
Microsoft discounting Xbox Series X following disastrous sales — is the console war already over?

Sales of Series X have been plummeting in Europe, and with so few must-play exclusives, it's not hard to see why.

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Jin_Sakai170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

This is what happens when you don’t clean house. Microsoft give up on Xbox already hence the reason why they’re trying to become a major publisher. Phil Spencer was always bad for Xbox. Only fanboys could see past his snake oil.

Lightning77170d ago

By bringing more exclusives to the platform? How is that bad?

neutralgamer1992170d ago (Edited 170d ago )


Ever want to feel nauseated read the comments Phil get on X. His fanboys are like cult members man they praise him nonstop and he can do no wrong. That’s why Xbox brand is at its lowest right now

Atleast gates and matrick knew how to compete with PlayStation and atleast try while Phil is speaking from both sides of his mouth


Simply buying 3rd party publishers and putting Microsoft games studio doesn’t mean much and most gamers see through that


From the looks of Nintendo is the one holding Sony somewhat in check by the launch of PlayStation portable

Sony are becoming arrogant and I don’t like that but what can we do

recoctimocassirnff170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

"By bringing more exclusives to the platform? How is that bad?"

I know it's been said many times, but I'll say it again. MS buying up publishers and blocking games from releasing on PS5 IS NOT "bringing more exclusives".

Kornholic170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

How is it good? Xbox players are not getting any more games to play that way - the games would have come to Xbox regardless of the acquisitions.

MS bought major MULTIPLATFORM publishers.

Rynxie170d ago

By doing what Ms does best when it can't compete, monopolize the industry or buyout it's competitors.

Cacabunga170d ago

Only console xbox was able to compete against was Ouya.. really made history!!

XBManiac169d ago

Exclusives that you can play on PC, cloud, TV sets... not only on Xbox Series two consoles? Where is the exclusivity?

S2Killinit169d ago

“More exclusives”? Xbox is in the saddest state its ever been. At this rate, they are only competing in some markets but not all, if that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
sparky77170d ago

I don't know why you Playstation guys are so desperate for MS to exit gaming, do you honestly believe Sony will become better when they have no competition?

Jin_Sakai170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

Because they’re the cancer of gaming. PlayStation was great well before Microsoft entered the gaming market

Crows90170d ago

Because they still dont have competition....you are pretending that somehow Xbox is keeping PlayStation on their toes...they aren't. Instead Xbox seems to be keeping gamers in their toes not knowing what kind of bullshit they'll pull next. The last few generations regardless of what the mainstream would say has been PlayStation functioning without competition.

sparky77170d ago

Well enjoy all those price hikes and GaaS games you will continue to get then :)

crazyCoconuts170d ago

I personally don't want them to exit gaming. I want them to compete by being a good gaming company. That's healthy competition.

MrBaskerville170d ago

It'll leave room for someone else to try.

170d ago
garos82170d ago

no i dont believe sony will become better , but we want better competition , not a game developer graveyard where the only focus is game pass rather than the quality of actual games themselves

DarXyde170d ago

Let me ask you "Xbox guys": Do you honestly believe Microsoft purchasing major publishers is a good thing for the industry?

For the longest time, I felt that Xbox was necessary to make Sony do the right thing. That was true with PS3 and the very beginning of last gen with better online infrastructure, trophies, and DRM check-ins/used games market. For sure, all great things.

But after that? I don't think so at all. That was Sony being reactive, but Sony also implemented 3D on PS3 without any pressure. They integrated a touch pad into the DS4 and DualSense, and, of course, VR. If anything, Nintendo is the one they are really competing with—DualSense haptics as an answer to the Switch HD Rumble, VR in response to Switch immersion, and handheld platforms. They try to make underhanded moves every once and again, and they usually get slapped down by the fans. I can't even say MS has moved Sony at all on backwards compatibility. I'm fine with a more competent competitor coming along that has demonstrable passion for the medium. As long as it's not another soulless trillion dollar company, I'd embrace them. My biggest issue with Microsoft in gaming is that they have the capital to completely reshape the industry in their image and I hate it so much. We're in the era of subscription services, microtransactions, etc. I don't know that I would say Microsoft is responsible, but they were the first to do it and I think they bear responsibility for that.

