
Crysis 2 'Taps Every Last Ounce Of Console Power'

NowGamer: Crysis 2 Executive Producer Nathan Camarillo says that Crysis 2 is pushing both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 to the absolute limit...

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ultramoot4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

"Crysis 2 'Taps Every Last Ounce Of Console Power'"

Yeah. Good luck explaining that to the PS3 fanboys.

skyward4853d ago

Why - because they want KZ3 to win the 'looking pretty' competition?

Active Reload4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

It graphically surpasses KZ3. If you prefer KZ3 art style thats another story.

Edit: Let me guess...Sony branded glasses,lol?


There you go. I can understand people liking KZ3's art direction, but as far as photo-realism Crysis has it beat.

Iroquois_Pliskin4853d ago

@active reload

umm you need glasses...

plb4853d ago

@Active Reload

You've obviously never played KZ3 in person. Probably only watched youtube videos

skyward4853d ago

How can anyone disagree with a question? I just wanted to know what Ultramoot meant by "Good luck explaining that to the PS3 fanboys."


FunAndGun4853d ago

Glasses....sh1t, he needs LASIK.

joydestroy4853d ago

sorry, but KZ3 is going to win more that the "looking pretty" competition for me. it will likely be MP of the year.

i think Crysis2 will take SP of the year for me, though. and i'm leaning more and more towards only getting this on PC

young juice4853d ago

@Active Reload

saying it graphically surpasses kz3 is in fact an opinion.

but the vid you gave doesnt really help your case imo. im playing the kz3 demo now and from what i see its way better than that vid and there is alot more going on.

tehpees34853d ago

WTF they just said it was the same on both >_>

Contradict much?

Pixel_Enemy4853d ago

You are insane Active Reload..

Killzone 3 looks MUCH better than Crysis 2 (on 360 and PS3) Crysis 2 on PC is a different story.

siyrobbo4853d ago

As long as its still on PC, crysis 2 will be the best looking FPS

Biggest4853d ago

And as long as we're in a topic about console power, the PC talk will be completely off topic.

Active Reload4853d ago

Like I said, if you like the art style of KZ3, fine, but its not on Crysis' level of photorealism.

young juice4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

aint nobody talking about art style. im talking about the atttention to detail, character models, facial features, things like that.

im not saying kz3 is better looking than crysis 2 on consoles as a whole. but from the small demos that ive played and vids i have watched .

im reserving my full opinion until i play the full games

and you should do the same

Active Reload4853d ago

I'm talking about art-style to get my point across. You do what you must, I don't need any suggestions from you, nor am I trying to convince anyone. There's tech then there is art, once again Crysis has shown that its technical prowess surpasses art...now on consoles.

Headquarters114853d ago

'Taps Every Last Ounce of Xbox 360's Power' Fixed

Headquarters114853d ago

Maybe you should actually play both ON A GOOD HDTV before making that statement lmao. I played both and Crysis 2 isn't even CLOSE to Killzone 3 in terms of graphics. Maybe the PC version, yea, but the console version HEEELL NO hahaha.

Thanks for the laugh.

creatchee4853d ago

@young juice

Reserving an opinion until actually playing a full game?

You apparently don't know how N4G works ;)

Velo504852d ago

Killzone 3 is a great game and all. But all the talk about graphics is getting stupid. Killzone LOOKS good. Although the Tech isnt as superior as Cryengine 3. Sure the console versions fail but killzone isnt god either. I mean shitty textures. A whole load of blur effects to cover it up And hell of alot of dark.

Killzone 3 is plain Awesome.
Crysis 2 is plain Awesome.
Ps3 is Awesome.
Xbox 360 is Awesome.
Pc Is Awesome.

Bunch of kids.

MysticStrummer4852d ago

Active Reload - You must be referring to the PC version of Crysis 2. Neither console version looks better than Killzone 3. Photorealism...? Wow... talk about wearing glasses of a certain brand.

DeathMetal14744852d ago (Edited 4852d ago )

"sorry, but KZ3 is going to win more that the "looking pretty" competition for me. it will likely be MP of the year. "

Yeah BF3 has nothing on KZ multiplayer. How can you guys say this fanboy crap with a straight face LOL. You can't even take cover in KZ multi, which is the main gameplay mechanic of the whole game.

nickjkl4852d ago

according to active reload

realism is the equal of good graphics

so that means toy story movies werent really that good looking because they werent rendered in a photo realistic way

HolyOrangeCows4852d ago

Killzone 3 has the better graphics AND gameplay.

