
Why Did Twice As Many People Play Dead Space As Bought It?

"In studying how Dead Space sold, a key stat loomed large for EA.

EA's Glen Schofield, studio manager for the company's Dead Space team at Visceral Games, appeared on the second episode of EA's official podcast to talk games, mention that Dead Space had co-op during some of its development cycle and explain the company's take on Dead Space's sales."

Parapraxis5443d ago

Such a good game.
I actually just finished it a couple days ago.... I rented it.
I saw it was selling for 29$ at Future Shop (used) and was pretty pissed I didn't check before, renting it cost 15$ for two weeks. I will most likely buy it still, but it is a game that IMO was worth the initial retail price.

JsonHenry5443d ago

I loved the game as well. But I would never have bought it. I don't see a reason to buy a single player game that once beaten has little to no replay value.

Typically the only single player games I buy are RPGs. Something that takes a lot of time to beat. $60 for a 10 hour game is just not in my budget.. that and I have gamefly.

StanLee5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

It came out at a horrid time. In October when the game was released, I bought Fable 2 and Fifa 2009, the following month I bought Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty World at War and Gears of War 2. I eventually bought the game but I bought it from Gamefly after renting it which counts as a used game.

Jaces5443d ago

Guess the horror genre is'nt for everyone :D

Me personally, I bought it day one. This game was well worth the $60 and with a 5.1 surround sound to add to the creepiness I was in Horror heaven.

GameGambits5443d ago

Co-op would've broken up the amazing atmosphere this game built.

I know for Dead Space 2 they are already looking at multiplayer aspects to increase sales, but I hope for their sake they stick to a nazi zombies like game type. You and some buddies taking on waves of necromorphs---in ZERO G!

Otherwise just try to make the single player as long as possible without repetition. If it becomes a 20 hour long story MINIMUM, throw in some trophies/achivements to really increase replay, and maybe be able to go through the game again as a different character with a different take on the story, then you'd have a winner for more sales.

I hope they stay far away from any kind of TDM multiplayer, because it will not work for this type of game---not for me anyway.

Hellsvacancy5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

I knew it was gonna b a sick game and i was right i even remember sum mofo on N4g replyin 2 1 of my comments ages ago sayin summin like "how could u buy Dead Space b4 Fallout 3 - your an idiot" - look at me now sucka (who-ever u are)

gamesR4fun5443d ago

finished it twice in a week great game holds its own with any next gen title 2 short for a 60+ purchase imo but a steal for 20-30

phosphor1125443d ago

atleast 5 people so far. So no wonder twice as many people played it.

meepmoopmeep5443d ago

i still need to buy it.

the demo was pretty good.

marinelife95443d ago

Rent it, Beat it, Take it back. The game is worth it.

Poopface the 2nd5443d ago

I just rented it tho. I was able to finish it on the hardest dificulty so I never went and bought it. I will probrbly buy dead space 2 cause now I know ill enjoy it.

jerethdagryphon5443d ago


in all honesty games like this are not horror so much as goror. the shock value comes from the jump and the gore rather then an inate sense of dread,
yes its dark and creepy and that is a horror aspect but the monsters jumping out at you beyond the first one leads to the gorror theme rapidly

lovecraft is horror, due to the psycolagical effect the scenario is having and while dead space does have some strong lovecraftian themes running through it its olstered by the fact its a shooter and the gore over rules the true psycological horror..

good game though

UnwanteDreamz5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

While I agree with most of what you say, I think it is an unfair comparison for what I think are obvious reasons.

How many games can you name that have had "true psycological horror"?

I think can name 2 or 3 in the entire history of gaming.

JonnyBigBoss5443d ago

I'm a fan of horror games, specifically Silent Hill, but didn't enjoy Dead Space much. I'm not sure why, but I'm willing to admit that it's a terrific game but just didn't entertain me much.

TheExecutive5443d ago

Why? Because its a new IP? Because it is single-player only?

DaTruth5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

There was no chance of me buying, renting, probably wouldn't have even borrowed it. The demo seemed really bad to me! Maybe because I suffer from mild claustrophobia, I don't like games that suffer from it. It's the same reason I didn't buy Bioshock.

Not saying the game is bad, just didn't appeal to me!

AntoineDcoolette5443d ago

Because I loaned the game to two friends who finished and didn't buy it. So that's 3 times as many people who played it compared to buying it!

