drake567d ago (Edited 567d ago )

i think we should stop calling every game that is a tiny bit similar, a "soulslike".

its getting abit annoying

Flewid638566d ago (Edited 566d ago )

Souls-like games are deeply flawed.

I have no problem having epic fights with enemies and dying 1,000 times. My issue is replaying ENTIRE LEVELS that I already completed just because I died. That shit is insanely dumb.

SurgicalMenace566d ago

Don't screw up, it wasn't aways health regeneration and check points. Master the level, memorize the patterns, and execute.

Flewid638564d ago (Edited 564d ago )

Yeah doing that still isn't a good time for me. I much prefer having epic fights over mastering levels. I don't even have to win those fights the first time or even the 100th time. Replaying levels 100 times on the other hand is way too 1997.

SurgicalMenace564d ago

That's fair. I love any throwback to the old school.


Lies of P DLC Set to Be Released in Second Half of 2024

According to Neowiz, the Lies of P DLC is scheduled to be released in the second half of 2024, and is being developed in-house.

toxic-inferno15d ago

Great news.

If anyone is still deliberating picking this game up, I highly recommend it.

derek15d ago

Love this game, picked it up later than I should but was hooked on it.

robtion15d ago

Nice. Wizard of Oz DLC incoming!

toxic-inferno14d ago

The predictions are that the sequel will be Wizard of Oz. I read theories that the DLC would be Peter Pan.

__y2jb13d ago

I’ve enjoyed the game game and I think I’m just about to fight the end boss. The Pinocchio / puppet angle is the weakest part of the whole package imo. They should have just made their own world.


‘Stellar Blade, but good’ is here, and it came out seven months ago

Stellar Blade might be the hot game right now, but we already got a better version of it more than half a year ago.

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VersusDMC36d ago

Stellar blade is currently higher than lies of p on metacritic with 40 more reviews. No shade on Lies of P but just pointing that out.

But i don't even know why compare them? Because both are souls type games?

Then you can just reuse this article all the time and say Elden Ring is "whatever new souls game" but good for every new souls game.

Stellar blade hate articles must be rolling with clicks...

Tacoboto36d ago

Everyone in here now is clicking and commenting on this post.

Whoever the "community" is that approved it (Doubt it), contributors should report this article and any other from this low-quality click-bait website for being exactly what it is.

Remember that the reviewer loved the combat too. But because of the character and physics he wrote it off immediately.

Levii_9236d ago

Not that it even matters but both of those games are way better than their metacritic scores.

SubtilizZer36d ago

@VersusDMC “Stellar blade is currently higher than lies of p on metacritic with 40 more reviews“
This is actually misleading as Stellar Blade has only been reviewed on one platform. Both technically sit at 82… and Lies of P has about 30 more reviews right now.

VersusDMC36d ago

You are correct. Especially if you look at open critic. Just wanted to point out that Lies of P is not higher rated critically overall for the first paragraph and did some slight exaggeration not accounting for PC and Xbox reviews.

TwoPicklesGood36d ago

To be fair, Stellar Blade had a lot of hype and isn’t an indie game like Lies of P. So Lies 80% vs Stellars 82% only proves good good Lies was. That said, you all need to stop getting so upset over review scores. If you want the hame you’re going to get it, if you don’t you won’t and those supposedly claiming they are “on the fence” will wait for a sale regardless.

Crows9036d ago

Not really. I view all games with the same eyes. Don't care if indie or not...a game is a game.

Aussiesummer36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

the only things that are pointing out are the nipples in stellar blade.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 35d ago
CrimsonWing6936d ago

I mean… it’s like saying we have a better NieR with Devil May Cry. Yea, there’s some similarities, but Lies is really hardcore in the sense of emulating a FromSoft game almost perfectly, where Stellar has some Souls-like elements, but I’d say it’s closer to Sekiro than say a Dark Souls game. This almost feels click-baitey

Psychonaut8536d ago

What if, and hear me out, they’re both really good? Mind blowing, I know.

Christopher36d ago

Listen here you, that's not how this is supposed to work. You choose a side and you defend it. None of this little "what if there's more than one good game out there" nonsense.

Fishy Fingers36d ago

Bro that behaviour is whats paying N4G's bills.

Christopher36d ago

It helps. But, as an individual, I still have my own opinion. I do wish conflict didn't sell as well as it does.

jambola36d ago

No wonder n4g is the cesspool that it is
Uses to be good but you'd rather clickbait low quality crap
Straight from the horses mouth, you really don't give a shit

Christopher36d ago

I said the opposite, jambola. But I don't think you're really reading what I say, only what you want me to say.

jambola36d ago

"I do wish conflict didn't sell as well as it does."
you put this story here

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 36d ago
Barlos35d ago

Stop it. There's only room for one good game at a time and you know it. Any more than that will literally melt people's minds.

Crows9036d ago (Edited 36d ago )

Oh geez...this is why journos suck...they can't even see differences between games.

Stellar blade is nothing like lies of P. Didn't these guys give stellar a bad score? Geez they really hate it. Stop the hate! Lol

Friendlygamer36d ago

It's kinda bizarre what gaming journalism has become

Crows9036d ago

It's called gaming activisim

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Lives of P hits 7 million players

7 MILLION reasons to celebrate.
Thank you for being part of our journey.

darthv7273d ago

this reminds me... I have to get back into this one. Really well made and I like the story.

CrimsonWing6973d ago

Well deserved! I honestly feel this is the closest a Souls-like has gotten to emulating a FromSoft game to the point where I feel it was a FromSoft developed game.

toxic-inferno72d ago

It really has that classic Souls-like feel of the Bloodborne and earlier From Software titles. There's so much to love about the game, and easily one of the strongest first entries in a new franchise I've seen in a long time.

Some have criticised it for taking too much from the Soulsbourne games, but the additions and changes it makes are brilliant. It probably has the best health system of any game I've played in the genre.

Armyofdarkness73d ago

I played it and it's awesome, but what does this mean. Do they count the players that started it on GP and played 5 mins in these numbers? Last I checked this game sold 1 mill (October).

Furesis73d ago

It does say "players" and not copies sold so i think you are correct

Petebloodyonion72d ago

It would be nice to have an actual established norm for "players count" as it can be anything.

A player could be someone who cumulates at least 30 min of playtime in the game.
Also, it would be nice to understand why a single-player-only game would need a player count to measure the success of a game.
For example, it would be understandable if each player counts for some monetization like Youtube that MS has to pay the studio.

Sgt_Slaughter72d ago

Anyone who has booted up a game on Game Pass counts as a "player", which is why Microsoft and others have been using those kinds of buzzwords because they sound better than the lower "copies sold" number would be

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Gr8Vngnz72d ago

I played this on GamePass, 1000G'd it, then bought it on the PS5 and Platinum'd it, all in the space of about a month or so. Was absolutely addicted to it and highly recommened it for any on the fence. Can't wait for either some DLC.

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