Keep trying to convince yourself that anti-aliasing-less, screen-tearing Crysis 2 has better graphics than Killzone 3 on the console versions.

nycrekid4852d ago

Forget about glasses they clowns needs a lobotomy.

starchild4852d ago

I own Killzone 2 and I have played Killzone 3 and Crysis 2 has them beat easily. The quality of lighting and textures and effects is simply better in Crysis 2.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4852d ago

Yea Crysis is definitely more photo realistic. But that doesn't mean it has better graphics. Anyone can do photorealism. GG's use of exaggerated lighting, shadows and filters are spot on for creating a feeling of grit and war. Animation is hardly a comparison here. But all of that combined with the amount of detail in both the characters AND environment is a true testament to GG's abilities.

Crysis 2 manages to keep up with Killzone's level of detail while being in a more open environment but sacrificing animation. They're both really impressive to me but photorealism in a sense is played out and is hardly difficult to achieve. Killzone 3's design wins over Crysis's realism in my eyes.

NewShadow1014852d ago

Crysis 2 does have the "photo realism" and its a beautiful game judging on the so called "xbox360" screenshots, but Why does photo realism have to be better than an artistic approach? anyways im buying both, but for the subject you brought up, i think killzone 3 looks better console wise.

NewShadow1014852d ago

Crysis 2 does have the "photo realism" and is a beautiful game judging on the so called "console" footage. (ill believe it when it comes out because the demo didnt impress me as much as i was hoping). but why does "photo realism" have to be better than a more artistic approach? crysis 2 is set in the future but in a present location. your use to seeing New York. but killzone 3 is in a future setting and location. we wouldnt know how things would look. for the subject you brought up, imo killzone 3 is my choice for console visuals. the back drops are stunning, crisp models, atmosphere. its gorgeous. dont get me wrong, crysis is gorgeous as well, but its not. quite. THERE for the console version. idk i gave my 2 cents.

gamer20104852d ago

"but why does "photo realism" have to be better than a more artistic approach?"

Subjectively neither one is necessarily better, but it is certainly harder to render a photo realistic environment than a highly stylized one.

The human eye knows how things are supposed to look, therefor if you go for a realistic approach you better have the technology to back it up. Rendering objects with the detail, textures and lighting that they need to look realistic is much harder than rendering something with a rougher stylistic approach.

Take Okami for instance. It looked great to most people in an artistic sense despite the fact that from a technical perspective it didn't do anything special and wasn't realistic looking in any way.

When you use lots of sepia tones and high contrast elements and design with a sort of broad brush approach like in Killzone 3 it is easier to get away with lower quality textures and lower quality modeling of the objects in the environment. I went up to some of the instrument panels in the Killzone 3 demo at the end section when you are using the WASP and the modeling was pretty poor quality, as well as the textures.

If you are rendering things with a view towards photo realism, with natural lighting and colors, you have to model things at a higher quality level or it will be really noticeable.

Most of us that realize everything that Crysis 2 is doing are simply blown away by what they have achieved on console.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 4852d ago
mandf4853d ago

Here I'll explain it to you. Crytek said they were going to use each system to it's fullest potential. There is an article on the front page of N4G by Crytek saying they look exactly the same. If you still believe that the 360 is on the same graphics level as the ps3 you are blind. The 360 is a good system with great games. That's it! Uncharted 2 , God of War 3, Killzone 2, and Killzone 3 ( plus various other games) proves you wrong.

If Crysis 2 looks the same on both systems, it's nothing more than a port. That's not a bad thing in general, but if you talk as much smack as Crytek does back it up.

By the way Skyward, Killzone 3 looks a lot better than the console version of Crysis 2. The industry as a whole has continued to say this but then they must be fanboys. Grow up and play everything.

ct034853d ago

Is there an Uncharted 2 version for 360? No. So how can you know what it would look like?

Most games are graphically bound by the available VRAM. So it should come as no surprise that in overall graphics power the systems are very close.

