
This Is What VR Games Should Look Like - Red Matter 2 review - Eurogamer.pl

Eurogamer: "My list of games that I recommend to every PlayStation VR2 owner has just been extended by a new one. The production of the small Vertical Robot studio is also available on PC virtual reality platforms, but for the needs of PS5, the developers refreshed the graphics, preparing the prettiest version so far - and this can be seen immediately after putting the headset on, because it is one of the most visually impressive PSVR 2 games. Red Matter 2 can stand next to Horizon Call of the Mountain or Resident Evil Village without shame. However, the graphics are just the beginning, because Red Matter 2 shines in almost every other field."

A space story for fans of dark sci-fi and environmental puzzles. It successfully combines puzzles, intuitive controls and impressive graphics into a mix that you can't pass by indifferently.

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SullysCigar378d ago

This game is absolutely breath-taking. Great game, too!

potatoseal378d ago

Yeah I have to get this one as well for sure

SullysCigar377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

Here's a second opinion, for anyone wanting one:


Also, I just found out this has a platinum trophy - it shall be mine!

RauLeCreuset377d ago

That's good to hear. I bought it a few minutes ago.

EverydayJoe377d ago

While they have many to choose from, none at that quality and price point. Which is exactly why the PC crowd is all wet on someone getting PSVR2 work around.

ApocalypseShadow377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

Can't wait to play it. One of the games to get now that summer is near and getting the PS VR 2. Very much enjoyed the first game.

What I find interesting are the individuals that level at PS VR 2 that it's just the same games you can play elsewhere. When the game wasn't on console VR so it's new to us. Same individuals that talk about wanting better frame rates, higher resolution and more detail in console games but when PS VR 2 gets that same treatment over other VR versions, it's

"Oh, you can just play this game on PC or Quest 2. It's basically the same experience. PS VR 2 only has got like three games."

They don't hold that same thought when a PSVR game gets ported and looks better or has quality of life updates. They only say Sony lost an exclusive like Iron Man or something. The reality is that PS VR 2 is getting better versions of games and high quality exclusives like Horizon, GT7, Switchback, RE8, etc. They can't hide what we can clearly see. Another great game port added to dozens of other great existing games.

SullysCigar377d ago

This is true. What we're seeing is all the best (previously unavailable) VR games becoming available on PSVR2 on, or very soon after, launch.

Pavlov is one of the biggest games from PCVR (according to player numbers), Walkabout Mini Golf is the best game on Quest 2 (according to ratings), Red Matter 2 was considered arguably the best looking game to date (Hubris was also in the running on that front, as was Kayak VR Mirage), Pokerstars VR was one of the most popular social games - the list goes on.

All of these games are now not just available on PSVR2, but that's the best place to play them thanks to enhanced visuals, frame rates, controls and haptics. And all this ON TOP of the exclusives like Horizon, Resident Evil Village, Gran Turismo 7 and - soon! - Resident Evil 4 Remake VR.

That last one is already a serious contender for GOTY in 'flat mode' and - as we all know - VR makes ANY game better, so PSVR2 is likely to become the definitive version and best way to play that game.

Sony is smashing it with PSVR2 support - and this is before the Showcase next week!

Bathyj377d ago

If a great game comes to psvr2 (and happens to be the best version) why would I care if it's a port? I don't have a quest. It's new to me.

ApocalypseShadow377d ago

Yes sir. Agreed. And that show case is going to show why a console game maker is needed in giving us more high quality VR games. It's been too slow or not at all elsewhere in consistency.

I love the phrase "VR makes any game better." I almost believe it myself. But I admit I don't know if I would be able to play Super Metroid, Streets of Rage or Gunstar Heroes in VR. But I'd damn sure try and shout out with glee anyway. Lol

RauLeCreuset377d ago

I think we both agree that there would be a different narrative around games like this and the recently released Humanity if they were part of a different ecosystem. Humanity has an 86 Meta. Hi-Fi Rush is 87 Xbox and 89 PC. Red Matter 2 only has one score in for PS5, but it's a 90. The PC version from last year that doesn't include the PSVR2 updates got an 84.

