Blaze9295389d ago

Wow...I didnt even know there was a internal battery this time around.

masterg5389d ago

If I were Sony I would make the PSP update automatically when it entered a wifi area. Meaning if you didn't have the latest firmware it would download in the background and install when finished.

Even pirate masterminds wouldn't be able to keep up. Every time they hacked a PSP they would have to make sure it never entered a wifi zone not to be re-hacked by Sony.

evrfighter5389d ago

sure blame the pirates. Apple does the same thing with their batteries. Must be some nice pocket cash charging who knows how much for the battery and the service fee.

indysurfn5389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )

But I'm sure that Sony has already thought of that. It is against the law to install firmware without permission.

To bad there is a fee, but it can be enough to make the games division profitable.

I'm not sure but I think the PSP is selling good, if there is only 30 million PSP's, and a 19 dollar fee. That will get Sony 599 million dollars! Sweet! That will mean enough money for another price drop next year to counter any XBOX360 price drop.

Blaze9295389d ago

That's true but really, in the case of the PSP pirates ARE the reason.

Bnet3435389d ago

Sony is very smart. In order for me to hack my Darth Vader PSP, I had to use a PSP phat battery. Good to see them being on their game about piracy but hackers will always find a way.

masterg5389d ago


My Samsung Harddisk Recorder updates it's firmware without asking.
If it is a law problem you just make people agree to it when they buy it.

uie4rhig5389d ago

or they'd just make sure the wifi switch is off..

Baka-akaB5389d ago


it's a lousy idea , most psp hacks users are tech savvy enough to disable the wifi to begin with .

It could actually even open more doors , with hackers emulating a connection to the firmware servers . Even the ps3 at first had prog running on pc that fooled the PSN into thinking you had the proper firmware version , back when people didnt want to update , with the hope of some firmware downgrade tool .

Rock Bottom5389d ago

That's not the smartest idea, you know hacked PSPs works on custom firmwares, and not Sony's FWs, so when they manage to install their own Firmware they can just disable the auto update thing.

The trick is to stop them from hacking the system the first time, while I don't think built in battery is the best way to do it, it sure is good enough to halt piracy, at least for while.

PinkUni5389d ago

i agree with you

they're might start acting like the f**king cellphone buisnesses and start charging 40 bucks for a new battery or something completely insane

probably charge 250 for it and say "well you should just get a new one anyway lol"

beardpapa5389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )


I'm not going to go into details or be accurate about this, but if you get an external battery from someone with a homebrew-enabled PSP, you could use that battery + memstick-loaded custom firmware to 'lupdate' it into a newer model PSP (not sure about PSP-3000).

In other words, the battery was the key to unlocking the door.

edit: i see others have mentioned it. You can google the pandora battery.

Sarcasm5389d ago

Pirates will find a way, they always do. Just like the "un-hackable" lite-on 360 drives, that are now hackable.

vhero5389d ago

Pirates will get a regular PSP which do exactly the same job so whats the point?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 5389d ago
ProA0075389d ago

Sooo... what if the battery dies?

Blaze9295389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )

would have to send that sucker straight to Sony! Although I see why they did this, I gotta admit that's kinda lame. Unless itll stay free pass the warranty to get the battery replaced for what it wouldve cost for a external battery, I don't see it being a good thing for the consumers.

But I still got my PSP-1000 since launch and the battery still hold up from a full charge pretty damn long

clixx335389d ago

Charge it? I mean it's Sony, I haven't had any hardware problems with my PSP 3000 so I don't see why this would be any different.

blind-reaper5389d ago

No, I guess you could buy a new battery and open the PSP (like iPods)

indysurfn5389d ago

if the battery dies the psp will not work. You can't open it and replace like a Ipod. The whole point is to stop piracy. If it was that simple it would not even slow down piracy. You have to send it in to Sony to get it replaced and pay the fee. The battery is not replaceable.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5389d ago
Mr Bean Laden5389d ago

good thing you don't have to put AA batteries in it like the last gen xflop 360 controller

-MD-5389d ago

Apparently you didn't know about the battery packs that have been available since launch.

The-Warranty5389d ago

I guess murder doesnt understand what bean ladin is saying.

Mr Bean Laden5389d ago

lol I gave Murderdolls an Agree for the laugh he gave me, great comprehension, really :P

Come on! Battery packs in a next gen controler! what will M$ think of next? :P

Mr Bean Laden5389d ago

next thing you know M$ releases a cell phone that needs AA batteries also and the bots well call it "next gen" :P

54percent5389d ago

I have a "Super Secret" video leak of the test of the Microsoft Pocket Project!!! it's amazing how the innovation of Microsoft amaze everyone!!

Amplitude5389d ago

This article had nothing at all to do with the 360, yet you still managed to rip on the console. xD Win.

DelbertGrady5389d ago

What happens when the Sixaxis/DS3 battery is worn out? You have to buy a new controller instead of just batteries? lol!

