
As Seen at CES: Microsoft Surface Fail

Intrepid reader Yves Milord snapped a pic of what might be the first error message seen on a Microsoft Surface.

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Johnny Rotten5620d ago (Edited 5620d ago )

Wow looks like things didn't go to smooth for Microsoft at this years CES... convincing people to buy Windows 7, faulty software, and a bad case of overheating.


PS: even though this is a honest comment I kept it in the open zone so try not to take it to heart.

AdolfBinBush5620d ago (Edited 5620d ago )

it was just a bit disappointing and stuff..

eagle215620d ago

Not surprising indeed. :)

Mr Bot5620d ago (Edited 5620d ago )

its starting to be part of MS to have some type of failures in their products.

actually its not starting but its is already part of it!
window 7, vista, blue screen xp error, 360 RROD, Zone etc!!

drewdrakes5620d ago

This happens to everyone, just people blow it out of proportion with MS.

Much like how MS's commercials were made by a firm using Mac's. But if you think that in all of Apple there are no Windows computers then youre ignorant.

uxo225619d ago

Nice comment, glad to see someone around here can actually think intelligently. Bubbles up.

umair_s515619d ago

@ Mr bot

And many more coming soon!


WOW. simply amazing.

i wonder what DEATH/FAIL acronym this will get?

TheDude2dot05619d ago

At Apple Stores, they use XPs to reset iPods that use XP iTunes.

FarEastOrient5619d ago

I wonder what we can call this failure, it needs to have a ring to it somewhere.

f7897905619d ago

Now when releasing it however, it needs to work.

pixelsword5619d ago

It's not like the whole thing self-destructed.

Maddens Raiders5619d ago

is that Motorstorm 2: Pacific Rift is the Best Off-Road Racing game of All-Time.

paul-p19885619d ago

i always thought 'M$' and 'system error' belonged in the same sentence :P

Moto135619d ago

I am definitely not surprised that an error happened on a piece of software, but if I understnad your comment correctly I think you might be trying to bash Microsoft. just for everyone's record as you kids these days don't see this I guess, NO software is ever perfect! You can't judge a piece of software based on an error. Surface is a great piece of software indeed. I was lucky enough to be able to play around with it and it was great. Apple products aren't perfect either, safari on my iPhone crashes all the freakin time and it is annoying as hell. There are some people in these comments already bashing Windows 7? Now that's seriously halarious. Every preview has been positive and the product is still in Beta stages. You can bash on Microsoft if you want when it's something legit (like 360 RROD) but a small error like this isn't a big deal at all and it happens in all sorts of softwares.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5619d ago
IzKyD13315620d ago

Has anyone experienced any problems with Windows 7?
I still haven't decided if I wanted to download the beta

Graphics Whore5620d ago

Make a separate partition so you don't have to re-install another OS if there is a problem. I have Windows XP and Windows 7 on to separate partitions and I honestly Love Windows 7.

Kushan5620d ago

Using Windows 7 right now. With Firefox 3.1b2 no less. Very very happy with it, fast as anything!

kewlkat0075620d ago (Edited 5620d ago )

I like it so far, but I still need a CD-Key I have 120 days left or something like that.

On the article: CES is about showcasing new technology(not yet available to the public) so who cares if there is hiccups.

I know, because it's MS it's a big deal....meh

I still need a CD-Key for W7 Beta??

darkequitus5620d ago

Windows 7 invery good indeed. Put Vista a couple of years ago on my XP Vaio 5SM-s. That killed it. Put W7 on a separate partition WOW. Very impressed so far.


uie4rhig5620d ago

go here: http://technet.microsoft.co...
and at the top right corner click on sign in, and sign in using a microsoft live id.. then you can get a legit key from MS here:
32bit: https://www.microsoft.com/b...
64bit: https://www.microsoft.com/b...

if you don't login first, you'll be redirected to microsoft website :P

PS360PCROCKS5620d ago

Me as well. Firefox 3.1 ROCKS! I'm running all betas lol. I'm running the Beta and I really like it. But I kinda screwed up and deleted XP like a noob so I'm stuck with this til August. But I have a Vista CD from a Laptop I purchased so I'm going to install that and just do an upgrade when Windows 7 truly releases.

RememberThe3575619d ago

how large should I make the partition?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5619d ago
Handsome_Devil5620d ago

kinda yeah, not to much though.

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