
Starfield Is The Most Played RPG Of 2023 Despite Baldur’s Gate 3 Being The Most Acclaimed

There were a lot of great games released in 2023, but Baldur’s Gate 3 received huge acclaim from critics and players, and it can already be called the main project of the year, although the results are still being summed up. Most of the Game of the Year awards went to Baldur’s Gate 3, as did many of the Best RPG titles of the past year. But players seem to be spending more time in Starfield, which has been heavily criticized since its release.

147d ago Replies(1)
Markdn147d ago

Erm starfield was given away free, bg3 was not.

Einhander1972148d ago

Starfield:: Mostly Negative (8,098)

Current Players: 13,487
30-Day Avg: 12,159.6

-663.3 -5.17%

all-time peak :330,597

Baldur's Gate 3: Overwhelmingly Positive (33,383)

Current Players: 224,236
30-Day Avg: 141,139.7

+9,331.9 +7.08%

all-time peak: 875,343

Lightning77148d ago

At this point I doubt anyone cares anymore. Still the most played lol.

Reaper22_147d ago Show
Christopher147d ago

"No one cares about the negatives except those other games that are more liked, we only want to focus on the positives."

shadowknight203147d ago

What kind of fanboyism do you spew. The puke and regurgitate kind.

Angyobangyo147d ago

Seeing as you replied multiple times on this thread subject, obviously you "care". Quality over quantity, something XBots will never get accustomed to.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 147d ago
148d ago Replies(3)
Zeref147d ago

It was mostly positive at first for Starfield and then some influencers said they didn't like it and then it started going negative lol.

It's the most blatant example of bandwagoning I've ever seen.

Nothing about the game changed since launch and all of a sudden people "hate" it?

Einhander1972147d ago

Do you think that's more or less impactful than Microsoft only giving review copies to review sites that would give them high scores?

Because, if you watched metacritic the score dropped significantly after the first wave of cherry picked reviews.

Zeref147d ago


I'm talking about the Steam reviews.

The metacritic is still at 83.

Einhander1972147d ago

I feel like you don't understand what I am saying.

Microsoft gave this game out to select sites to provide the initial reviews, which were very high mostly 9-10's then when more sites got the game we saw way more 7's and lower. So just like Steam the reviews started out inflated then dropped.

And the user score on Starfield is a 70 on metacritic. Which is questionable, since it was 63, but then metacritic removed the exact amount of negative reviews to push it back up to an exact 70.

Crows90147d ago

Absolutely false. At launch people said there are clear issues...most were overlooked because Bethesda but when players got their hands on it...yeah we didn't overlook that shit.

I asked a friend of mine who payed it before I did and all he could say was it is "alright/meh" mind you this guy was super excited and he was about to buy the PS5 for starfield! I told him about the Bethesda purchase and that it wouldn't be on PS5. Saved him regret and yet now I'm thinking he still has regret. Lol

Christopher147d ago

*** It's the most blatant example of bandwagoning I've ever seen. ***

As opposed to the initial bandwagoning by those same influencers who said they liked it at first?

147d ago
Petebloodyonion147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

Get your facts straight man
Bethesda didn't give a single review code to any media in the UK, they didn't cherry-pick they denied all of them.
The ones that got to review the game were media (IGN for example) who asked for a code via the USA branch and provided it to the UK branch.

Now I'm sure that the media that got denied made a non-biased review of the game that in no shape or form illustrates their frustration of the situation because Media never does that (surely not IGN with Pray or Gamespot with Harry Potter).

anast147d ago

They played a bit longer and found out it wasn't a redeeming experience.

poppatron147d ago

Have you played it?

It isn’t terrible, and starts off quite well, but the cracks soon begin to show and minor annoyances that you looked over in the beginning soon overwhelm any good and after a while it’s an exercise in pure frustration. Just my opinion of course. I left it 20 hours in

Hereandthere147d ago

The game is trash that looks and runs like it was made for the xbox 360. Shame on the xbox twitter influencers spamming game of gen for that garbage.

shinoff2183147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

I don't think it was the influencers as you suggested. I think it's more people got more time with it. It wore off quick with me I only got 20 hours or so into it before I ditched it waiting for updates and whatnot. Call fanboy all you want but I didn't buy a series x to say I didn't like starfield. I wanted to love it like I do fallout. It's lacking in lore, exploration, and other areas and needed more time in development, and I'm convinced it was pushed out the door so xbox had something for the holiday.