ThanatosDMC5443d ago

Something's wrong with the game. I havent finished it, but i was on my last chapter or so. But my friend started a new game and it reseted all my Trophies. Is that normal???


I bought the game day one at full price.

Its the only game i bought that i don't look back at and think " dam i should have waited till it went down in price."

even as a single player game with no multiplayer or co-op, i think its totally worth every penny i paid for it.

its one of the few games that will stay in my little collection of greatest games along with the GTA box set, the Halo series, MGS4, dead rising, oblivion.

i think i have said it a million times now, but i never get tired of saying it, Dead Space was my game of the year last year and its been a favorite new IP this gen.

Syronicus5443d ago

WIll play it through again soon. That is why I bought it day one. It's one of my all time favorite titles ever.

FOXDIE5443d ago

The game is really really good. I can also go as far as saying its on par with RE4 if not much better. The controls the game had where truly and absolutely flawless (something crapcom should have used for RE5).

Kassanova075443d ago

This was by far one of the best games of 2008. It's a shame it didn't sell more. I'll keep my copy thank you very much.

Hellsvacancy5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

I HONESTLY didnt rate Resident Evil 5 at all - thats y i rented it - 1 positive did cum outta Res5 and that was that last week me and my missis bought a kitten 4 my 1 and half year old daughter and I named it Wesker (after the badass lookin mofo Albert Wesker lol) my missis didnt like it but sodd her :-)

Dead Space is in league of its own i also REALLY liked the build up 2 the game the 6 part movin comic series was COOL the animated movie wasnt as good but still worth watchin

My ONLY negative with the game was that i dont own a HD Tv yet (gotta 52inch flat/wide-screen) so i couldnt read alot of the writin when (for example) u found the ship logs and things like that the written was to small and a little fuzzy round the edges - not much of problem

Oh and ive had bit of a smoke so PLEASE 4give my grammar and spellin :D

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5443d ago
hay5443d ago

Yeah, like renting and game exchange don't exist.

crck5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

I doubt piracy had much of an impact. It just suffered the same fate as Uncharted and the God of War games. A really good single player only game. But a game that only lasts 10 to 15 hours. So most people rent it or borrow it from a friend. Uncharted sold about 2.5 million copies and each God of War sold about 3 million copies. But just about everyone I know has played God of War but only about 1/3 of them bought it new. They just borrowed it from a friend after they were done or rented it. Devs have to put in local co-op or multiplayer if they want to get the really big sales. That's what makes people want to purchase the game or keep it around for when a buddy comes over.

FamilyGuy5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

Im sure a good percentage was due to piracy but there are plently of other factors as well
borrowing a friends
buying used
multiple online accounts
multiple same consoles in one home that can share a game.

Mindboggle5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

PS3 blu rays arent being pirated but PSN games are being shared, and pretty much everyone is doing it...

kazan5443d ago (Edited 5443d ago )

Piracy is the main reason for this, Xbox/Pc games can all be played for 0$. actually, PC games are even more easier where you can download the game for free and play it on your PC.

That is one of the main reasons developers are focusing more on online-multipliers games or including the online with the original game. It is the only way for them to make sure that people will purchase the original copy.

I_am_rushin5443d ago

Why did people disagree with me?


Perhaps, but that is not illegal. And is a moot point for Dead Space.

UnwanteDreamz5443d ago

offtopic: Another thing to consider with the sharing of PSN games is the peson who purchases the game can only share with 5 people.

Oh and FYI for game sharers. If 5 other people have your account and share games with you be sure they are real friends. If anything happens to your system you will need one of their loggins to use your original PSN name on the new PS3.

FOXDIE5443d ago

you love talking out of your ass dontya?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5443d ago
GiantEnemyCrab5443d ago

Good interview and it sounds like the dev's came to a good conlcusion on this question. It's a fantastic game and one of the few EA titles I've bought in a while. Looking forward to the sequel and I really hope they keep the single player experience the center of attention. I feel this game does not need multiplayer.

Rifle-Man5443d ago

I can pick this up for $39 in Canada – I think I'll do that soon.

Is it just me, or is anyone else buying up the bargain titles over the 60-70 dollar ones? I'd love to buy Uncharted, but $60 after all this time seems a bit much.

butterfinger5443d ago

$39.99 used at GameStop. However, I'd recommend renting it since you can easily beat it in just a couple sessions.