More than anything, Sony is afraid of perishing. There are better phones, laptops (both of which were sold off) , TVs, and music players than what Sony offers. They need PlayStation and they're going to have to play nice unless they want to go bye-bye. I'm not that worried about them getting too big for their boots, but even if they're the only game in town with Nintendo, once they go rogue, I stop giving them money.

I don't like PSPlus price hikes and I know they're not coming back down. Guess what? I'm not paying for it anymore. Haven't had Plus in about a year. Didn't even get GT7 because they pissed me off in the early stages. This is a hobby, and I would cut this out of my life to focus more on other hobbies if Sony gets out of pocket. So it would be disappointing, but I would be fine with not doing any gaming on PlayStation if they go too far.

With or without Microsoft, personally, it is inconsequential. OD sounds very interesting and Blade sounds interesting too. Still not buying an Xbox for it and if I miss them, so be it.

FinalFantasyFanatic169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Xbox's best years are behind them, it ended when they dropped support for the 360, since then, they haven't been a thread to Sony, Playstation has just consistently steam rolled Xbox, Nintendo is more competition to Playstation than Xbox. Plus, since that gen ended, they also haven't added to gaming, if anything, they have made it worse.

At least Playstation has been reasonably consistent, even when they didn't have competition (e.g. it was just Sony and Nintendo), they still gave us a great time. I really can't see Xbox having staying power and being a last brand, they'll have a Sega death, minus having the good library of games.

Einhander1972169d ago (Edited 169d ago )


"Well enjoy all those price hikes and GaaS games you will continue to get then :)"

Are you kidding, go buy some $20 Halo skins after you buy your battle pass... oh you like driving games too, how about $20 car DLC and yet another battle pass? Oh wait you like Diablo, cool how about $100 DLC?

Diablo 4 Survey Reportedly Asks Players If They'd Be Okay With $100 Add-On

Microsoft is hiking the price of Xbox Series X and Xbox Game Pass


It just blows my mind to see xbox fans talking about Sony making some live service games when nearly every game Microsoft has made for the last three generations has been live service filled with egregious DLC.

Cockney169d ago

Its 2 generations now without competition for Sony and they've given me some fantastic games yet im still hungry for more

Aussiesummer169d ago

It's definitely bad for gaming if sony have a monopoly, sony make amazing games and consoles but could you imagine the pricing if Microsoft actually left. sheesh.

Crows90169d ago

What gaas game has Sony put out?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
Zeref170d ago

Apparently Holiday sales aren't allowed anymore? 😂

neutralgamer1992170d ago

They are allowed but when the best system sky already is around $200 going $350 for your premium sku doesn’t look good

We can try to change the goal posts again

FinalFantasyFanatic169d ago

It moreso an act of desperation on their part, they haven't done very well all gen, and they really want/need those Game Pass subscribers.

RhinoGamer88170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

Phil and his Executive team are masters at job security and self-promotion. MSFT is a data-driven company right?!
Their HW/SW sales performance data is terrible since 2017, 2023 game management was terrible with a turd in Redfall and a Starfield game full of issues.

Abriael170d ago

It's hilarious how ya'll fall head-first into every mindless clickbait "opinion piece" that gets dropped on this site. 😂

Lightning77170d ago (Edited 170d ago )

It's what happens when you're on a fanboy drenched website.

