
G4TV: DC Universe Online Review

Up, up and away! There Goes All Your Free Time. DC Universe Online includes many popular features of current MMOs, playability on both the PlayStation 3 and PC and total immersion into the well-known world of DC Comics. Launch content smartly caters to many playstyles with inspired solo questing, group missions, end game raiding and PvP scenarios. Backed by SOE, this superhero MMORPG is both fun and challenging with just a few small bumps that need ironing out. With the DC world at its disposal, G4 is confident that this title has years of growth ahead of it.

Raoh4860d ago

same here.. the only downside is all the games coming out at the same time frame..

dc universe
mass effect 2
killzone 3
littlebigplanet 2
dead space 2

that's just february and january and narrowing it down to the good titles

P_Bomb4860d ago (Edited 4860d ago )

Indeed. I have to leave it for a while just to get caught up on other games before it gets too late, lol. I will be back though, guaranteed. Summer's usually dead for games. Perfect time to knock out a couple more level 30's.


DCUO Development Update - August 2023

If you do not read this whole update, here's what you need to know:

* Episode 46 is Justice League Dark Cursed
* PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X launch this holiday season

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MMOs In 2021 Retrospective: Console Edition

WTMG's Thomas Medina: "As far as I’m concerned, console MMOs have always been in a weird place. PC is where the main game is most popular. MMOs were born there, work best there, and have the vast majority of titles. Mobile is then next in line, with touchscreens and portability that adds something new while functioning well. Console gaming, on the other hand, is not portable (for the most part). Plus, it uses a controller, which is not the best instrument when your control scheme requires a thousand buttons and a cursor. That being said, there is an audience, and where there’s money to be made, publishers find a way. So here we are with some of the biggest console MMO games and how I feel they handled 2021. "

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Best Superhero Video Games Available Right Now

From Xfire: "A lot of video games are designed to make players feel like a superhero. However, very few actually feature superheroes or have players take on the role of a superhero. What makes this even worse is that there are even fewer superhero video games that can be considered good."