
Microsoft changes name of gamepass

Gamestop have revealed some details early!

purple101114d ago

"gamepass" is also trending all over twitter / x.com and multiple sites have the news or different versions of the same news.

RaidenBlack114d ago

Is gamepass coming to other consoles?
Seems bizarre if true

purple101114d ago

I doubt anyone would have them own their systems, but it shows maybe m$ is changing the name,
it also shows their having a 'demo day' at gamestop

it also shows gamestop lost their minds, I thought they were in the business of selling physical games, now they promoting gamepass, something weird definitely afoot here.

thorstein113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

MS is doing a handheld (rumor?) probably akin to Steamdeck. They keep the game pass.

I doubt Gamepass goes to PS or Switch. That doesn't mean the games can't go there.

There will be a ton of outdated comments come next week.

Eonjay114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

Snap. GP is coming to other consoles. Okay. I get it. Also, like predicted, Xbox isn't going anywhere.
Heads up get ready for the next round of meltdowns in 3...2...1...

crazyCoconuts114d ago

I don't know... If MS really just took the Xbox branding off of GamePass, not sure "Xbox isn't going anywhere" is the conclusion I would draw.

Eonjay114d ago

Microsoft is adding other platforms to their base of consumers... they aren't looking to get rid of any consumers. Thats the way I understand this. And thats the way we have to start thinking about this now... its Microsoft... not Xbox. But Xbox is part of their plan just like PlayStation and just like whatever Nintendo makes next, just like PC. This is just how I am reading the tea leaves.

Lightning77114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

It's fake. GameStop just made that up. Themselves. It's been debunked. As usual every every Xbox fan went into melt down. I dunno how many heart attacks they've had this past week.....

Are y'all serious? It's still called Xbox Gamepass. I dunno what GameStop is doing.

Hofstaderman114d ago

Next week is going to be very interesting....

Profchaos114d ago

@lightning any more info to point to the debunk I mean It seems like a simple mistake but yeah

fr0sty114d ago

Lightning gonna need some serious copium after this one... lol. If you have proof it was debunked, provide it, otherwise it's just you having a knee jerk reaction and not wanting to accept the reality in front of you.

Lightning77114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

Copium what hell are you.. Wow really show me where it's confirmed? There's nothing to link credible sources on Twitter says it's not real a typo or something they made up, N4G link is X. N4G never approves anything from X but suddenly are now.

It's fake.

@Frost don't respond to me with ignorance. What reality am I not accepting?

Christopher114d ago

*** It's fake. ***

Not fake. Sites said that GameStop removed the advert, not that it didn't exist.

fr0sty113d ago

@lightning Reality, that's what you're not accepting. Start doing exercises lifting those goal posts, you're going to be running all over the field with them next week.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 113d ago
Angyobangyo114d ago

Any sane person knows it isn't going anywhere. Looks like they're shifting their business in a new direction.

fr0sty114d ago

A new direction would classify as "going somewhere"...

Obscure_Observer114d ago

"Heads up get ready for the next round of meltdowns in 3...2...1..."

Meltdowns over fake news?

fr0sty114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

Can't call it fake unless you can disprove it. Otherwise, you're the one having the meltdown.

shinoff2183114d ago

The name thing, or the game thing. The game thing is definitely happening. Might not be all. That's seems a bit far fetched but games are definitely coming or ms would've denied this sh Sunday night

Obscure_Observer114d ago (Edited 114d ago )


"Can't call it fake unless you can disprove it. Otherwise, you're the one having the meltdown."


Whatever you say, dude

Here goes nothing:

1st update 7 February 2024 at 10pm: citing some unspecified sources, Jez Corden of WindowsCentral believes that the wording “Microsoft Game Pass” was invented completely by GameStop and that there is nothing official about it. We are still waiting for a clarification from Microsoft.

2nd update 8 February 2024 at 00:05: GameStop has eliminated the banners with the wording Microsoft Game Pass from social media, perhaps because it was truly the result of an error. WindowsCentral’s Jez Corden reiterates that it was a typo of those responsible for the chain.


Now, take a deep breath, relax, and just wait for next week´s event. ;)

Christopher114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

***citing some unspecified sources, Jez Corden of WindowsCentral believes that the wording “Microsoft Game Pass” was invented completely by GameStop and that there is nothing official about it. We are still waiting for a clarification from Microsoft. ***

Someone's opinion on the rumor doesn't debunk the rumor.

Look, I'm not sitting here calling this anything but a rumor, but GameStop doesn't have interns pushing major updates to their site with random filler text. That's not how that works. Someone could have made a mistake, but this isn't something to ignore because GameStop hasn't denied it, only removed it.

helicoptergirl114d ago

I think it's a mistake. Even EA made the same mistake in March of Last Year in an official post. Still gonna be Xbox Game Pass and it's not going to change or go anywhere. I think that


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 114d ago
gold_drake114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

thats a bold statement, just because of a simple name change haha.
but pop off i guess ha.

and you are kinda asking for meltdowns to happen, if i would have said that, my comment would have been flagged as "spam" for trolling, the second i typed it ha.

MrNinosan114d ago

Did anyone say Xbox is going anywhere?
What's been said is that Xbox has a hardware company will disappear and go Third Party, which this also implies, no?

Obscure_Observer113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

"What's been said is that Xbox has a hardware company will disappear and go Third Party, which this also implies, no?"


Last time I checked 55% of all Gamepass subscribers were Ultimate Tier subscribers which means XBOX CONSOLE subscribers.

You got be out of your mind if you think Xbox is leaving the console business just to hand it over to Sony.

Phil might throw a bone at Playstation and Nintendo players here and there, but that´s it.

113d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 113d ago
-Foxtrot114d ago

Get your new Microsoft Series X console today and it will include 12 Months of Microsoft Game Pass free.

darthv72114d ago

Nah... they gonna keep xbox brand. It just makes more sense to call the service MS Game Pass because it encompasses console, PC, mobile, and cloud. The original name of xbox game pass as well as PC game pass where too specific. Having one name for all is better... more inclusive.

fr0sty114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

They have no reason to keep the Xbox brand. It has done nothing but lose them money. They make their money selling games and subscriptions, not Xboxes.

shinoff2183114d ago

Pc and Xbox gamepass were different though. On pc gamepass I can download fallout 3 and new vegas goty editions where as on my series x I only can get the vanilla fallout 3 and new vegas. I was pretty bummed about that one. I never did get to finish all the new vegas dlc.

113d ago
crazyCoconuts113d ago

Agree with @frosty. AND why wouldn't MS want to distance themselves from a product that has been in last place for so long, and debatably (depending on our "business update") is about to go on life support with little future investment.

darthv72113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

@fr0sty... this is true. They dont rely on xbox hardware like sony does with PS... but that doesnt mean they should drop it all together. they also sell mice and keyboards, should they drop those because logitech sells more? Or how about tablets, or how about headphones...? There will always be another outfit that can sell something more popular than what MS sells but they still sell and bring in that little bit of extra income.

Many like to use Zune as some sort of example of a failed MS hardware project but they never realize that practically every MP3 player on the market was affected by the explosion in popularity that was the ipod. Archos, Creative, Sony... all of them had better players that failed compared to the ipod.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 113d ago
Christopher114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

More than likely to be used to help sell better on PC than anything else. But also helpful when they move to mobile cloud-based Game Pass under big parent umbrella.

Barlos114d ago

No thanks. You couldn't pay me to own an Xbox

114d ago
XiNatsuDragnel114d ago

Microsoft gamepass? Incidating to get third party publisher in the future? Nah according to gamestop it's false.

114d ago
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