
Fallout 4's 'next gen' update is over 14 gigs, breaks modded saves, & doesn't change much at all

We were expecting problems with mod support, but there are a lot of other issues.

isarai36d ago

Wow what the actual hell 🤣🤣🤣

just_looken36d ago

This is why you get the GOG version on gog you can select the version of the game to download.

On pc fallout 4 fallout new vegas and skyrim are all broken on steam because they all got the same "next gen" update.

Skyrim dec 2023

Can not find new vegas but anyone that modded it knows the script extender there was also broken

GamerRN35d ago

The amount of shade that gets thrown at Microsoft! This is a free next Gen upgrade that bumps up visuals quite a bit, and it's free! Not $10 like some companies...

Jesus, it's getting thick in here...

Valkyrye36d ago

Not accidental, they want modders to stop modding their older games to force them to mod Shitfield.

just_looken36d ago

There doing the same on starfield with a mods store and blocking mods

There goal is like blizzard and what they did with fallout 76 you make mods they can sell and you become a slave.

On skyrim they have "trusted" mod devs now basically a badge that lets your mod on the store you get a crumb of the sale when someone buys it.

GamerRN35d ago

The mods aren't broken, just modded saves

Michiel198935d ago

@gamerRN shhhh don't tell them, if you do they can't mindlessly hate a company when they're so uninformed anymore

MaximusTKG35d ago

My modded save is working fine. Perhaps it’s not a blanket issue.

Inverno36d ago

lol to the disagrees, the last Skyrim update broke mods too. They've been trying to kill mods to monetize them in creation club for years, it's not a stretch that they purposely put out patches just to break free mods.

porkChop36d ago

The disagrees are from people who have common sense. They aren't trying to kill mods. Most mods for any game will break with a new update because they rely on files/code that have been changed. This isn't new. Even with Bethesda this would happen way before the creation club. Mod support is literally one of the things that got Bethesda to where they are, and they're one of the only devs that releases comprehensive mod tools for each of their games.

Sirch36d ago

This is business 101.

These are massive companies who are here to make money, not please us gamers. They will charge whatever the market will bare, and will monetize everything they can until gamers stop buying.

People need to wake up and smell the capitalism that has come to gaming. They aren’t here for us any more, they are here for their profits.

just_looken35d ago

Thank you inverno it seems even after starfield there are still thousands that will do anything todd says and gives free blowjobs to team B.

Anyone with a working brain and a pc knows the on going war that is modding fallout/skyrim there dam paid mod store along with forced updates has done more harm than good.

For those that are like but update break mods all the time have never modded a unreal/unity game it takes a large update to break those games were as a simple 30-100mb skyrim updates kills the game except those paid mods.

But fallout 76 has a high player count and is considered by many of the new "gamers" a GOAT game so that says it all.

Armaggedon35d ago

Why do we keep bringing starfield into this. Purge the wrongful hate from yourself

just_looken35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Because it still has the same framerate as fallout 3 on a xbox 360 with the same resolution 6 months later we still have only gotten a photo mode and every update there has been killing all mods but a paid mod store is on the horizon.

Fix starfield? na fuck that take this $40 blue skin mod bitch

If you read before the game was live you would see that said before and after official mod support on the way you can make your own planet but like i said 6 months later nothing has been added.

Starfield the biggest budget biggest team but smallest amount of content the most censorship the most control over the community including auto steam review reply with auto delete and exclusive to windows os with the same performance of 2005 hardware.

Armaggedon35d ago

There are plenty of articles and videos for you to go and be wrathful towards starfield… but this one aint it. This is a fallout 4 article.😂

Chocoburger36d ago

Over 14 GBs and doesn't change much at all? What? Taking up that much drive space for a pathetic 'remastering' is shameful.

Par for Bethesda.

Aussiesummer36d ago

It's not a remaster, it's a next gen update.

GamerRN35d ago

It actually bumps the settings up to ultra, 1440p 60fps. Added some new content. And it's free. That's a great upgrade to me...

badz14936d ago

LOL people are actually expecting massive improvements or something? From Bethesda?? the same people who released Skyrim multiple times and the all look like shit? THAT Bethesda? are people for real?

Profchaos36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

The ps5 version doesn't change a ton but from my small playtime it's enough to make me want to replay it just to have it running at 60.

A side note to this my PS4 version no longer boots after it's "update" so I guess that's what it feels like to own a Bethesda game on PC

1nsomniac35d ago

My ps4 version boots fine after the update. It flashed up some long message about the ps5 version when I got in to the game menu but as soon as it appeared the message disappeared so I couldn’t read it. But the game loaded in and I was able to play.

just_looken35d ago

Its a psplus deal with licenses they already went opps we hit wrong button we sorry.

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto17d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx17d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast17d ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl23d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis23d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits23d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast22d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast22d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead22d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

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