ApocalypseShadow377d ago

Raul, hard to say which crowd. Some of the competition's fans may want Sony to fail at VR. But I think it's those that want PC and console VR to disappear in favor of stand alone. Some PC fans may want Sony's headset which doesn't make sense as they have plenty of headsets to choose from. PLENTY.

But there's a crowd that wants Facebook's headset to rule them all even though stand alone doesn't get big games and can't handle better graphics without downgrades as we've seen with Grid Legends. Red Matter looks good there but now it looks even better. But you're going to hear that crowd being much louder next month in favor of stand alone.

But it's clear when Sony gets games they never had, like Red Matter 2, you'll hear the, "I played it already. Sony needs to get more games." And it's like, "good for you. Now let us play it and enjoy it. Besides the games we know Sony will bring."

But it's great that it's getting great reviews. Shows the quality of games released has continued.

1nsomniac377d ago

Wow, get a room guys 😂

376d ago
oONinjavitiSOo376d ago

@Crapadeema well as someone thats played almost every pcvr and console vr. The psvr2 is far more superior in many ways to pcvr and especially leaps and bounds over the quest 2. Whether it's comfort or oleds and even fps per eye. I'm guessing you've never played psvr2 otherwise I think you would be whistling a different tune. Also, why do you sound so hurt by the psvr2? Kinda sad 😆

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 376d ago
sushimama377d ago

I love dark sci-fi. I need to try this

Leeroyw377d ago

Isn't it sad that there is one troll who hates VR who just logs on to read these posts and dislike every single one?

SullysCigar377d ago

They just jelly. They're missing out big time and they know it, but brands are getting in the way of them allowing themselves to enjoy cutting-edge gaming. It is sad, but they're only hurting themselves, so who cares?!

Hypertension140376d ago

He also has no idea how incredible GT7VR is and is convinced his beloved Forza Motorsport is miles better.

Profchaos377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

I'm about 3 hours in and visually this game is legitimately stunning there's some overdone aspects to the visuals like reflections at times can look cheap or artificial but never bad.

For an original VR game however it's a fresh change of pace to get a game that doesn't simply look like a upres of a occulas quest 2 game (looking at you twd ss CH2 retribution)

However I can see the game starting to get a bit old essentially it feels like a visually stunning escape room that leads directly into another escape room and another with barely a hallway between and that makes you feel a bit trapped at times especially in VR.

So far there's no combat despite having the ability to fly a drone with flamethrowers on it at one point but I hear combat is the worse part of this game so maybe that's not bad but it would be nice to have something to break it up.

Story wise I can already tell where it's going and the ending I feel is going to be a massive saw that coming moment.

Voice action is fantastic however a real highlight and audio is over all well done but a bit boring at times it's tempting to just throw Spotify on while you solve easy puzzles over and over.

A great game worth the investment but maybe wait for a sale if you like a bit of challenge with your puzzles or fun combat because you won't find it here I'd still give it a 8 overall so far at least

SullysCigar377d ago

Some fair points, but you're judging it WAY too early - some of your criticisms are addressed beyond the point you've reached. I don't want to spoil anything. This was GOTY last year for some VR outlets. For good reason.

Now, after what you've already seen, let this sink in - it was made by a team of TWO PEOPLE (and a couple of contractors) and they even modified the outsourced engine to better work for VR. This is mind-blowing to me.

All this for just 24.99. That's amazing.

anast376d ago

PlayStation VR is the future.

Babadook7376d ago (Edited 376d ago )

Yes. It absolutely is part of it. And in fact it kind of kicked it all off, as Palmer Lucky (Oculus founder) was inspired by psvr (called Project Morpheus) early on.

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Skydance’s Behemoth gameplay revealed, launches on PS VR2 Fall 2024

New details on dark fantasy adventure’s mountainous monsters, gritty combat and more.

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darthv721d 15h ago

That arm grapple reminded me of Halo infinite: Skyrim edition.


