
Starfield is still broken despite major 25 GB update

Bethesda has just released the latest update for Starfield and players have discovered that the game is still incredibly broken.

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The-VG-shamman16d ago

It will never be running as expected, because these fixes are mostly for the compensation of the series s lol. The games legit compromised Already.

Monkeycan816d ago

Which is why I am waiting for the PS5 version.

JEECE16d ago

There will probably be a PS5 version announced within the next year, but don't expect it to magically fix all the games underlying problems.

Rockstar16d ago

...This is Bethesda we're talking about

Monkeycan816d ago

Nah it wont fix the problems but it will be better and have more content.

Tacoboto16d ago

Gotta hand it to Bethesda.

One way to avoid laying off QA staff is to just not have any at all!

Goosejuice16d ago

Why have QA when modders fix ur game for u

Flakegriffin16d ago

Didn’t the modding community give up on Starfield shortly after launch?

Goosejuice16d ago

I really tried to get into this game as I love Bethesda games. Put 40 hours into and even bought the 100$ edition...but this game just isn't good. It's an ok title at best. Dosnt have any of the charm that elder scrolls or fallout has. It's incredible how bland this game is despite having the opportunity to create a whole new universe..literally, and they give us this mostly human universe with the same things to do over n over just on a different named planet.

They had such a huge opportunity to give us this incredible universe akin to star wars and instead made it bland af. It saddens me a bit cuz I truly tried, and i love Bethesda open worlds. Maybe shattered sky's helps? Idk. To me the core of the game is just not good. The only thing I truly liked was the ship building.

shinoff218316d ago

This is about where I'm at. They never built onto it within the game. The lore sucked. Where as elder scrolls and fallout you find notes, books, and computers to read and what not. It adds to the game tremendously as far as lore. It couldn't immerse me like the the other 2 series. Maps and exploration lacked. Those are my only issues with the game. Unfortunately I don't think they will ever give a fk about the lore.

Profchaos16d ago

Credit to you I couldn't stomach any more forced tutorials and menus 4 hours in.

I hit another guided tutorial after 4 hours playing Its simply bad game design

Kurt Russell16d ago

I put in 110 hours, it had some addictive Bethesda qualities that kept me chipping away... even though, you're absolutely correct. It is a really bland title and in my opinion completely lacked that sense of discovery and exploration by taking the hub world route.

HansyJ16d ago

I can never understand somebody saying I put 100 hours into something and I thought it was bland and didn’t like it lol 100 hours. Some people haven’t even spent 100 hours in the gym in their life.

anast15d ago

"Go to the gym because you spent 100 hrs doing something you kind of enjoy."

This is a bizarre take.

16d ago
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Starfield's recent player spike is good, but it needs its Cyberpunk 2077 moment now

Starfield's recent player spike is a good sign, but Bethesda desperately need to line up their Cyberpunk 2077 moment.

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ZeekQuattro7d ago

I feel like the second big update that releases late this year will do just that. Part of the story expansion is also new means of transportation on planets.

P_Bomb7d ago

A good DLC could turn some heads. The Destiny games got momentum that way too.

piher7d ago

What player spike?

I checked steamcharts through the link in the article and it went from 8,000 to 11.500, so yea 20% but when the game peaked at 330,000 It's safe to say that the actual effect of this update was negligible.

LostPotato7d ago

Doubt it'll ever get redemption. As many developers have said in various interviews it's beyond saving.

Just release the mod tools and expansion and move on.

Profchaos7d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 had some strong bones i disliked it on launch because I could see the potential I could see the strengths of what they wanted to achieve but it wasn't done yet

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Starfield fans want mech piloting added after Bethesda teases "major features on the horizon"

Starfield fans are asking Bethesda to introduce mech piloting to the game after it teaser "major features" on the horizon.

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Jingsing8d ago

They didn't get the memo the game is dead and the Bethesdabots only want magic and fantasy.

Boy_the_CowRoy6d ago

Starfield fans? The game only has 9 thousand current players, worldwide! As a company you cannot waste time on creating "Major features", it is simply not profitable. Just move on.


This Fan Just Turned Starfield Into Star Wars By Installing Over 100 Dedicated Mods

The YouTuber DeityVengy has transformed Starfield into an open-world Star Wars RPG, or The Mandalorian, with over a hundred mods.