
Review in Progress: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League | IGN

Simon writes: "My first 11 or so hours with Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League have left me with wildly mixed thoughts. There are things I like, things I don’t, and worst of all, things that elicit no emotional response at all."

Christopher121d ago

If you like the more recent Suicide Squad movie, you'll probably enjoy the story/dialog in this one. If you like looter shooters aimed at wracking up high combos in very traversal-focused combat, then you might like this one.

I really really wish they had created some other IP for this gameplay. It's not 'bad' gameplay (not great either), but it just feels wrong going around shooting everything and it feels like they have to shove every DC reference in that they can.

I think the problem with this game isn't so much what it does wrong, it's what it does right that will now get ignored because people hate this game so much. It's a much cleaner Season-based game w/o FOMO, got rid of level-based loot, has great flexibility in loadout. But, it's tied to all the rest. And businesses are horrible at picking up the good out of the bad, so they'll ignore it and we will have to hope someone else will figure it out on their own.

coolbeans120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

-"If you like the more recent Suicide Squad movie, you'll probably enjoy the story/dialog in this one."

Maybe it's just from what I've seen/heard, but it seems way more insufferable than Gunn's Suicide Squad. I'm still tempted to give it a fair shot though.

(Not to elevate Gunn's The Suicide Squad either. I was warmed up to it being some zany masterwork when it really felt like an enjoyable 6/10 movie.)

Christopher120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

It's actually better IMHO, but still not good. I think the core squad is its strongest element and many of the side characters kind of drag it down since they only serve to provide side activities (Hack and Gizmo so far).

If you don't like the core squad then you really just don't like Suicide Squad IMHO. And that's a valid opinion to have.

Stanjara120d ago Show
MetroidFREAK21120d ago

I've already decided I will get this game...

But when that offline patch hits and the game is bargin priced

robtion120d ago

I will buy it if they turn it into an offline game with all the DLC included (no micro-transactions thanks).

The real issue with this game is that it is an online only GaaS game. It charges you full price (more than full price, it is $160 for the "Deluxe Edition" in Australia when physical copies of most games are realistically $80-$100).

After paying full price you can then look forward to a constant stream of cosmetic items (which people want) but you need to pay extra for them as though this were a free to play game like Fortnite.

It is insanity and for some reason nobody in the media seems to have the balls to point out what the actual problem is.

MetroidFREAK21119d ago

That's why I'm waiting for the offline patch to just play the story and be done with it. Also, $10 is the magic price for me

XBManiac120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Why "Review in progress" makes me think the worst?

120d ago
120d ago Replies(1)
P_Bomb120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Even with the title, I didn’t expect so many characters to bite the dust. Did not expect the multiverse either.

Not really a fan of the timer for Incursions. Or having to earn currency to access endgame missions.

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Here's A First Look At Mr Freeze In Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League

An image featuring a first look at the character of Mr Freeze in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has emerged online.

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Psychonaut856d ago

I’m sure the 42 people still playing are super stoked for this. Better take the day off so you can grind for 4 hours just to use the character. Let me guess, he’s got his own Elseworld and there’s fucking icicles everywhere. /s

SoloGamer13d ago

can they just FREEZE this game?? 🙄


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is Probably Finished

Disappointing sales performance, mixed reviews, and player counts in the hundreds paint a grim future for the looter shooter.

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Phoenix768d ago

The game was DOA before it even released.

Juancho518d ago

Im surprised it lasted this long.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Players Lose Hope For Season 2 After Update

The remaining few players of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League are losing hope for the game’s future after a disappointing update for Episode 2.

P_Bomb11d ago

“…significant issues like the extensive amount of time needed to unlock Joker as a playable character were ignored.”

Which in turn makes the game easier to ignore. Not a great season.

SoloGamer111d ago

all 150 players lose hope 😂

Redgrave11d ago

Who still held hope after release?

CobraKai10d ago

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Player Loses Hope For Season 2 After Update. *fixed*