Yui_Suzumiya147d ago

Sheep mentality at its best is what I call it

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
Grievous147d ago

Steam shows unbiased numbers as everyone paid for it.

Lightning77147d ago

@Chris the game gets plenty of negativety. Article after article allot of it is just reaching at this point in fact that's all you see. Basically what you're saying is let's continue to focus on the negative and not even mention any of the positive. The little positive that That it has.

Yet the player counts go up and the engagement is up. That's why I said it doesn't really matter anymore. Negative or positive the game is still in the social loop and still played.

147d ago
shinoff2183147d ago

I didn't see much positive though. People glamor about the ship building but I wasn't impressed. The game was cooking for 8 years (probably more inreality). It should not have released in such shape. Other bethsada games do what this game does but better. How is that possible? Again I think they will get it right eventually I was just hoping it was right from the beginning and I was let down.

JackBNimble147d ago

You're certainly on the hate campaign bandwagon.
Have you played it, do you own it or are you just another psfanboy?

Move on if it ain't for you, people will vote with their wallet.

recoctimocassirnff147d ago

I immediately called BS when I read the title.

Those steam stats really are really very telling.

Chevalier147d ago

Weird all Xbox fans do is point out engagement numbers, but, when someone brings up negative numbers according to those same people it's unimportant or no one cares.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 147d ago
Terry_B148d ago

Only because of gamepass lol

Walalon147d ago

Idk why you are being down voted because it's true... With Gamepass you can play Starfield, meanwhile with BG3 you have to paid(low for the awesome experience the game is) to play it. But of course, fanboys will always support MS, the company who call them if they are sick, hug them if they are sad or send you a gift when it's your birthday...

Terry_B147d ago

Its the same 5-10 xbox people here that downvote anything that might be negative when it comes to xbox. No matter if its a simple fact or not :-)

InUrFoxHole146d ago

Fanboys will always support MS.. You do realize your complaint is gamers are supporting a service that provides them with solid games and 1st party day 1 vs. Paying full price for a game? Lol that's hilarious 😂.


Not only game pass but also a bag of Doritos will give you access to GlitchField

Crows90147d ago

I used that actually! 😂

JackBNimble147d ago

"Only because of gamepass"
But they're still playing it even with all the other games on GP.

It's easy to list the games we hate and give weak arguments why other people are playing them. Excuses for why game is doing better then we hoped for.

It's pretty sad really

148d ago Replies(5)
Lightning77148d ago

Larian. Players had played 452,556,984 hours in Baldur’s Gate 3 by December 5, 2023.

Bethesda. Players had spent 534,823,944 hours playing Starfield by December 20, 2023.

It's in the article. Not like it matters, the salt will commence anyway.

Neonridr147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

I don't get why people care. Call of Duty puts in more hours each year than some amazing 1st party titles. Do people cry and stomp their feet? No.

But because it's Starfield, let the hate/excuses commence.

dumahim147d ago

Baldur's Gate info is a bit older now and there's over 10 times as many people, on average, playing on Steam than Starfield. BG3 is holding up while Starfield has been falling off. Not to mention BG3 since released on Xbox since those BG3 numbers. How do you think those numbers would look with current info?

mrcatastropheAF147d ago

The bulk of starfield players are probably playing through GP or on Xbox so idk why people keep referencing the steam stats as if they demonstrate the larger picture.

That being said, Starfield is chips. Love xbox and gamepass, but Starfield is chips

dumahim147d ago


The Steam numbers are telling because those are all from people who paid for the game and have more incentive to have their money spent be worthwhile. Yes, the GP numbers will be higher due to no added cost, but there's even less incentive to keep playing there.

itsmebryan147d ago

You didn't add since BG3 is a muti platform and Starfield (which I'm still playing) is a Xbox console exclusive the numbers for Starfield are even more impressive. 😉

MrNinosan147d ago

BG3 just became a multiplatform, but when the stats is from before BG3 Xbox stats.

BG3 was available on PS5 and PC.
Starfield on Series S, Series X, PC and GamePass.

ChasterMies147d ago

What a piece of shit click bait title.

Crows90147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

Wait....so they gave starfield more days?

