
The Witcher 2 – 250 More “Ultra” Quality Screens To Die For (NSFW)

Dave Oshry of RipTen: Just a few weeks ago, I posted 125 screenshots from the entire Prologue of The Witcher 2, (which I highly suggest you check out first) but that was only the beginning.

So, once again, with my visual settings on “Ultra” (“Uber” if you’ve got the EU version) and FRAPS by my side, I set forth to conquer the next section of The Witcher 2: Assassin’s of Kings.


Coffin874772d ago

Took quite some time to load.. seems a lot of people are trying to have a look at them.

ChrisW4772d ago

Only the NSFW ones loaded slowly... though I can't figure out why.

cannon88004772d ago

I've never seen that many new screen shots for a pre-released game before in my life!

cannon88004772d ago

This game also has lots of naughty sex scenes too. :o

gedapeleda4772d ago

And it has the best digital tittys,they should have a goty for best digital tittys,spike are no good fellas.

NobleGamer4771d ago

Graphics sure do look nice . Well I don't think I have a PC powerful enough to play this game. But however no fear Elders Scroll Skyrim is the one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4771d ago
jaredhart4772d ago

This game is looking to be Hot!

Shikoro4772d ago

I see what you did there. :P

Vegivo4772d ago ShowReplies(1)
bobrea4772d ago

Gah..I still need to play the first Witcher. I just don't have enough time.

CrzyFooL4772d ago

You have 10 days until The Witcher 2. Plenty of time! Get the Enhanced Edition: Director's Cut. Well worth it.

bobrea4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

I've had that game sitting on my hard drive for months. Between working full-time, school, and other games I just can't find the time. It sucks. Not to mention my Bruins and Celtics having playoff games that I need to watch pretty much every other night.


Yup. I've put about 2 hours into and it definitely feels like a game I have to actually invest my time into instead of just playing for an hour or two here or there. Same thing with the first Dragon Age game. I've only put like 4 or 5 hours into it for the same reasons.

evrfighter4772d ago

lakers were destroyed in their series. Plenty of time for me to finish the game now.

Honestly though I hope kidd gets a ring. Probably won't happen but the guy deserves it.

Mozilla894772d ago

I'm in the same boat, I downloaded it for like 5 bucks and played an hour in and haven't had a chance to really make any progress for months now.

It seems like a really deep and complicated game, the kind where I will have to continually keep playing to make sure I don't forget how to do stuff.

NateCole4772d ago

Smack yourself while you are at it for not playing it sooner.

10 more agonizing days.

Christopher4772d ago

You can pick up The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on GoG.com for only $5 on Tuesday.

Tru_Blu4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Damn it! Just payed $20 for it last week on steam :( Awesome game though, 30 hours in and loving it. Still only on act II though, so much to do!

drosera14772d ago

Who disagreed with this comment? Go to the bloody site and you'll see it there for $5 tomorrow!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4772d ago
b_one4772d ago

WTF with tags, there are no ps3 or X360 versions announced...

Ninjamonkey824772d ago

Im glad there isn't good to see a PC exculsive being psuhed threw every now and again. Reminds me why i spend money on my pc. :)

drosera14772d ago

Here here man, i hear you! Can't wait to play this on my PC, while i love my PS3, my PC's muscles need some flexing, and this is the game to do it!

DaTruth4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Let the PC owners have something for once, bad enough they have to suffer through every game being a consolized downgrade; Plenty of games for console!

If I had a PS3 and was forced to just play PS2 games with better resolution and more AA, I would be pissed. That is essentially what's happening to them!

I would have rather Crysis 2 stay PC exclusive and I play a much better game down the line when I upgrade my PC, than for them to put out what they did... but since they did, I got it on PS3!

therapist4772d ago Show
red2tango4772d ago


you seem to forget how much you payed for the hardware to run all of that. not only that, hardware changes, and so do the minimum requirements making your computer less useful over time.

299.99 for a ps3, and it plays every game. you end up spending more money. on top of that, i can trade in my games and have money towards other games.

not taking away from pc gaming, just saying choose a better argument.

imvix4772d ago


You seem to forget good PC can be bought for 600-700usd. Now the same PC will play any game in 1080p. It will also cost less by 10-20usd per game.

If you buy as much as 20 games a year. Within a period of 2 years PC will already be cheaper then the PS3. While doing everything the PS3 cant do, which is alot of things aside just games.

