
6 PS5 exclusives that should be on your radar in 2024

Big in 2024: Here are six PS5 console exclusives that you won't want to miss this year.

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Hereandthere140d ago

Xbox on social. PlayStation has no games, yet PlayStation is the only company that has a day and date road map for all their exclusives. Side note, if it's on pc it's not exclusive.

S2Killinit140d ago

Yeah they actually have release dates for anything we know about. Except Wolverine but that was a leak I think.

franwex140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Excluding Nintendo I see…

itsmebryan140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Yeah, you can trust Sony's day and date rosd map because Sony never has delayed games right?

What happened to buying 3rd party exclusives being bad for gamers and the industry? Its better to invest in your own studios. I love how the goal post move to fit a narrative.

The3faces140d ago

Never forget this is N4G where Hypocrisy lives and thrives. Everything Sony does is cheered but when MS does it it's suddenly bad for gaming.

Lightning77140d ago

I remember hearing that for well over 10+ years now. 3rd party exclusives didn't count it HAD to be 1st party. I fully expected that narrative to change and here we are.

Crows90140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

...what happened to it? Nothing did. It's still true. No goal post moved other than what you're imagination moves around for you.

3rd party exclusives are bad for gamers...doesn't affect the industry as whole much though. Buying up the 3rd party devs and making those games permanently exclusive...yeah thats way worse. No goal post has moved ..Xbox has simply enlarged the field to astronomical levels of shitty.

3rd party exclusives used to be as bad as it gets...as usual Xbox leads the pack with worst practices. They've made the worst thing look not as bad anymore compared to how shitty they can be.

Lightning77140d ago

@crows talk about being out of the loop on Twitter/X the PS fanboys are saying it's about 3rd party now. NOW they're upping the importance of third party. When in actuality it's always been important and always will be. Stating the obvious isn't imagination.

Those bad practices started with PS1 and 2. Even Nintendo did it with Sega back then. That practice has been happening for 30 years now.

DigitallyAfflicted140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Not for 3 generations 😂

Edit: did is article about Sony exclusive games, keep x out of it….

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 140d ago
dveio140d ago

"Side note, if it's on pc it's not exclusive."

If you didn't ever own a gaming PC nor plan to get one either, and if you ever only played on a console, then a game that's being released exclusively for any console, fits the base line of "I can't get it on any other console".

In the independent area and market of home consoles, which has actually always existed independently of the PC, a game is console-exclusive, even if it is released for the PC.

Christopher140d ago

That's some mental gymnastics there. The point of exclusive is to sell one platform as being necessary. The point otherwise is to have the ability to reach more of the market. PC is a market. You don't ignore it because it's not a console. In fact, it's the largest and more profitable market than any console. So, you put it there because you are reaching the largest audience outside of mobile.

Lightning77140d ago

So PS barely has any real exclusives then.

Making sure it goes both ways.

Einhander1972140d ago

Their exclusive enough that they won't be on Xbox, can't wait for Blade on PS5 though.

Crows90140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

You're correct. Sony has less exclusives now then before....most however don't release day and date with PC but if you're willing to wait then all power to you.

Sony has already guaranteed I won't go purchasing the next PlayStation. I much prefer to game on PC and am very patient with games

ChasterMies140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

“if it's on pc it's not exclusive”

PC is the Switzerland of the console wars. Whether a game is on PC is meaningless.

Christopher140d ago

100% not how market reach works. This argument only works for people defending plastic.

Lightning77140d ago

@Ein They're exclusive enough not to be on Xbox? Are you really trying to change the rules that literally apply to both machines? I know you're weird but don't be that weird. Yeah no since bringing back the downplay narrative that Xbox has no exclusive because of PC now applies to PS full stop it goes both ways.

Can't wait for my free game from you when you lose that easy bet that Blade is only gonna be on Xbox and PC. You'll probably change your name or something when your wrong.

Einhander1972140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Too busy playing the Granblue Fantasy: Relink Demo and the Arknights: Endfield Tech test to bother with you today.

Can't wait to play Halo, Sea of Thieves and HiFi Rush on my PS5 too, 2027 gonna be playing all your former exclusives, Hype!