Rifle-Man5443d ago

Really? I'd buy it for $40. I was just at my local EB Games and they have a bunch of used copies of Uncharted priced at $59.99!

Renting it sounds like a good idea – thanks for the tip!

butterfinger5443d ago

no problem. I forgot that you live in Canada, though, so that would explain why Uncharted is $59.99 for you I guess. I did see some for cheaper than GameStop at Blockbuster before, though.

Parapraxis5443d ago

Just got Uncharted off ebay.ca for 35$ (shipping incl.)
On it's way from Quebec today =)

MRMagoo1235443d ago

uncharted is platinum isnt it its about AUS$30 at my local jb hifi and eb second hand at about $10 up to $20 if your unlucky so about US$8 to about US$16

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5443d ago
butterfinger5443d ago

I, for one, rent single-player only games instead of buying them (unless they are RPGs). It was most likely a combination of people renting the game, buying it used, borrowing it from a friend, and pirating it. I guess I am the only one that is shocked that the game sold 1.5 million copies. I guess it's nice to see good, new IP selling well, though.

DaTruth5443d ago

Sorry, but the new consensus is that if a game doesn't sell five million in the first three hours, it's a flop. Or maybe that only applies to PS3 exclusives?

But you never hear 360 fanboys calling this game a flop!


it also depends on the expectations for the game.

for example, i would not have expected dead space to sell as many units as say for example Gears of war 2 on its first day,

I would have expected killzone 2 to sell a lot more or at least close to gears 2 on its first day. It must have been one of the most hyped games this gen ( best console graphics this gen and all that crap )..

its just like if halo or GTA didn't sell over a million ( or i would prob say 2 milllion in its first day ) i would consider that to be a flop cos they are very big AAA games.

i would not have expected the same from Dead space, but in terms of how good the game is i would say it deserved much higher sales then that.

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EA Japan Exec Criticises Japanese Ratings Board

An executive of Electronic Arts Japan has criticised the Japanese video game ratings board for allowing upcoming action game Stellar Blade to be released uncensored while EA's own Dead Space was banned in the country.

CrimsonWing6938d ago

He’s got a point. If a game is M-Rated, which is the equivalent of an R rating, I don’t get why you need to censor anything. The rating is the indicator of the content and the age appropriate. If it’s appropriate for adults… why treat them like children? 🤷‍♂️

Eonjay38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

This is about gore... not about anything sexual. And specifically I think it is about the realistic depiction of gore. Unfortunately I don't know the nuance of the CERO board or how it is relevant their specific culture (as a prohibition on gore may transcend age) so I hesitate to make a statement. Can anyone else provide insight to what kind of gore is considered unacceptable?

CrimsonWing6938d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Yea, I know this is about gore, but thanks for pointing that out.

My point still stands, if a game is essentially rated for a mature audience then why censor for them as if they’re too young to view it? Makes no sense.

To answer your question: Decapitation, dismemberment, like… anything gore. They have been censoring that since CERO was established. Look up RE4 chainsaw decapitation or any MK games that made it there.

Cacabunga38d ago

EA Japan? Wtf never heard of that

ZwVw38d ago

Yet, the Oneechanbara series (y'know, the game with half-naked samurai females slicing up zombies to bloody pieces) get released in Japan uncensored.

The CERO ratings board is an equilibrium.

Smellsforfree37d ago

This confuses me since I've seen so many gory Japanese movies and anime. For example, Battle Royale.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 37d ago
gold_drake38d ago

definitely has a point.

but .. its japan. are we really surprised?

VersusDMC38d ago

I don't know if the EA executive is going off the one close up of an arm being cut off in the demo. Maybe it's uncensored because it's the arm of a cyborg or it doesn't happen that often (didn’t see EVE dismemberment when killed in the demo) .

In the states there's a certain amount of swear words allowed to a PG13 movie before it is deemed R. So maybe it's the same in Japan for gore?

Eonjay38d ago

Yes I think you may be on to something. The violence is gory but I wouldn't call it gruesome.

Retroman38d ago

Ea Japan please make Knack 3
in the future

Eonjay38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

Does EA Japan actually make games at all? Or are they just a regional publisher?

Retroman37d ago

I'm sorry Japan Studio made Knack


One Year Later, What Was The Point Of The Dead Space Remake

The remake teased an expanded universe, but now a sequel has no chance of delivering on it.

