
Unearthed Director:Game Is Shaping Up Differently “Than Uncharted, Tomb Raider”

Unearthed director explains how his game is forming into something not like Uncharted.

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LOGICWINS4689d ago

Is this coming out in the U.S?

Nitrowolf24689d ago (Edited 4689d ago )

That's what i actually want to know. It says PSN, XBL so i assume it will and seeing that it is in English, i don't see why it wouldn't. As much as a rip-off it is, i will most likely play it and maybe even buy it (wwhen it's discounted). Yeah i know it could end up being complete crap, but I will give them a chance.

DarkTower8054688d ago (Edited 4688d ago )

No reason not to play it. I think too many gamers try to bring politics into gaming. I'll play anything that looks like it could be fun. Glad to see other like minded gamers are out there.

Wenis4688d ago

Its interesting how many people point out that this is an Uncharted ripoff, yet nobody points out that Uncharted is a Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones ripoff.

SilentNegotiator4688d ago (Edited 4688d ago )


Oh come off it. Nobody cares if Drake is a treasure hunter with a smart mouth and a knack for getting the ladies. Being a treasure hunter doesn't make Uncharted a TR rip-off and the personality doesn't make him a IJ rip-off.

His shooting/gameplay mechanics are still a hundred times better than any tomb raider game, and his slight resemblance to a movie character doesn't affect anything.

If it weren't a Playstation game, I'm sure you would give such a stink. This "Unearthed" game is a rip off from the nearly identical character roles, identical gameplay concept, and ridiculously similar name to steal some brand recognition.

Grip4688d ago

Im Arabic and i meet the dev of this game and i can tell u.. his game way difference than Uncharted.. his game r puzzle game in fact the shooting in most part is for multiplayer.

Quagmire4688d ago

Its apparant with the disagrees that people are too close minded to try anything new, despite having similarities to games they enjoy.

I for one will try and support this game, after all its fairly uncommon for Arabians to develop games, and this seems like a great opportunity to do so.

Quite sad really.

subtenko4688d ago

So they finally spoke about it...LOL go on youtube and you can see the videos have more dislikes than like, and people are callin it out in the comments. I think even with what the devs said, they gave kinda a bad impression to alot of people.

A good point someone posted-

"If it's supposed to be different, why did you call it Unearthed with simmilar logo & choose a Drake look-a-like and simmilar cast? " - VonBraun..

The similarities arent just your usually game similarity's... they're more-so than the average ones found in a few games.

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

Heartnet4688d ago

HE clearly states in the Article that Unearthed means so Arabic phrase haha.. wait till you actually play it start saying its a rip off..

But then again theres no point arguing with some1 whose already made up there mind no matter what changes :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4688d ago
manman64689d ago

No matter how much they try, their game will be compared to Uncharted and Tomb Raider.

-Alpha4688d ago (Edited 4688d ago )

Which is a good thing for them since it has gained them a lot of publicity.

It's in their hands to make a worthwhile game, and that's what people will be most interested in. You never know how it could turn out and I'd rather give this a go than another shooter

Micro_Sony4688d ago

And why is that so different than top games that are being released now.

Every time Gears or Forza gets mentioned you always here Uncharted or Grand Tourismo being brought up and vise-versa.

HeavenlySnipes4688d ago

games you mentioned are only brought up by fanboys because they are the best games in the genre for each platform. None are clones of another game, whereas Unearthed looks to be a Uncharted clone in name and character choice, also in plot.

DiffusionE4689d ago

The multiplayer footage was funny as hell.

Brownghost4689d ago

its great for arabic publishers to try something new like game developing and i support them

Quagmire4688d ago

Damn, why the disagrees? Racism most likely...

Brownghost4688d ago

Cause I'm Arabic and people act like uncharted is a pure ip but it stole much from tomb raider

Lazy_Sunday4688d ago

No, because while Uncharted may seem to borrow from Tomb Raider, Uncharted is a fresh and brilliant IP because of it's cinematic qualities and personalities in single player--and that makes Tomb Raider look like shit.
You could also say that Uncharted stole from Indiana Jones, Gears of War and National Treasure, but then again, that's a lot of things to steal from, and they're all pretty different. You might want to say it was inspired by those things to make a unique game, because that's what it was. But what these devs are doing is different.

Don't even think that these disagrees are out of a racist mindset. These disagrees are because these devs are flat out stealing a formula and making it look bad. To support these devs is to support unoriginality, the least they could do is borrow from multiple things and improve upon those elements, but instead they steal from one single game to make money. This is not something we should support in this industry.

Surprised nobody's hating on NearSpace Orbit VanGuard Alliance (NOVA 1 and 2 on iPhone and iPad) for ripping the shit out of Halo though. Or Gameloft for that matter. Though, devs should be making quality mobile ports for just this reason.

THC CELL4689d ago

This game will be different but not better, no game apart from maybe tomb raider remake will be as good as uncharted series

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Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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senorfartcushion299d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88299d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


Phoenix Down 71.0 – Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

We kick off the Year of the Bad Games with this Uncharted knock-off.


Uncharted Rip-off Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 2 Confirmed

Chris Mawson writes: "It has been widely regarded as one of the worst games of all time, but that’s not stopping Saudi Arabian developer Semaphore from ploughing ahead with episode two in its Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta saga."

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Dark_Overlord3178d ago

I think I paid about 50p for it, despite the game being pretty bad (even for ps2 standards), the glitches were hilarious, I had fun with it :)

Vitalogy3178d ago

I think sony shouldn't even allow this on the Store.

freshslicepizza3177d ago

i think they should leave it up because what it does is show how much better naughty dog are

Lamboomington3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

not allow it ? why lol

traumadisaster3177d ago

Guess you've never been in the thick of it, knee pads can make you so much more effective my friend.

Roaddhogg3177d ago

Considering the game is cross-platform, why wouldn't it be?

raggy-rocket3177d ago

Because it didn't come out on Xbox

Roaddhogg3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

Episode 2 is planned for Xbox One, as stated in the article.

Protagonist3177d ago

Just learned about this game, and watched a couple of YT videos of the "first one". Wish I never did, this is probably one of the worst games, I have ever seen!

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