UltimateIdiot9114853d ago

Is there any game that reaches the quality level of Uncharted 2 or KZ2 even? No, it's 2011 already. Where are those games for the 360?

mandf4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

ct03, The 360 has been out 1 year longer and is highly touted for being easy to develope for. With that reasoning, there should be a lot of games that outshine the ps3. Those games are not being made. That means that the 360 is not capable. If the developers can't create it then it isn't going to happen anytime soon.

Crytek is the gold standard for graphics. Fact! Now that they develope for consoles it should be the standard on consoles but isn't. You should see this far into the console generation something on the 360, that matches or surpasses Uncharted 2, but you don't. One can only draw a conclusion that the 360 is less capable in the graphics department.

That doesn't make the 360 a bad console or weak. Facts are facts.

ct034853d ago

I don't know if there is such a title. But that doesn't tell us whether there CAN be such a title.

Of course, if the Crysis 2 beta config for 360 is accurate, then there is indeed a title that matches and probably exceeds the ones you mentioned.

Active Reload4853d ago

Its a multiplat and it looks better than KZ3 so the excuse of pushing the PS3 is out the window. But you can go ahead and imagine what it would be like if Crytek made an exclusive PS3 game taking full advantage of it--nothing less than exceptional.

NiKK_4194852d ago

active reload, yu are so delusional, i can't believe yu actually believe what yu say

eterry4852d ago

okay but the CPU in the PS3 is more powerful then the 360's and thats a fact. And for games like uncharted 2 and killzone 3 the graphics are helped by the CPU and since the 360 doesn't have a powerful enough cpu to run it, it means that it wouldn't look as good on the 360

MysticStrummer4852d ago

Active Reload - No it really doesn't.

Cock4Gamers4852d ago

Wow, some of the comments on this thread are completely daft. There are games on the x360 that look as good as uncharted 2. People in the real world(as in the world outside of this ps3 fanboy infested hell hole) agree. The only people that think that the x360 doesn't have games to match the ps3's exclusives are the people here. Crysis 2, Gears of War 3, and even Alan Wake can easily go toe to toe with ps3 exclusives if you actually take the time to look at them objectively.

Kalipekona4852d ago

Absolutely, Cock4Gamers, these fanboys are so delusional. The 360 has equally good looking exclusives. People's subjective appreciation of the exclusives on each console will vary, but objectively there is not much difference.

These fanboys always talk about "PS3 exclusives" as if all PS3 exclusives belong to some elite club. The reality is, most PS3 exclusives are nothing special at all. I'm talking about games like Warhawk, Ratchet & Clank series, Infamous, Resistance, Demon's Souls, Haze, MAG. Many PS3 exclusives like those are entirely average looking. There are lots of multiplatform games that look better than lots of PS3 exclusives.

So, PS3 exclusives as a group do not represent some higher level of graphics as many fanboys pretend. Despite all the hyperbole what it really boils down to is a couple games: Uncharted, Killzone and God of War. And like you said, there are games on the 360 that look just as good. PS3 fanboys think if they keep shouting the same thing loud enough that it will become true.

In any case, Crysis 2 running on the 360 looks better than anything on consoles that has come before it. http://www.gamespot.com/sho...

badz1494852d ago

"I don't know if there is such a title. But that doesn't tell us whether there CAN be such a title."

I for once think that PS3 and 360 are equal in terms of capabilities but the PS3 has proven itself with game after game that it's very much capable of producing very good looking game and touted "best on consoles" no denying that but what about the 360? based on what you said and the fact that the 360 is a year longer on the market, are you implying that it's ok to talk the talk but not walk the walk? because that's what it is with the 360 at the moment; there COULD BE such a game but it's NOT THERE!

badz1494852d ago

I have to DISAGREE BIG TIME about you saying R&C series is AVERAGE looking! give me just 1 platformer on any platform that looks as good! I'll help you with that and save you some time...NONE!

NiKK_4194850d ago

are you guys kidding? do you actually have a ps3? i don't see how you can say things like this without having a ps3. GOW3 and UC2 are on completely different levels of multiplats and 360 exclusives, gears of war is probably the best looking game on 360, but that still does not look the same as ps3 exclusives, so i'm sorry to tell you the truth but it's just that...the truth, so buy a ps3 and some games and you will see what you're missing

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4850d ago
JsonHenry4853d ago

I just wish they put that much effort into optimization on the first crysis. :/

lil Titan4853d ago

i know Crysis will look amazing but i wonder when a better looking game comes out, what would that developer say then? hmmm

Wizziokid4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

when a better game comes out?

