
Mortal Kombat 1 Reveals Li Mei, Tanya, and Baraka in New Gameplay Trailer

Today Netherrealm Studios released a new trailer of its upcoming fighting game Mortal Kombat 1, mostly focusing on the Umgadi warriors.

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Those fatalities are mind-blowing!

Terry_B315d ago

Seems female characters are just no longer being allowed to be sexy in an MK game.

blackblades315d ago (Edited 315d ago )

Define sexy, the outfits or the model that makes them realistic look of a women thats not unreal looking anymore

Terry_B314d ago

..Mortal Kombat characters never had to look realistic in the first place.

DarXyde315d ago

Should they be supermodels?

Seems incompatible... Where would they find the time?

But more importantly, they look more realistic. I don't really understand the issue. It's like tech evolving and expecting Lara Croft to do what she does with those backbreakers she had in the 90s.

H9315d ago

I am not in defense of characters being sexualized but the realism argument is beyond me, why does a piece of fiction need to be realistic? Let alone Mortal Kombat? What does any fictional design have to do with what's logical in the real world?

DarXyde314d ago


There's always going to have to be some suspense of disbelief. It's a game, after all.

But I don't really see the issue with the way they look. It's not like they're hideous. They just toned down the emphasis on that stuff.

People got oddly bent out of shape about Fable too. I guess I just don't understand the "concern".

H9314d ago

@DarXyde quite frankly I am not in either camps, I don't think the older heavily sexualized models are fine and I think the new ones look boring, we moved from Cliche to Cliche, new toned down designed are usually as predictable as the sexualized ones!

I was mainly commenting on the realism part of the argument, I always prefer fictional designs over realistic whether tame or sexualized!

TricksterArrow314d ago

Kelly Hu is not sexy? Are you gay?

Terry_B314d ago

Yeah..because males are obviously gay if they don't care about the look of a model for a female video game kharacter.

And I klearly meant their designs. Look up how Tanya and especially Li Mei looked in MKDA /Deception and see the mighty difference. Or the even bigger difference between Mileena in MK Deception or 9 to her designs since MKX.

blackblades314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

The old models looked liked bimbos

azizlksa314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

Maleena is the only character that have decent feminine features and athletic body that resembles a female MORTAL KOMBAT character. The others are just cosplayers with square shaped mid section and skinny legs.

They managed to Un-Sexualize Li mei, but in return made her so generic and boring even more generic than jacqui briggs from MKX

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 314d ago
DarXyde315d ago

Tanya is definitely going to be a problem. I think she's going to be a top tier character.

This game is looking fantastic. Street Fighter 6 is great and this and Tekken are shaping up stunningly.

I can't say I'm thrilled about the live service nature of these games now, but they're looking more competitive and fun than ever.

specialguest314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

MK1 gameplay character movements/animation bothers me. There's something about it that lacks natural looking fluidity. It looks stiff and mechanical. I'm not saying SF6 is a better game than MK1, but every character moves so fluidly with style and grace


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