15 more days is a lot.

porkChop147d ago

No. Bruh, use your head. Starfield launched a month after BG3. So Starfield actually had less total days, even with that "extra" 15.

Crows90146d ago


I already thought of that. But it's irrelevant since bg3 had 3 different launches throughout platforms.

1st on PC then on PS5 and recently on Xbox.
So comparing a mixed release like that vs a free game on Xbox and pc is tough.

If they're going to say it has more playtime then pick a point in time and compare the 2...don't do some silly shenanigans to try to get your desired result.

porkChop146d ago

I think you misunderstood the article. They didn't cherry pick the data. They used the official stats released by Larian on Dec 5th and Bethesda on Dec 20th. Those are the most up-to-date stats, and they include all platforms.

notachance147d ago

hogwarts legacy had 400mil hours by March 23 so eh

Angyobangyo147d ago

Current steam concurrent data:

Starfield: 8,500 lol
BG3: 186, 000

Yes, let the salt commence.

Lightning77147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

Gee I'm so salty.

Doesn't change anything like I said nobody even cares anymore about Steam numbers high or low that's just one platform. still top 10 most played on Xbox still.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 146d ago
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Baldur's Gate 3's Side Quest Design is its Secret Weapon

With a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a number of factors make it successful—but perhaps none are as powerful as its side quest design.

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Popsicle5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Article makes a great point and I agree with it but is spoiler heavy. It should be marked. If you haven’t played through the game be warned as it even spoils parts of act 3.

Dirty_Lemons5d ago

Thanks for this dude, I am very interested in playing when I have time and am trying to avoid spoilers.

dakarli1d 13h ago

This game rocks, everything is quality, and I love the cutscenes, which remind me of Dragon Age Origin.



Baldur's Gate 3 PS5 Physical Deluxe Editions Delayed Due to Production Issues

While we were so hoping to not have to update owners of the console physical Deluxe Edition with any further news of delay, we’ve now run into more production issues which means that players who pre-ordered their PS5 North America copy that was expected to ship later this month, will now have to wait until July before they can get their hands on them.

shinoff21837d ago

Got that email like 2 weeks ago. Tbh I'm not tripping. I understand sht happens. I'm just glad they changed their minds on the physical release

Popsicle6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I with you. I got the email is well. Happy to eventually own a physical copy and glad it’s not digital only.


Nothing Can Scratch A New Gamer’s Itch For Another Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 is so good it might actually be a bad place to start with RPGs.

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Armaggedon7d ago

Baldurs Gate 3 was great, but I dont think it is as crazy as people make it out to be. I actually think Starfield is closer to being a crazy insane once in a lifetime game, but Im ready for the flak Im about to get.

AndrewM6d ago

If you think that then you either A never played Bg3 or B never watched anyone else play it, or C you don't know anything about the game, or D you played it and have no idea of the marvel it is in every single aspect of game design. It doesn't matter what game you compare it to, it doesn't hold a candle. Let alone starfield.

Armaggedon6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

A. Ive played it thrice
B. Played with others, so there are moments of watching
C. Know more than I would care to about the game
Thats quite bold, seeing as there are an inumerable amount of games for it to contend with. I also know plenty of people with their own gripes with the game.

As someone that creates things, and has actively sought to gather intel and understanding, I would say Baldurs Gates very nature makes it so it would have a hard time sitting upon the lofty throne you have given it. Similar to a Bethesda game, it is a game with a very large number of permutations and variables to consider, despite being smaller in scale by direct comparison.

Exemplary mastery of design philosophy is more certain to appear in a game that is for confined. One of the reasons I see Starfield the way I do is simply Bethesedas approach of breaking the rules. Anyone should hopefully know that you just dont try to fit a Bethesda game into a space game, but they found a way to pull it off. Do to the nature of large scale open world games, whether it is efficient or not depends on the angle one is looking at.

Many people would tell me immediately that loading screens and empty planets prove that they failed to pull it off. If you play Starfield like a conventional game yes

Armaggedon6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Part 2:
Many people would tell me immediately that loading screens and empty planets prove that they failed to pull it off. If you play Starfield like a conventional game yes, it will seem disjointed and lazy; however, to those who realize what Bethesda were going for, you will see that the game is severely underestimated. The idea of God is hated and loved by many, and there is much controversy. Starfield is closer to that idea than people even notice.