They care way more about the wellbeing of fanboys than security and stability of its users. Sad place this is.

crazyCoconuts170d ago

Slow news cycle. Got tired reviewing why GT beat Forza and had nothing else to talk about 😊

Cockney169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

"They care way more about the wellbeing of fanboys than security and stability of its users"
"We" care way more about the wellbeing of fanboys than security and stability of its users"
There we are, no need to thank me

Gamingsince1981169d ago

Have you looked at the articles you submit ? Lol you can't talk 🤣

Abriael169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Gamingsince1981: You mean actual news about a wide variety of games for all platforms? If only people who posted this silly flamebait were capable of doing that. 😂
Yes. Yes I can talk. Whether you like it or not. 🫡

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
Lightning77170d ago

"Simply buying 3rd party publishers and putting Microsoft games studio doesn’t mean much and most gamers see through that"

Uuh what? That means allot. If this was 2013 to 2017 where not a single studio was bought or opened byPhil that's not not doing anything. The very definition of it. What a dumb generalization WWE haven't even seen nearly have of what these studios can do to make a judgment.

Anyway this article is old with nothing new but of course we're gonna pass it anyway, because why not right? If this was anything else it would of gotten takin down already.

Jingsing170d ago

I agree that Phil Spencer has to go, the industry has transitioned leadership multiple times at Nintendo and Sony and Phil hangs around like a bad rash and everyone below him gets the chop for failure. The only clever thing he did if you can call it clever was to bait Sony into putting their games on PC (That will hurt Sony in the long run as a console maker) and then pretending Xbox would not be about exclusives anymore. Phil did a complete 180 on that as he always does.

Indigon170d ago

It does feel like karma after taking so many studio's out of multiplatform and claiming that it's good for the gamer.

Sonic1881169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

This will be the reason why Blade will be a multiplatform game. So that Microsoft can make money off it

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
XiNatsuDragnel170d ago

Microsoft publisher = confirmed lol

Zeref170d ago

Was it ever not confirmed that Microsoft is a videogame publisher?

XiNatsuDragnel170d ago

At this point nii San Microsoft is pretty geared up to transition to publisher. They can make more money doing that than selling consoles imo.

Zeref170d ago

I don't think you understand what a publisher is little brother 😂

XiNatsuDragnel169d ago

Nii San, a publisher is what Microsoft going to be, at this rate.

169d ago
ChasterMies169d ago

Phil Spencer, Microsoft’s CFO, and Satya Nadella have all hinted that Microsoft would go full 3rd party, meaning no Xbox exclusives. Of course Xbox owners would still get all those games made by Microsoft Studios. They would lose nothing. But it would mean that after 2 decades of trying and failing, Microsoft would officially give up on taking over the living room via hardware. In 10 years we will be talking about how awful it is that Microsoft is locking games behind its subscription service and we can’t own games anymore.

Lightning77170d ago

Old data we already know they're down 52% in Europe.

GamerRN169d ago

They were up 235% overall the past month so this is an odd statement

Einhander1972170d ago

It would have been over 3 years ago if it wasn't for covid.

FinalFantasyFanatic169d ago

Oh yeah, I forgot what a boost that was for Xbox, especially when a PS5 was a rare commodity, people were choosing Xboxes instead because Sony couldn't pump out consoles fast enough, and when they did, scalpers scooped them up;

eagle21170d ago

Microsoft ultimately trying to become the "NetFlix of gaming" is the dumbest decision they ever made. Gaming history hasn't taught them anything. Each generation is different for any company where maintaining the momentum of a previous generation has always been difficult. Microsoft can only "win" if gamer's completely ignore the consistent and amazing efforts of Sony and Nintendo games and hardware. That ain't happening anytime soon to be completely blunt. I thought they found their niche in the "Big 3" but since Xbox One launched...have reduced even that niche to abysmal levels in some regions. Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo are two of the most intelligent gaming brands in the history of the industry. Who can argue with that? Microsoft can throw all the money they want around but talent and intelligence simply can't be bought.

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purple10121h ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky3h ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu3h ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv7221h ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple10120h ago(Edited 20h ago)

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo1h ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

andy853h ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy