
Sony PSVR2 Headset Off to Slow Start as Metaverse Push Sputters

Sony Group Corp. is projected to sell fewer than 300,000 PlayStation VR2 headsets in its first weeks on the market, a slow start for company efforts to take a leading role in development of the metaverse.

The Tokyo-based console maker is likely to sell about 270,000 units of the PSVR2 between its Feb. 22 release and the end of March, according to estimates from the research firm IDC. Sony had a lofty goal of making about 2 million units for the PSVR2’s launch window, Bloomberg News reported last year.

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sparky77429d ago

Not surprising at all, anyone could see from a mile away this would flop especially after those dire preorders. When the console is selling so well and even with a massive marketing push your product still fails to sell you should know it's time to cut your losses and bow out.

I fully expect it to be discontinued by the end of next year unless they start giving them away.

mkis007429d ago (Edited 429d ago )

troll... even the first wasn't discontinued.
it's a smaller subsection of the total game industry for now, but they know and expect that.
You have no idea what preorders were so your premise is non existent.
psvr2 is amazing; play it nearly every day.

fitness is the biggest reason why vr is only getting more popular.
lmao I'll take the bet on it being discontinued at any point in the next 2 years since you were so kind as to define your terms. Too bad there can't be any stakes.
It's too bad you don't realize even PlayStations few failures are not given up easily. (and sell a lot)

XbladeTeddy428d ago

"fitness is the biggest reason why vr is only getting more popular."

Since when lol. You ain't getting fit with VR. In fact you can't even more much without risking smashing something.

Michiel1989427d ago

fitness? This ain't the Wii Fit days anymore....

boing1427d ago

@XbladeTeddy @Michiel1989

Don't be ignorant. There are plenty of ways to get extremely sweaty in VR. All major rythm games and fitness platforms will do that to you. Especially on highest difficulties. I would say it's one of the reasons you should actually get into VR if you're not into sports. Those games will open your lungs for sure.

victorMaje427d ago

@XbladeTeddy @Michiel1989

Yes, fitness. Leg day is now pistol whip day for me & it’s absolutely incredible. You have no idea until you’ve tried it on normal or hard.

thesoftware730427d ago (Edited 427d ago )

No, they did not expect that, they expected 2 million in sales, did you not read the article?

I think VR is great, just saying they didn't expect such low sales, and a possible price reduction this fast. If they drop the price this early, they should give out some free games or credit to the full-price payers, like what Nintendo did with the 3ds ambassador program.

XbladeTeddy427d ago

@boing1: yeah, I now they can make you sweat but you need decent space as right now anything that requires moving is gonna cause accidents and things getting smashed.

Getting your ass to the gym is cheaper and safer.

itsmebryan427d ago

Troll? the VR sold less than 1% of the PS5. That's not off to a great start. That's not trolling , just facts.

mkis007426d ago

Sony is targeting the beginnings of a new market. They do not expect everyone to adopt it. Their measure of success is not what yours is.

Michiel1989425d ago

@boing gl gettin ripped with beatsaber, looking forward to the pics

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 425d ago
ApocalypseShadow428d ago

Ridiculous. As mk said, no one knows Sony's numbers. But they did say that they would have no problem producing headsets for launch because there wasn't any supply issue.

For a platform already wowing the community with its tech, wowing with GT7, RE8, Horizon, Kayak, Pavlov, etc. And, has upcoming content like RE4 Remake, Firewall, etc, I don't think console VR games have to worry. Just the same naysayers spreading nonsense because Sony is the only one delivering high fidelity VR on consoles. When another rich company couldn't.

thesoftware730427d ago (Edited 427d ago )


"Sony had a lofty goal of making about 2 million units for the PSVR2’s launch window, Bloomberg News reported last year."

Someone knows something, they didn't pull that number outta thin air, and I'm almost certain Sony wasn't looking to sell 270k only. Let us not spin it, it's not off to a strong start, but its still a good device and has the potential for a turnaround with the right moves from Sony, the first being a price cut to drop it to $350, yeah yeah I know, the first PSVR is still $350, they need to lower that to $250 as no one is buying that anymore, and have the new headset at $350.