PS5 Users Can Save Big On PSVR 2 During PlayStation's Days Of Play Sale

The PlayStation VR 2 deal is one of many great PlayStation discounts available until June 12. That said, if you're interested in PSVR 2 but still need to upgrade your console, the are also deals on the PS5 Slim and PS5 Slim digital edition during the PlayStation Days of Play sale.

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Jingsing1d 2h ago

Sorry but PSVR2 is dead and double dead at any sale price. It was dead before it launched as the "premium" VR scene lost all the AAA developers and now it is all indie mobile phone crap quality software.


State of Play | May 30, 2024

State of Play is back! Tune in live for updates on PS5 and PS VR2 titles, plus a look at PlayStation Studios games arriving later this year.

darthv721d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Im getting a bit of GotG vibes from Concord.

Ragnarok coming September 2024... that's just shy of 2 years since the PS5 release in November 2022.

-Foxtrot1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

I thought exactly the same. If they made it more like the GotG game and it wasn't online focused I'd have been sold instantly.

BISHOP-BRASIL1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Yup, I was hyped up by the cinematic trailer and immediately put off the moment the gameplay trailer started, that was very high quality and great concept cinematic just for another Overwatch wannabe... Here's hoping they succeed so eventually someday they make an actual campaign focused entry for the franchise, but I'm not holding my breath and I'm definitely not falling for always online crap and FOMO just to follow drip fed cinematic "content".

EDIT: I'm still watching it as I comment... OMG they have another hero shooter, Marvel Rivals, seriously, they missed 2020 or something? For those not into online only and VR games, gotta say, poor show so far...

Profchaos1d 15h ago

Gotg would of been a hit if it released before Avengers was my goty a few years back so I'm intrigued here

RaidenBlack1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

GotG is very underrated and had the unfortunate luck of releasing just after Avengers.
Its really good and more people should play it.

Lightning771d 11h ago

Concord didn't do anything for me personally just another Overwatch mash up with other fps stuff. I mostly popped for Dynasty Warriors for next year. That was my biggest reveal I was genuinely excited for.

No Ghost 2. It's very clear Sony will wait later to Announce the Big Aaa's they don't wanna announce stuff too early and rather announce it closer to release.

darthv721d 15h ago

Maybe its just me but Astrobot looked more R&C inspired than ever.

P_Bomb1d 15h ago

Astro won the show. Looks epic! Huge bosses too like from the PSVR game.

shinoff21831d 14h ago

Astro bot and silent hill 2 remake are what I'm liking out of this.

RaidenBlack1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

Most games appeared good.
Where Winds Meet and Monster Hunter seemed like those needed a bit more polish but that's ok as those aren't releasing anytime soon but I am still kinda worried regarding SH2Remake. Still looks rough and from rear view, James Sunderland looks nearly identical to Leon Kennedy's model from RE4Remake. Hope I am wrong though.
Other games were decent. Even Marvel Rivals.
Ballad of Antara was the highlight for me, followed by Infinity Nikki(purely on the art style alone).
And glad that, Path of Exile 2 is coming to PS5 and Ragnarok is coming to PC!
Behemoth for VR2 also looked really interesting.

PapaBop1d 14h ago

You actually liked Infinity Nikki art style?

PSPSA1d 6h ago

Was my favorite looking game of the show, art style looks amazing

RaidenBlack1d 4h ago

Its not my type of game ...but the design and art style is really well thought out

Lightning771d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

Marvel Rivals had a PC invite alpha test a few weeks back and they love the hell out it saying it's an Overwatch killer. I'm definitely down to play and play as my favorite.

STORM. ❄️💨🌊⚡

There's a closed beta in July on consoles but I doubt I'll be able to get in.

InUrFoxHole1d 8h ago

In overwatch 's defense didn't it kill itself?

Michiel19891d 4h ago

they also gave out beta keys where you had to sign an nda not to say anything negative about the game, otherwise you could not play. Don't support stuff like that :) surprised they even showed it here cause it looks terrible and it will fail faster than Artifact

1d 15h ago Replies(3)
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