-MD-5389d ago

AA batteries =/= rechargable battery packs

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5389d ago
jack who5389d ago

so when it dies you have too buy a new one when its cant take charge anymore

FlipMode5389d ago

Or you get a warranty but sony products almost never fail anyways.

Mr Bean Laden5389d ago

good thing there's no xflop portable

54.2% fail rate would also get ported over :P

jack who5389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )


FlipMode5389d ago

Why are you speechless? Are Sony products not reliable?

Microsoft Xbox 3605389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )

Ummm.......... You can grab a philip screwdriver and open it, replace the battery, and your good to go. It's not like the battery's soldered onto the PCB board.

cjflora5389d ago

Where did you get the idea that you had to buy a new one? You would need to send it in to Sony to have them swap the battery for you. Just like an iPod.

Amplitude5389d ago

You can buy parts for any system. I've bought an uncountable number of parts for my PSP fats and 2000s due to me modifying it.
And yes, you can manually replace any iPod battery you want...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5389d ago
Xbox360Elite5389d ago (Edited 5389d ago )

So if the battery dies you have to folk out on a brand new psp go because Sony only cares about making money from suckers.

Also Sony you don't need to explain you've already made a mockery of the gaming industry so it's best to just stay quite.

MGOelite5389d ago

and let me guess microsoft doesnt give a damn about making money and there all for their customers?

TheTruth895389d ago

I NEVER heard of a faulty battery for PSP, this isn't a problem since PSP is not related to Microsoft... unlike your A$$

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Why I Bought a PSP Go in 2021

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "I bought a 12-year-old, digital-only system. And I gotta say – I love it."

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Knushwood Butt1081d ago

I got one at launch and still have it.
Great system and super portable.
Not so comfortable for big hands playing for long sessions though.

Have good memories of Peace Walker on the Go, pun intended.

dolfa1080d ago

I believe there is some prototype of a hand held console with dedicated GPU that can run modern AAA games too.

Eidolon1080d ago

PSP has such great games, it's such a shame Vita didn't do as well, I still use mine I bought in 2014. I still would love an upgraded handheld if just for ports, though.

redrum061080d ago

I've enjoyed my PSP a lot, too bad they're not making handhelds anymore.
That time when Skype was available on PSP was awesome.

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The Xbox One S All-Digital Edition Is the PSP Go All Over Again

Ed writes: Yesterday, Microsoft revealed the brand new, disc drive less Xbox One S All Digital Edition console to the... confusion of a lot gamers.

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ziggurcat1871d ago

it's more prevalent now, so I don't think it's the same thing. I've been all digital since 2014, so if the next gen of consoles has a discless SKU as well as one for physical media, I would likely get the discless one.

ThinkThink1871d ago

Yeah, it's just another option to add to the mix. Does seem like it's releasing way too late in the generation though. I was also expecting $200. I don't see anyone buying this at $250.

darthv721869d ago

I love the PSP Go. It is an awesome little handheld that can also double as a home console. I'm still amazed that so many people DONT know about that feature. sure the 2k and 3k could plug into a tv but you still had to use them as the controller. The Go has a dedicated dock and you can sync a sixaxis controller to it for couch play using an actual controller. Doing what the switch does, before the switch.

Mine has an additional 16gb M2 card inserted for 32gb of storage. the main problem was Sony not having any sort of digital validation program for people with existing UMD's. It was rumored they were working on a UMD reader that could plug into the USB of a PS3 and then it could validate the game and allow you to dl a digital version to play on the Go. They were also toying with the idea of digital trade in program at retailers, along those same lines. You bring your UMD games to trade in for digital versions.

Despite what people think about its failure... it really is an awesome little device.

Knightofelemia1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )


Yes you do pay for the license with either physical or digital. But with physical you get a sense of owner ship with that title unlike digital. And if a studio loses a license then a person who wants to buy that game digitally is screwed. Like when Activision lost the license to all the Transformers games and the digital copies all got ripped from the digital stores. People who bought the digital copies can still access the games but a new person can't.

annoyedgamer1870d ago

Have fun paying more for all digital. Try bot to get to violate the ever changing TOS too...

ziggurcat1870d ago

it's the same ToS whether you buy digital or physical.

DarXyde1870d ago


Not where licensing is concerned.

GameStallion1870d ago (Edited 1870d ago )

I heard they released it just to test the “diskless” waters so to speak in gathering research for next gen.

ziggurcat1869d ago


It’s exactly where licensing is concerned. You’re paying for the same license regardless of whether you buy physical or digital.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1869d ago
shaenoide1870d ago

A diskless SKU without at least an HDD upgrade is pointless IMO.

ziggurcat1870d ago (Edited 1870d ago )

Well, that's almost a moot point as you'll likely be able to plug in an external HDD of far greater capacity than what the internal drive would be. You could easily just use that external for games storage, and transfer any games from the external to the internal for the duration of time you play that game.

darthv721869d ago

Technically... it did get a hdd upgrade. Majority of the S units are 500gb while some specific bundles include 1tb or more.

demonicale1870d ago

But with all digital the prices at launch are £10 more here in the UK, not sure about the US though?

rainslacker1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

It's certainly the same principal. But yeah, times have changed and there may be a market for it. I think that market may be more prevalent if they priced it lower, but never know. Stranger things have happened. Although, I think its success depends more on MS making X1 more popular overall.