It's a hard move to make, they lose profit but gain market share and can possibly take over VR from Meta, they can actually move the medium in the right direction, making their future prospects lucrative...oh and make the damn thing work with PCs.

Christopher428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

I kind of can't take your statement here too seriously when you blame Sony for Xbox's failure in Japan but, by your logic here, Xbox should have pulled out entirely due to the complete failure of the market there for their hardware from the last three generations alone.

I'm not sure what the proper metric is for a niche device, or even if these figures are accurate, but I agree and have said earlier that the only way to truly increase sales potential is with at least a $100 price drop on it. I'm personally not into it, but I can't imagine the market for such a pricey item is that larger to begin with.

Abracadabra428d ago

Yep, not surprising. Not much interest was shown in Sony PSVR2.

Apple has a AR/VR headset coming later this year rumored to be priced around $3,000... I'm curious to see if that succeeds.

Extermin8or3_428d ago

If that's to be its prove then it's tech will be vastly inferior and you will be able to tell as it will lead to a less comfortable experience using it. There's no two ways about it. Apple are hardly known for offering cheap tech typically they overpriced everything so whatever price it is take off 200 dollars and that's what it should really b. Makes me think they are likely releasing one of these chappy mobile phone vr headsets that your phone is the screen for.

Abracadabra427d ago


I'm not talking about a $300 device. Apple's device is rumoured to be a $3000 device.

darkrider427d ago

Not much interest.., it's the price. It's too much....

428d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin428d ago


Even psvr1 wasn't discontinued. Playstation players have the best VR option and there's nothing you can personally do about it. It will continue to be 9n the market with great VR support

S2Killinit428d ago

I wouldn't bet on bloomberg being correct about the video game industry. They have been wrong many times. Even if their numbers are accurate, Their opinion of what is a “slow start” may be based on incorrect expectations of an uninformed author.

428d ago
1Victor428d ago

@sparky: “I fully expect it to be discontinued by the end of next year unless they start giving them away.”

You mean same as you expected ABK deal to go through with no strings attached 2 months ago?
Personally I have the psvr2 and I’m enjoying it what people that never tried it (and will never get a chance to experience VR )on the competition opinions don’t matter.
PlayStation isn’t a system that depends on the quick holidays sales it’s a system that depends on the long run through the year in and out psvr2 will sale the same or more that psvr regardless of the wishes of some people

MIDGETonSTILTS17427d ago

Lol wrong.

Did you even try it before writing it off completely?

D4RC427d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about.

ChasterMies427d ago

No way is Sony going to discontinue the PSVR2. The device has a halo effect on the PS5 brand, because PS5 is the only console with VR. I do believe that PSVR2 has a cost problem. $550 is a lot to ask already and then none of the old VR games are backwards compatibility. I’m sure we will see price drops and pack in games once the early adopters are exhausted, but that only brings in people new to VR. Owners of the old PSVR need a carrot too.

darkrider427d ago

Dude, it will get better when the price gets lower.

Discontinued, lol, there only one company that was giving away their product in last 6 years

boing1427d ago

Dude, it's been only a month. Plenty of people want it, they just can't afford it yet. Especially if they just splurred the money out on new, shiny PS5. It's going to have really long legs. I would buy it again for GT7 alone.

thesoftware730427d ago

No, they will not be discontinued anytime soon, they will run its life course.

The problem is the price, it's too high, mind you the specs are worth that, but people are not willing to spend that right now, especially if you finally managed to get a PS5 recently, believe it or not, not many people can go and drop 1k+ on video games right now.

Other factors come into play as well, Unfortunately, you can't really really explain how fantastic VR is to someone, they have to actually use it to understand, it is not easy to market, especially at that price. Then you have Meta, who last year put a terrible perception on VR with that Pro headset and the failed metaverse promises, people were turned off by it, and some people lump all that bad talk together, to casuals if they hear one VR sucks, then all VR sucks.

Then there is the games, while they are good games, and then some like GT7, and RE are excellent most gamers, prefer, or don't mind playing RE ot GT7 the traditional way. VR is more of an experience rather than an essential way to play a great game. I see it like watching a movie, do I need moving seats and 3d glasses to enjoy a good movie? nope, is it cool to have that experience, yes.

It will be an uphill battle until they lower that price, and not to $400, they need to be $350, to cut undercut the Meta Q2, take a loss and gain market share, then control it.
$400 would only be acceptable to most if they allow yo to use it on PCs.

S2Killinit427d ago

Dude they just released the best game Ive played in a long time anywhere.

thesoftware730427d ago

I respect your opinion, but that is hardly the general consensus.

As I said, it's an experience for sure, one that can be really immersive, but it's not for everyone. Some people do not want to wear a headset, some people get dizzy with VR, some people like using their TVs with a standard controller, some people prefer a keyboard and mouse, and most high-profile games are not on VR or wouldn't make sense, like FF16, Loz, , DMC, Elden Rings, Street Fighter,

As I said some people can only play for a short period of time, I can play for hours, and my son who loves gaming played Half-life: Alex and RE4 quest version, and could not play for more than 20 minutes without starting to feel nauseated.

Glad you like it that much, Personally, I love VR, but prefer to play my games the traditional way 8/10 times. VR has caveats that will never make it "Better" than traditional gaming to the masses.

babadivad427d ago

If i didn't frequent this site a couple times a week I wouldn't even know this thing existed. They've done a terrible job at marketing this thing.

Bathyj427d ago

"even with a massive marketing push your product still fails to sell you should know it's time to cut your losses and bow out."

You're right. Xbox should leave gaming.

REDGUM427d ago

I'd love to come and see you're live stand up shows. You're so funny 🤣🤣🤣 29315;🤣

ironmonkey427d ago

Aww a keyboard warrior. Mum must of let you use the computer cause you finished your supper.

423d ago
+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 423d ago
closed_account428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

It's pricey, but worth it. Just many of us couldn't pull off a purchase at launch.

Problem for me was Christmas just a few months ago, needing and purchasing a new work computer, having 2 kids birthdays hit right around PSVR2 launch. I just couldn't pull it off. :\

I doubt we'll have a price drop this year, even in the holidays, but I'm sure they'll do bundles. Even if its the individual stores doing them, and not Sony themselves. That's when I will get one, November-ish.

I bet it'll do a lot better then. --it would be a great surprise to see a price drop during the holidays though! An even $500 would be alright. I'm sure I'm not alone in really wanting one, but having to wait.

I'm drooling over the prospect of playing full GT7 in VR, it's killing me! 😭

buffig428d ago

Im playing GT7 on an aluminium rig with a GTDD Pro and it's perhaps the high point of my gaming life. I'm 42 and I've been gaming since I was 5. As an experience it's just sensational

BrettAwesome428d ago

You lucky f***ing bastard 😂❤

EazyC427d ago

It is worth it for GT7 alone with a rig/wheel setup.

I see huge potential with PSVR 2 elsewhere. Sony really need to commit though, it's hard to ever get over the financial hurdle that is a $500 accessory.

Vx_428d ago (Edited 428d ago )

I have sad this before and will say it again, this will flop if they don’t expanded the PSVR2 market.. they need to make it officially supports PC and PC be games.. then maybe it will have a chance… GT7 won’t save this.. and I don’t know why people get angry when clearly I want this to be a success for them. 🤷‍♂️

closed_account428d ago

Yea, I'd absolutely love for them officially support PC with the PSVR2. I'd sell my Quest 2.

MIDGETonSTILTS17427d ago

Or, they could develop their own softeware to compete?

Vx_427d ago

it’s impossible for them to develop enough softwares on the PS5 for it to be worthy , keep in mind that there is time limit for every tech and people will move on to next thing , it’s way easier and smarter to make it officially on PC as there are tones of VR games already on PC.

Kurt Russell422d ago

I've already bought in, so have a bias. But I am hoping they begin to add some VR titles with PS+ in the coming future. I think that could help bolster interest (and give me access to games I may not have bought).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 422d ago
thesoftware730427d ago

They will drop the price. Count on it.

428d ago Replies(2)
428d ago Replies(1)
428d ago
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Skydance’s Behemoth gameplay revealed, launches on PS VR2 Fall 2024

New details on dark fantasy adventure’s mountainous monsters, gritty combat and more.

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darthv721d 13h ago

That arm grapple reminded me of Halo infinite: Skyrim edition.


PS5 Users Can Save Big On PSVR 2 During PlayStation's Days Of Play Sale

The PlayStation VR 2 deal is one of many great PlayStation discounts available until June 12. That said, if you're interested in PSVR 2 but still need to upgrade your console, the are also deals on the PS5 Slim and PS5 Slim digital edition during the PlayStation Days of Play sale.

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Jingsing1d ago

Sorry but PSVR2 is dead and double dead at any sale price. It was dead before it launched as the "premium" VR scene lost all the AAA developers and now it is all indie mobile phone crap quality software.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

State of Play is back! Tune in live for updates on PS5 and PS VR2 titles, plus a look at PlayStation Studios games arriving later this year.

darthv721d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

Im getting a bit of GotG vibes from Concord.

Ragnarok coming September 2024... that's just shy of 2 years since the PS5 release in November 2022.

-Foxtrot1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I thought exactly the same. If they made it more like the GotG game and it wasn't online focused I'd have been sold instantly.

BISHOP-BRASIL1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

Yup, I was hyped up by the cinematic trailer and immediately put off the moment the gameplay trailer started, that was very high quality and great concept cinematic just for another Overwatch wannabe... Here's hoping they succeed so eventually someday they make an actual campaign focused entry for the franchise, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm definitely not falling for always online crap and FOMO just to follow drip fed cinematic "content".

EDIT: I'm still watching it as I comment... OMG they have another hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, seriously, they missed 2020 or something? For those not into online only and VR games, gotta say, poor show so far...

Profchaos1d 13h ago

Gotg would of been a hit if it released before Avengers was my goty a few years back so I'm intrigued here

RaidenBlack1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

GotG is very underrated and had the unfortunate luck of releasing just after Avengers.
Its really good and more people should play it.

Lightning771d 9h ago

Concord didn't do anything for me personally just another Overwatch mash up with other fps stuff. I mostly popped for Dynasty Warriors for next year. That was my biggest reveal I was genuinely excited for.

No Ghost 2. It's very clear Sony will wait later to Announce the Big Aaa's they don't wanna announce stuff too early and rather announce it closer to release.

darthv721d 13h ago

Maybe its just me but Astrobot looked more R&C inspired than ever.

P_Bomb1d 13h ago

Astro won the show. Looks epic! Huge bosses too like from the PSVR game.

shinoff21831d 12h ago

Astro bot and silent hill 2 remake are what I'm liking out of this.

RaidenBlack1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Most games appeared good.
Where Winds Meet and Monster Hunter seemed like those needed a bit more polish but that's ok as those aren't releasing anytime soon but I am still kinda worried regarding SH2Remake. Still looks rough and from rear view, James Sunderland looks nearly identical to Leon Kennedy's model from RE4Remake. Hope I am wrong though.
Other games were decent. Even Marvel Rivals.
Ballad of Antara was the highlight for me, followed by Infinity Nikki(purely on the art style alone).
And glad that, Path of Exile 2 is coming to PS5 and Ragnarok is coming to PC!
Behemoth for VR2 also looked really interesting.

PapaBop1d 12h ago

You actually liked Infinity Nikki art style?

PSPSA1d 4h ago

Was my favorite looking game of the show, art style looks amazing

RaidenBlack1d 2h ago

Its not my type of game ...but the design and art style is really well thought out

Lightning771d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Marvel Rivals had a PC invite alpha test a few weeks back and they love the hell out it saying it's an Overwatch killer. I'm definitely down to play and play as my favorite.

STORM. ❄️💨🌊⚡

There's a closed beta in July on consoles but I doubt I'll be able to get in.

InUrFoxHole1d 6h ago

In overwatch 's defense didn't it kill itself?

Michiel19891d 2h ago

they also gave out beta keys where you had to sign an nda not to say anything negative about the game, otherwise you could not play. Don't support stuff like that :) surprised they even showed it here cause it looks terrible and it will fail faster than Artifact

1d 13h ago Replies(3)
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