
PlayStation VR2: The ultimate FAQ

Everything you want to know about PS VR2, all in one place.

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PureBlood480d ago

That's a lot of great, detailed information and yet it doesn't answer the only thing i actually wanna know.

Will I be receiving my pre-order on day 1?

Phoenix76480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Lol good question.
Personally can't wait to "see" the improvements with visuals

Neonridr480d ago

if you are making the jump from the original PSVR the differences will be massive.

Neonridr480d ago

depends on which retailer you got it from and how they ship I guess. Knowing my luck, my order won't ship until the day it releases. It's a Wednesday, so fingers crossed I get it by the Friday so I can enjoy it over the weekend at least.

EvertonFC480d ago

I'm taking the chance of picking one up in store

Neonridr480d ago

@EvertonFC - tbh I don't think preorders were sold out this time around, so I think you'll be ok picking it up in store as they should have some stock at the larger retailers.

Sniperwithacause480d ago

Depends where you preorder it from.
Directly from Sony, then yes. Anywhere else, then idk.

1Victor480d ago

Thanks for the info@sniper this is the first time I order anything from PS direct

solidsnake222480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

I sure hope so. Terrible timing for me, I'm moving on February 25th. But hey, chances are it'll get here within the first day or two, I hope.

philm87480d ago

Yeah I'm not a fan of the 22-28th window! Hopefully they're just covering themselves.

Retroman479d ago

With that price tag I don't think people will be Rushing to buy one anytime soon.
I think most likely people will start buying PSVR 2 after it hit 250-300 mark.

philm87479d ago

You'll be waiting a long time for 250-300.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 479d ago
Neonridr480d ago

correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the PS5 supports 3D Blu Rays.

Profchaos480d ago

Could of fooled me I thought it was

Babadook7480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Psvr did not allow 3d bluray at launch either. All we can do is ask Sony and hope this feather is added later. I never used the feature but on psvr2 it would be a lot sharper. I think that BluRays or streaming videos with HDR might pass through HDR though.

1nsomniac480d ago

The “Ultimate FAQ” that intentionally steers away from every unanswered question that people have been asking since reveal…. Yea, thanks Sony.

1nsomniac479d ago (Edited 479d ago )

Battery life of controllers?
Charge time?
Will you be able to watch 3d Blu-rays?
Can you use wireless earphones with it?
Plans if it will ever be compatible with PC?…

The fact they haven’t spoke about battery life worries me a lot. Because that’s just standard specification information that should be listed with all products of this nature. Ignoring that for this long is an intentional move. So the question then is why are they doing that?

It’s like trying to have a conversation in a kids playground on this site sometimes. No one on here wants to hear anyone even remotely question Sony. It’s so childish it’s crazy.

ApocalypseShadow480d ago

Sure insomniac.

Gamers know the power, the features, the price and the games. Those interested in VR already are aware of all the information needed.

generic-user-name480d ago

"intentionally steers away from every unanswered question that people have been asking since reveal"

I'm interested to hear what info you think we don't know yet.

1nsomniac479d ago

The info that is relentlessly asked on Sonys blog every time they drop PSVR info. Which gets ignored every single time.

generic-user-name479d ago

Battery life of controllers? This is actually a decent question to ask, however thanks to the dynamic nature of the Sense controllers, like the Dualsense, ie. Adaptive triggers and haptics, not all games will eat up battery at the same rates so it could be a difficult one to answer.

Charge time? A reach, I still don't know how long it takes my Dualsense to charge, nobody is asking this question.

Will you be able to watch 3d Blu-rays? The super niche form of media playback? Probably not top of their priorities.

Can you use wireless earphones with it? Literally every hands-on impression of PSVR2 titles so far, Sony has provided Pulse wireless headsets for people to use.

Plans if it will ever be compatible with PC? There could be many reasons not to talk about this, including them not being decided on if they'll even do it. At the end of the day they are currently targeting PS5 owners with this, not rival platforms.

"It’s like trying to have a conversation in a kids playground on this site sometimes. No one on here wants to hear anyone even remotely question Sony. It’s so childish it’s crazy."

And you're king of the monkey bars, so spare us. Sony have answered the vast majority of relevant questions with this FAQ, for example we now have official confirmation on cable length, but you're over here acting like they're keeping everything hidden for sinister reasons. Painting Sony in a bad light, as is so common in your posts on n4g.

1nsomniac479d ago

…’”Irony”… Look it up.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 479d ago
Babadook7480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

I found it pretty informative. Some bad but expected news. Some good.

Nice to know social screen works in most cases.

thejigisup480d ago

Maybe I'm a bit mixed up here. It says sense controller, I thought I'd be getting two, or ate both pieces considered one controller?

Profchaos480d ago

Definitely two it's not possible to play with only 1

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Skydance’s Behemoth gameplay revealed, launches on PS VR2 Fall 2024

New details on dark fantasy adventure’s mountainous monsters, gritty combat and more.

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darthv721d 13h ago

That arm grapple reminded me of Halo infinite: Skyrim edition.


PS5 Users Can Save Big On PSVR 2 During PlayStation's Days Of Play Sale

The PlayStation VR 2 deal is one of many great PlayStation discounts available until June 12. That said, if you're interested in PSVR 2 but still need to upgrade your console, the are also deals on the PS5 Slim and PS5 Slim digital edition during the PlayStation Days of Play sale.

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Jingsing1d ago

Sorry but PSVR2 is dead and double dead at any sale price. It was dead before it launched as the "premium" VR scene lost all the AAA developers and now it is all indie mobile phone crap quality software.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

State of Play is back! Tune in live for updates on PS5 and PS VR2 titles, plus a look at PlayStation Studios games arriving later this year.

darthv721d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

Im getting a bit of GotG vibes from Concord.

Ragnarok coming September 2024... that's just shy of 2 years since the PS5 release in November 2022.

-Foxtrot1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I thought exactly the same. If they made it more like the GotG game and it wasn't online focused I'd have been sold instantly.

BISHOP-BRASIL1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Yup, I was hyped up by the cinematic trailer and immediately put off the moment the gameplay trailer started, that was very high quality and great concept cinematic just for another Overwatch wannabe... Here's hoping they succeed so eventually someday they make an actual campaign focused entry for the franchise, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm definitely not falling for always online crap and FOMO just to follow drip fed cinematic "content".

EDIT: I'm still watching it as I comment... OMG they have another hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, seriously, they missed 2020 or something? For those not into online only and VR games, gotta say, poor show so far...

Profchaos1d 12h ago

Gotg would of been a hit if it released before Avengers was my goty a few years back so I'm intrigued here

RaidenBlack1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

GotG is very underrated and had the unfortunate luck of releasing just after Avengers.
Its really good and more people should play it.

Lightning771d 9h ago

Concord didn't do anything for me personally just another Overwatch mash up with other fps stuff. I mostly popped for Dynasty Warriors for next year. That was my biggest reveal I was genuinely excited for.

No Ghost 2. It's very clear Sony will wait later to Announce the Big Aaa's they don't wanna announce stuff too early and rather announce it closer to release.

darthv721d 12h ago

Maybe its just me but Astrobot looked more R&C inspired than ever.

P_Bomb1d 12h ago

Astro won the show. Looks epic! Huge bosses too like from the PSVR game.

shinoff21831d 12h ago

Astro bot and silent hill 2 remake are what I'm liking out of this.

RaidenBlack1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Most games appeared good.
Where Winds Meet and Monster Hunter seemed like those needed a bit more polish but that's ok as those aren't releasing anytime soon but I am still kinda worried regarding SH2Remake. Still looks rough and from rear view, James Sunderland looks nearly identical to Leon Kennedy's model from RE4Remake. Hope I am wrong though.
Other games were decent. Even Marvel Rivals.
Ballad of Antara was the highlight for me, followed by Infinity Nikki(purely on the art style alone).
And glad that, Path of Exile 2 is coming to PS5 and Ragnarok is coming to PC!
Behemoth for VR2 also looked really interesting.

PapaBop1d 12h ago

You actually liked Infinity Nikki art style?

PSPSA1d 4h ago

Was my favorite looking game of the show, art style looks amazing

RaidenBlack1d 1h ago

Its not my type of game ...but the design and art style is really well thought out

Lightning771d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Marvel Rivals had a PC invite alpha test a few weeks back and they love the hell out it saying it's an Overwatch killer. I'm definitely down to play and play as my favorite.

STORM. ❄️💨🌊⚡

There's a closed beta in July on consoles but I doubt I'll be able to get in.

InUrFoxHole1d 6h ago

In overwatch 's defense didn't it kill itself?

Michiel19891d 2h ago

they also gave out beta keys where you had to sign an nda not to say anything negative about the game, otherwise you could not play. Don't support stuff like that :) surprised they even showed it here cause it looks terrible and it will fail faster than Artifact

1d 12h ago Replies(3)
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