Blade gonna be way better on PS5 Pro than xbox!

Lightning77140d ago

Too much logic for you especially logic that gets thrown right back in your face but yeah have fun.

Can't wait to play Halo, Sea of Thieves and HiFi Rush on my PS5 too, 2027 gonna be playing all your former exclusives, Hype!

Blade gonna be way better on PS5 Pro than xbox!

These aren't "my" exclusives I didn't make nor develop these games so I have no clue what you're talking about. Despite the fact that you're spouting nonesense. Nonesense you don't even believe at this point and is just for jokes and gags. It's funny to see those "mediocre" games anticipated by you and others now, suddenly. Regardless you can only hope and dream, the same hoping and dreaming that PS games hitting Nintendo or Xbox from those fanboys.

ravens52140d ago

Why do people lack common sense?
1. Xbox wouldn't have any of these 1st party games if they didn't BUY the MULTIPLATFORM STUDIOS that are making them.
2. The studios that are making these ps exclusives are still FREE TO MAKE EXCLUSIVES FOR OTHER PLATFORMS.


+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 140d ago
S2Killinit140d ago

Helldivers 2 omfg I can’t wait for that.

monkey602140d ago

Yeah me too. Pacific Drive also has my hype for some reason

jznrpg140d ago

Cruising in your car up the Pacific Coast Highway sounds like it could be fun in a game. I did this as a young kid up until my 20’s so at least it will offer some nostalgia but the premise of the game sounds interesting and different without the nostalgia.

Doomeduk140d ago

Makes me think of an unlicensed mandolorian type game in a good way

repsahj140d ago

Helldivers 2 will gonna be awesome for sure!!

franwex140d ago

I’m ready for FF7 rebirth!!

ThePacemaker140d ago

No Stellar Blade love?

This game looks stunning.

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Helldivers 2 devs are aware of the issues with the current MO; fix being worked on

The latest Helldivers 2 MO is full of bugs that aren't Terminids. The devs are aware of these issues and a fix is currently being worked on.

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SeraphTeran1d ago

A fix is now being worked on as stated by Baskinator a few moments ago.


New Helldivers 2 Major Order is set to bring The Illuminate to the game

The latest Major Order has been released in Helldivers 2 and it is set to see The Illuminate finally arrive in the game.

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Magatsuhi20h ago

The illuminates have been coming since the game released and I'm already bored with the faction.


If people keep giving up on the Dark Fluid missions, then we’ll never even manage to blow up Meridia…

No irreversible destruction = No alien attention

jznrpg19h ago

It’s doable just need to use stuff we normally don’t use as much. Spawn points could be better but not impossible


The arc thrower is my go-to to keep them off the drill.

StormSnooper10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I hope they make the illuminate a little less apple iPod and a little more Protos-like .

In the OG Helldivers, I sometimes felt like I’m shooting at Apple products.


Concord’s first look doesn’t fill me with hope for the PS5 exclusive

Concord will open its servers to players this August, but The Loadout's Aaron Down feels the PS5 exclusive isn’t doing enough to separate itself from the live-service pack.

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SoloGamer11d 1h ago

NOTHING fills these "Journalists" with hope.. sheesh..what do these people want!? the game looks pretty good to me

RaidenBlack23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Yea kinda looked good to me too
But I think people are burned out from hero shooters. Fans were expecting something similar to killzone or such.
Anyway it seems that every upcoming Sony GaaS titles will target specific sub genres.
Correct me if I am wrong here:
Concord is a team-based hero shooter.
Fairgames is a heist competitive shooter with some twist.
And Marathon is an extraction shooter with it's own twist.
edit: I doubt Fairgames can surpass the likes of The Rivals, which is really well made and is getting constant updates ... and most of Haven studio is comprised of ex-Ubi devs.