PSP Go was a neat little system though. I might have been interested except I could have downloadable games on the regular version which I already had. Best part I liked about it was the sliding control pad. On the flip side....there is really nothing special about the X1SAD.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1869d ago
PhoenixUp1871d ago

Sony at least had the decency to put in 16GB storage in the PSP Go which was more space than what other models with disc drives had out of the box to compensate for the lack of physical media.

Microsoft didn’t even bother putting in a 4TB HDD into this thing to make it more enticing over a standard model. This whole things reeks of halfassed decisions just to see how the market reacts to an all digital device.

bluebenjamin1870d ago

Like the Ps4 pro less than half of a difference on screen from ps4 base lol talk about half azzed

Atticus_finch1870d ago

The pro has the best looking games... Unlike the Xbox SAD!

bluebenjamin1870d ago

@ Atticus the soup textures are not the best in gaming Sony needs talented developers because the pro is weak in power.Ps5 will show you how terrible Pro is.And yeah im not a fanboy so I can care less about xbox sad.Im a ps3 fan 360 Dreamcast onex fan never been a fan of Base ps4 or pro or xbox one base and s

King_Noctis1870d ago (Edited 1870d ago )

4TB? Won’t that increase the price of the console even further? Even the much more expensive Xbox One X and PS4 Pro has nowhere near that much amount of storage.

Let be real now and not complain just for the sake of it.

DarXyde1870d ago

I think it's a blatant push for Game Pass. Since games cycle through frequently, you don't need to top off on storage unless you're buying.


Pro is not what it *could have* been. They could have included dedicated BC hardware which would've been sweet and a UHD bluray drive if you're into that... but on the other hand, Pro does some pretty incredible things with the specs it has. I only have a base PS4, and I'm still seriously impressed with Sony's studios. God of War, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Uncharted 4 to name a few look stunning in the base hardware.

I'm pretty happy with not buying a Pro though because the next generation is gonna be that much sweeter.

PhoenixUp1870d ago

@ blue

Dafuq are you even talking about?

@ King

Because 4TB is the only reasonable way you’d convince consumers to give up a physical drive. Nixing the disc slot is a pretty big deal and not making a huge incentive for consumers is really insulting.

There’s even been a 2TB Xbox One model yet Microsoft didn’t bother including that size in this thing. Not that 2TB on its own would justify lacking physical media, but it would’ve been a lot better than the 1TB

Imortus_san1870d ago

You mean like the PS4 not having a 4k Blu Ray player?

DarXyde1869d ago (Edited 1869d ago )

Not exactly. We're talking about an all digital console not having something as essential as more HDD storage. The original Xbox One launched with a 500GB HDD and a device that ONLY accepts digital content only has 2x that. Doesn't make a lot of sense, especially when every game has to be installed either way. It's also $250 and doesn't offer real advantage over the original One S at all.

PS4 not having a 4K blu ray player doesn't seem to have hurt a GAMING device's popularity and appeal.

Keep up, homie.

Nintentional1869d ago

Yeah the PSP Go was good, because Sony. Xbox One S All digital is bad because there’s no Sony logo on it, you’re right.

Silly gameAr1869d ago

Your name is Nintentional. I think that says all we need to know about you.

DarXyde1869d ago

Both are pretty bad.

I think the argument being made here is that 16GB storage in PSP is decent since games were much smaller back then, but 1TB for an all-digital console with games that frequently require patches and updates and has Game Pass is pretty paltry.

Now if someone buys this with the sole intention of playing exclusives, 1TB is probably fine.

Otherwise, no, all digital gaming devices are not great ideas. To the PSP Go's credit though, it's a portable device. A portable DVD player with all digital access is practical where you can have a DVD player and DVD collection at home.

Switch gets it right in my opinion. The cartridges are tiny and easy to move around with, so going all digital makes less sense for that. I don't see any reason for an all digital home console. Options are good, sure, but I just don't see the point unless you're really constrained on space.

Something for everyone, I guess...

darthv721869d ago

I added a 16gb M2 to mine for 32gb of storage. My other PSP models only have 8gb MSPDuo cards.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1869d ago
isarai1871d ago

Its far more relevant now and could EASILY be a popular choice...

but just not at that price

RizBiz1870d ago

At least Sony had the decency to improve the design with the PSP Go.

chris2351870d ago

nope. the go had a few games. the xox got nothing.

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Top 10 Reasons to Miss the PSP Go

Sony's collapsible PSP model was cut down before it could even reach its prime, and it might have been their best handheld. Here's why the PSP Go is missed.

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rainslacker2676d ago

A regular PSP could do whatever the Go could do.