Read Full Story >>
isarai45d ago

Honestly i believe it was mainly as retaliation for the original devs breaking off and making colisto protocol. They've done this a few times, ignoring fan demands for the return of a belived ip until someone does it for them, then they retaliate by only then announcing an entry. Colisto protocol was announced and EA announced the remake shortly after, Session finally hit consoles and skate 4 was announced, shortly after Undisputed was shown off, talks started happening about a new fight night.

ZeekQuattro44d ago

I agree. Reminds me of when Inafune announced Mighty No.9 and the initial reaction of the game industry was that of celebration and suddenly Capcom said ohh shit we need to announce Mega Man 11. 😆 Still waiting for MM12 & the next X title.

isarai44d ago

Exactly, it's BS that pettiness has more power than demand for some reason.

Cacabunga44d ago

i liked the remake as much as the original.. it has so many improvements, the most noticeable to me was the seemless transition between levels which should be a must and a standard nowadays.
I cannot wait for the sequel's remake too.

Tacoboto44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

That's a very farfetched conspiracy.

Callisto Protocol was announced in February 2021 and Dead Space in July. They didn't just decide in March 2021 to "retaliate" by remaking from scratch Dead Space in under a two year timespan.

If anything, Callisto is the result of a has-been Creative Director whose only inspiration is his previous work, and EA took inspiration long before Callisto was known about from the insane success of the RE Remakes and endless calls at the time for the RE4 Remake.

0hMyGandhi44d ago

So, how do you like working at EA?

shadowhaxor44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

And yet,fans of Dead Space, myself included, have been asking EA to bring back Dead Space for a better part of a decade. To which EA refused, stating that it was done with the series. Specifically after Dead Space 3 failed to meet EA's sale goals (sound familiar?) But magically, after they caught wind of The Callisto Protocol, with Glen at the helm, Dead Space remake was greenlit.

For those not counting, The Callisto Protocol call was announced in 2019, while Dead Space remake was announced in 2021. Long before TCP was announced?

badboyz0944d ago

100% that's the way EA operates

Extermin8or3_44d ago

You know how long it will have taken to make this game, this is some rediciulous logic.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 44d ago
Tacoboto45d ago

It was a solid game and we'll have to move on and accept it for what it is. Just because we're not getting a sequel (original or remake) doesn't mean there's no point anymore in what is a great, tense, well-paced single player experience. No one's taking Dead Space Remake away.

I just hope that the game isn't so technically stitched together on PC that driver updates render the game unplayable like what happened with me and my RTX 4070 last year, requiring a driver downgrade just months after the game came out. If you're a console player then you've got no worries.

TheProfessional44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Yeah but it was a pointless remake since the original still looks pretty good. They should've done a sequel, something original or Dante's Inferno 2.

Way too many remakes now. Even resident evil 4 had already been remastered twice before the most recent one. No originality. Why not just hire the original team to make a new game instead?

Harkins172144d ago

For the hopes to get a new generation of people into the game. OG still looks good but it stopped selling long ago. So I get why they do remakes.

Knightofelemia45d ago

Most likely for EA to cash in on the remake craze that followed Capcom when they started remaking RE games. I am glad EA did it I enjoy the game. DS is one of my favorite franchises love the sci fi horror shit. What I don't like is EA not remaking DS2. So DS1 remake did not do well with the numbers so what. DS2 has a solid fanbase and is probably the best entry in the franchise depending on the fan. DS2 remake would have been a day one for me but I got a reminder on why I hate EA. Scrap the DS2 remake for a shitty Iron Man game.

chicken_in_the_corn45d ago

It's because the gaming community want remakes and remasters over new games.

mandf44d ago (Edited 44d ago )

Thank you for recognizing that. One group always complains over remasters or remakes.gamers want them and they sell. To the once’s that complain your console has no games to do again. If you did ,they would remake them.

Crows9044d ago

Or maybe we can tell most of these devs can't deliver good new IP for some reason.

isarai44d ago

When it's hard to find a modern game that isn't broken, incomplete and monetized to hell, remakes are a sure bet for having a complete experience as older games weren't plagued with those issues

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 44d ago
Fonsecap44d ago

I think that is for the best of the franchise o be left alone then to be turned into a game as a service or something like that, EA has the awful habit of trying to monetize everything.

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?