Michiel198921h ago

it looked like Team Fortress 1.5. but then without any of it's charm

purple10120h ago

The rivals, You mean the finals? Or is there another

I thought it looked okay myself, but wanted much more, wanted killzone in space. Got Mario with guns

RaidenBlack18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

yea ... oops, The Finals, thanks @purple101
Don't know why I typed rivals ... maybe coz of the recent SoP's Marvel's Rivals
but my point still stands:
' Doubt Fairgames can surpass the likes of The Finals, which is really well made and is getting constant updates ... and most of Haven studio is comprised of ex-Ubi devs. '

TheProfessional13h ago

They definitely shouldn't have made Marathon an extraction shooter if that's what it is. There's way too many already. Extraction/horde modes used to just be a bonus or dlc, now there are entire games that are just that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 13h ago
shinoff218322h ago

I think alot of Sony fans are turned off because we want single player games and well this isn't even close. Personally this could've turned out to be pretty dope as a single player game, the same with evil dead, Texas chainsaw, but no these companies wanna keep forcing this sht down our throats. They can keep all themes multi-player stuff

Redemption-641h ago

They are not forcing anything. People have been claiming for years for Sony to diversify their games to include multi-player, then start crying when they actually do. They can release both types of games, play what you want, don't know why people get so triggered when a game they don't want is made

StormSnooper22h ago(Edited 22h ago)

ONE game doesn’t “fill him with joy”.

-Foxtrot20h ago

It’s not just journalists this time..:

It looks generic as f***

We need to start being honest with ourselves not just “oh it’s Sony / PlayStation”

Lightning7718h ago

That's my issue is how generic it looks. Sony couldn't even be creative with it. (I get it, they specialize in SP stuff not LS) but they could had their finger on the pulse better and have something unique not just ok make an overwatch type of LS.

I guess that's why it's called the Live Service gamble.

If nobody plays it then lay offs will definitely happen here.

StormSnooper11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Does it though? I mean, what makes it “generic”. Is it the art style? Or the characters? Sure we’ve seen similar characters in the past. We’ve seen a diverse character roster with asymmetric abilities in the past. But, why are they required to reinvent the wheel? It’s not like there is anything else that can be done in this genre. So I think gameplay is where it needs to shine, and the jury is still out on that subject.

If they land the gameplay, then I see it being a success. Even though this genre is not my personal cup of tea. To write it off as “generic” for its simplistic design is a mistake.

Pepsi_Man300020h ago

Understandable. this shit looks basic af.

Hotpot20h ago

ah not to me.. I’m a playstation dude but this game just feels like OW copycat, not to mention the team from cinematic trailer acts suspiciously like Guardian of the Galaxy.. the yolo green dude is starlord, the stern girl is gamora, muscle dude that talks weird is draxx, and mascot robot is groot.. just need a foul mouthed dude there and it’s GotG from wish.

jwillj2k420h ago

Game looked boring as hell. Stop being a fanboy.

Lightning7719h ago

Tbh I thought it was gonna be this person action LS expedition type of game the way the CG frames the game.

Instead it was just an Oveewatch clone done worse. Characters and art style doesn't stand out at all. It was just generic to me personally.

InUrFoxHole16h ago

I liked it but most didn't. There was more excitement for astro lol

TheProfessional13h ago

Another biased Sony fan heard from.

derek12h ago

Your upset someone is interested in something you're not.

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ravens5222h ago

I would try it if it was free like foamstars but no I wouldn't purchase this game.

thesoftware73022h ago

It has really nice, clean graphics, and overall, it looks good..

Too bad, I don't play Overwatch-type games.

Crows9020h ago(Edited 20h ago)

The only way I would consider this is if it has enough variation in team objectives and good overarching plot.

If it innovates in the arena shooter and also adds PVE elements then they could have something pretty cool in their hands. Otherwise it is a no from me.

And of course...mtx and crappy mentization methods is another big NO

thesoftware73019h ago

Indeed, a PVE mode, like zombies or Firefight would definitely get my attention.

MTX I don't care about as I can easily ignore them in games..but if they have them, they should make them earnable in game.

Elda21h ago

I lost interest once I heard it's PvP only.

Sonic188119h ago

They canceled Factions 2 for Concord 😉

Pepsi_Man300020h ago

what a shame. This couldve worked perfectly as a gotg type single player game. But they decided to make pvp hero shooter #743

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