Killzone 3 is out next week, not long to wait

kramun4853d ago

Lol, better game. Yeah, sure it is.

Iroquois_Pliskin4853d ago

Killzone 3 IS BETTER both graphicaly and game play wise

lil Titan4853d ago

lol ok technically Crysis 2 come out AFTER Killzone 3 and says it tapped out PS3 power but i know what ya mean lol

starchild4852d ago

wizzio, like most console kids you don't have a clue about graphics technology. Crysis 2 on PC demolishes Killzone 3 so bad it isn't funny. Even on the 360 Crysis 2 blows Killzone 3 away.

I have never seen a more graphically overhyped game. Killzone 3 looks pretty good by console standards, but it has mostly medium quality textures and the lighting model is not very accurate. Its high contrast art style makes it look really good in videos, but when you play it in person it doesn't look nearly as good. Again, it is a pretty nice game by console standards, but Crysis 2 on the 360 still beats it. Deal with it.

badz1494852d ago

"deal with it"

with what? with you being delusional?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4852d ago
Silly gameAr4853d ago

Good luck explaining that to devs that prove otherwise more like it.

theonlylolking4853d ago

obviously it will be hard to explain when you have resistance 3 and KZ3 this year that look better than what we have seen crysis 2 on consoles.

starchild4852d ago

Is that a joke. Resistance 3 looks like crap. Low res textures, weak lighting that isn't even, and generally poor effects. It looks better than Resistance 2, but that isn't saying much.

Killzone 3 looks far better than Resistance 3 and actually looks great, but it still doesn't look as good as Crysis 2 on the 360.

Crysis 2 has a far superior lighting engine, using true HDR and global illumination. Killzone 3's lighting engine isn't nearly on the same level. Crysis 2 (even on the 360) has far superior textures than Killzone 3. The SSAO, per-object motion blur, fire effects, water, foliage rendering and so on is all superior in Crysis 2. Killzone 3 is several steps behind Crysis 2 in most areas.

MNicholas4853d ago

Forget Killzone 3.

Crysis doesn't even measure up to the best looking games on the 360.

Poor textures, really bad pop-up, horrendous draw-distance, a number of low quality effects, shimmering along sub-pixel polygon edges, pathetic anti-aliasing, ghosting, uneven frame-rate, etc.

At least the lighting is good.

Shaman4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

If you read the latest preview they said that SP if far far better looking than MP.And it really is...You just have to look who makes them-Crytek Frankfurt(German studio who made CE3) and Crytek UK(previously developed Haze and long time ago Timesplitters).You can't compare SP with MP even in ordinary games,where its made by same team not to talk about the versions that are made by different studios.One of them genius with tech and gameplay and other fallen from grace once great studio.

LOL at above!Resistance 3????Wtf??That latest video almost looks last gen...

Death24944852d ago

You can't tell these people that. 360 fanboys have been reduced to throwing multiplatform titles at ps3 exclusives. Now that Crysis2 has bombed, next their going to start saying :"well Rage, blow everything on ps3 out of the water." Their talking about secret levels and so forth.

Shaman4853d ago

You CAN'T compare Crysis 2 to other console games purely based on fact that CE3 does EVERYTHING in real time.You have real time of day,dynamic shadows(non baked),dynamic lights and volumetric sun shafts.People should give them credit for that,especially being 3rd party.With all duo respect to KZ3 but there is alot of baked in lights and shadows(not that is bad but still...,don't give me disagrees because i will put their own presentation here if you want),they have pre baked sun shafts and its more linear game.It still does not take away how beautiful it is but Crysis 2 still pushes consoles to its limits.

ultimate-remag4853d ago

the article is fail. he was speakin bout the 360 mostly then squeezed in "these consoles" in the end.... smh.. he trolling!!!!

frostypants4852d ago

Simple logic says that the game cannot both be pushing both consoles to their absolute limits AND look/run identical on both consoles, because these consoles are NOT the same. It can't be both ways.

MysticStrummer4852d ago

If it tapped every last ounce of console power, the console versions would look substantially different.

