
Starfield Review - To Infinity, But Not Beyond - GameSpot

Bethesda's spacefaring adventure has its moments with impressive scale, satisfying combat, and some worthwhile side quests, but its shallow RPG systems and uninspired vision of the cosmos make for a journey that's a mile wide, but an inch deep.

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274d ago Replies(2)
anast274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

Now I know why they didn't give out a bunch of copies. It's going to get hit hard. Yes, I am enjoying this.

sagapo274d ago

87 on both meta and open critic so far. But keep enjoying yourself, lol.

anast274d ago

Those 10s were auto-given.

Aloymetal274d ago

It could be a 100 on metacritic and 11/10 on all websites and still wouldn't matter because that's what lord Phil said not long ago. But keep enjoying yourself...

Tacoboto274d ago

Metacritic right now with 44 reviews is an 87

Two points higher than Spiderman Miles Morales' 85 with 89 reviews
Same score as Spider-Man 2018 after 116 reviews.

I guess I don't know what you're enjoying? Are you looking at these like they're Redfall reviews?

ABizzel1274d ago

Not to aid him in his foolishness, but both those games have 2x the amount of reviews, while starfield has purposefully limited the number of review copies sent to the media which could affect them long term.

anast274d ago

The fact you have to compare it to the lowest bar is telling.

Jin_Sakai274d ago (Edited 274d ago )


This is Xbox new Halo, their new flagship title and while It’s not doing bad it’s far from GOTY contender Microsoft made it out to be.

And why are you comparing Starfield to Spider-Man? Sony didn’t make it out to be the next big thing like Microsoft did with Starfield. A decade in the making after all. It’s THE game as Phil said in an interview.

MrNinosan274d ago

How does it compare with games like The Last of Us Remake, The Last of Us 2, God of War Ragnarok, Demon's Souls, Horizon Forbidden West, Final Fantasy VII Remake etc?

MarkSony2274d ago

Miles Morales deserved a 90.

Bobertt274d ago

It's not the GOTY they hyped it up to be though and all the reviews i have seen so far say outside of gun combat it does a worse job at the things that made previous Bethesda games great. So for Bethesda at least it's better than Fallout 76 but not a return to form.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 274d ago
darthv72274d ago

...seems a lot of people are enjoying this as well (judging by all the good scores). The game sounds like it really gets better the more you play it. Some say its best to play through the main game first and then do new game + to really go out and explore.

I hope to enjoy it too.

MontyeKristo274d ago

Kinda lame that you enjoy something like that. A little bit sad, a little bit pathetic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 274d ago
Killa78274d ago

To be fair, Bethesda was still a bargain at 8bn 👀

solideagle274d ago

Insomniac was a bargain (229 million) not Bathesda :D

MrNinosan274d ago

You forgot the /s and therefore less smart creatures will downvote you.

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Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro7d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb7d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher7d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato7d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos7d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Starfield fans want mech piloting added after Bethesda teases "major features on the horizon"

Starfield fans are asking Bethesda to introduce mech piloting to the game after it teaser "major features" on the horizon.

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Jingsing8d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy6d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


This Fan Just Turned Starfield Into Star Wars By Installing Over 100 Dedicated Mods

The YouTuber DeityVengy has transformed Starfield into an open-world Star Wars RPG, or The Mandalorian, with over a hundred mods.