In the long run Consoles are always more expensive then PC.

Specially if you consider most people already have a PC, which is like a required equipment for every home these days. Adding a graphics card to it for gaming is much cheaper then getting a console.

DaTruth4771d ago

Damn the stupidity of the general public is just amazing! Wow, just wow!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4771d ago
MehmetAlperTR4772d ago

You can check it out. PS3 and Xbox 360 version already anounced. http://www.gamespot.com/sea...

b_one4772d ago (Edited 4772d ago )

Lol dude, i live in Poland and we have some podcasts(from time to time) with Tomasz GOP from CDPR, still he dont want to confirm...

at all some of the Bosses from CD Project told in mainstream media that there will be Console version so its a "maybe" case.Trick is that this may be Shareholders booster.

all those "Console announcements" are tricky

anyone remember Rise of the White Wolf?

i can only advice, to not to buy game for PC for now and wait a bit longer for some clarifications.
ofc for those that dont want to upgrade pc`s...

@Mehmet i could call it speculations :) and i know some store in poland where you can preorder Console version



but for now i can only LOL at this.

PS. Language versions "unconfirmed"

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Xbox Store Kicks Off Shocktober & Publisher Spotlight Series Sales

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just launched two new digital game sales that heavily discount various Shocktober games, games from popular publishers, as well as Xbox 360 games that are backward compatible with Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One right now!"

Read Full Story >>

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - 10 Years of CDPR on Console

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Edition debuted on Xbox 360 10 years ago, laying the foundations of CDPR's console releases.

kevco33774d ago

10 years and I'm not sure they've done anything better since...

pietro1212774d ago

I take the Witcher 3 over part 2, but Cyberpunk was a disappointment. God I hated Johnny Silverhand so much.


Xbox Black Friday Game Sale 2021 Starts Now

Daily Video Game writes: "Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale ahead of PSN, featuring tons of recently released, AAA, and indie games with huge savings for Xbox gamers right now!"

Read Full Story >>
prophecy925d ago

Xbox Store has just kicked off its Black Friday game sale -ahead of PSN- - Did they get kickbacks for saying this?

Here is a link to PlayStation Indies -1349 items

Here is a link to November Savings - 590 items

Here is a link to the Under $20 sale - 230 items

PlayStation's Black Friday sale starts tomorrow with hundreds more games.

It's kind of a joke to act like xbox is EVER beating Sony to a sale. Sony always has 3-4 sales going on with thousands of games. PSN having 1000+ games is just another Tuesday on PlayStation.

DJStotty925d ago

Relax, it is just an xbox black friday sale....

prophecy924d ago

Listen, this site decided to make it a competition. Why don't you ask them why they needed to add that part about PSN.

DJStotty924d ago


The same reason if it was the other way around, it would be worded "PSN black friday game sale starts now before XBL"

Nothing in it, just stating one has started before the other, if this kind of thing triggers this kind of reaction, speak to someone.

prophecy924d ago

I have never seen a PSN sale article that mentioned anything about xbl, much less made it seem like any type of competition.



Livingthedream924d ago

PROPHECY just took fanboyism to a different level. SMH seems like some people are insecure about their console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 924d ago
Chris12924d ago

Not everything in life is a conspiracy. Chill out........

DaveZero924d ago (Edited 924d ago )

Agreed sometimes fanboys just need to stop because there is nothing going on to support fanboynonsense.

Do not know why people just cant enjoy games and have to ensure all sorts of cracked up conspiracy drama.

Gaming4Life1981924d ago

Chill and just buy all the games you want that's on sale. All consoles will have a black friday sale.

BenRC01924d ago

Omg dude, you'll get some aaa games soon I promise! Let xbox have its month in the sun.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 924d ago
BrainSyphoned924d ago

Thanks but my rental service is all I need on Xbox. Like the other article states if I want to buy a game to keep it is physical on PS.

CBaoth924d ago

Yep. Buy 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party on PS, double dip on 3rd party PC, buy occasional 1st party on Nintendo, and rent on Xbox. I'll never buy another game from MS since it's apparent developers get paid quite handsomely off GP contracts according to Xbox fans here

Father__Merrin924d ago

There's no need for them to say ahead of PSN they have done so due to paid shilz nothing more