4852d ago
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Tommykrem4853d ago

Can't wait them here to say this when graphically improved Crysis 3 is released.

DualConsoleOwner4852d ago (Edited 4852d ago )

and yes...
LoT was comparing Crysis 2 to Killzone TWO. we all know LoT is biased towards Xbox, but even they could not deny that two years old PS3 game looks better.

What makes you think that if Crysis 2 cant beat Killzone 2 it will beat Killzone 3??

LoL.... Crysis 2 on console ISNT even HD. and it LACKS proper AA.

hahah. i love how there are bunch of fanboys like Ultramoot who try to deny it.

TimmyShire4853d ago

I've played the beta for Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 and I gotta say there really is only one winner.

skyward4853d ago

But did you play the secret level on the Crysis 2 MP demo? Nah, thought not.

theonlylolking4853d ago

So you have to play this secret level for crysis 2 to look good on consoles. KZ3 looks great all the time.

awiseman4853d ago

the secret lvl looks amillion times better then that garbage skyline, but ps3 fanboys dont want hear it because they feel threatned by it.

Ju4853d ago

Must be that secret level that nobody can see. That's how secret it is. LOL

Stealth20k4853d ago

If I had a nickle some company said that and was proven wrong Id be rich

Goldsack4853d ago

..they dumped down the black mamba version.

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There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws14d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman14d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath214d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.


Report: Sexual Misconduct Investigation Conducted at EA, Suspects Named and What They Did Revealed

EA senior staff has been investigated for sexual misconduct involving female coworkers, and these said people have been named publicly.

isarai20d ago

Aye just call Phil, i mean he somehow made Bobby Kotick's scandal disappear and gave him a few million dollar high five on the way out.

Cacabunga19d ago

I wonder if it will be censored with some in game ads.

MrBaskerville17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Microsoft did, Phil Spencer played a minor part. He instigated the buyout that led to Kotick escaping all his controversies while getting a golden handshake.

Someone on Twitter calculated that the people hired in Tango and Arkane Austin could get a decent salary for roughly 17 years for the money Kotick was paid.

InUrFoxHole17d ago

Yeah some thing tells me Kotics $ was already guaranteed before MS made the deal. As for the studios... Let's be honest here... none of those studios made system sellers.

XiNatsuDragnel20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

EA about to go down like Activision and then Phil saves the day saying.this is good for the industry and consolidation will help create competition. /s.

MrBaskerville17d ago

Then they shutdown Codemasters and studio behind Jedi Survivor.

Atleast they could hardly do much damage that EA hadn't allready done. EA has shut down most of their studios by now.

ravens5220d ago

What's up with all these horny creeps. You gon be horny, fine. Just not at work take care of that shit before you go in. Rub one out if you have to. Don't be a creep at all. ESPECIALLY at work. But don't be one AT ALL.

Extermin8or3_19d ago

I mean part of the issue is that things transpired outside of work....

MrBaskerville17d ago

That's the thing he mentioned about not being a creep at all.

KwietStorm_BLM19d ago

You think deviants care where they are? Work sometimes makes it an even better situation for them because they can abuse their power.

mudakoshaka19d ago

Nerds think they are Gods when they are making video games.

NotoriousWhiz20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

"it seems that according to EA, given the events transpired outside of work between two adults, and the fact that once investigation has started that the alleged perpetrators didn’t do it again, the investigation is considered closed. [...] The victim still has to work with the people that harassed her."

Yep, EA is disgusting.

Extermin8or3_19d ago

I mean the fact stuff happened outside of work puts EA in quite a difficult position legally. These women don't seem to have reported the matter to the police which kinda ties EA's hands on what they can do. If they don't file reports of the crimes then yeah from EA's perspective it is stuff that happened outside of work. The only exception is the guy that apparently referenced things in the slack channel for work, spending on what he said proving it may be very hard and he may well be able to get away with plausible deniability. I don't like EA and I think these people need to be dismissed but without any legal action being taken, EA can't really do much without risk of being sued themselves for unfair dismissal etc.

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EA to Spend Billions Boosting Share Prices After Mass Layoffs

EA has announced it will engage in a shareholder-pleasing share buyback program just a couple of months after mass layoffs at the studio.

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Yi-Long23d ago

Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

badboyz0923d ago (Edited 23d ago )

EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.