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GTA 5: Xbox 360 vs PS3 Direct Screen Comparison

GR - "Rockstar has reached near parity with latest GTA for both consoles."

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halocursed3911d ago
GarrusVakarian3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

Look near identical to me, good job R*.

from the source:

-Xbox 360 has slightly better vegetation details and smoother/more detailed shadows.
-Ps3 has slightly better distance texture lod.

stone_cold3911d ago

ps3 version is the best for me

UltimateMaster3911d ago

The PS3 version looks better.
But that could just be something with the Xbox 360's TV being too bright.
360 version better, my ass.

GentlemenRUs3911d ago


I think you was looking for this ;)


mewhy323911d ago

PS3 is awesome. I mean look at this game. It could be next gen, just from looking. What an awesome system.

paul-p19883911d ago

We would expect the PS3 version to be better, it was the lead console this time around.

That being said, they still have to ensure it works on the 360 (and looks almost the same) and thanks to the tiny space of DVD's compared to Blu-Rays we won't see many differences between the two.

Next-gen GTA however, where the optical medium is the same, is gonna be a massive improvement on everything i would guess.

NukaCola3911d ago

This shows that PS3 lead games can lead to excellent multiplats. Everyone is going to be in for a current platform next generation title. Rockstar again delivers!

Larry L3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

I've been sick of the blatant fanboyism in the gaming (pseudo-)"journalism& quot ; industry since like 2007, but at this point, it's starting to get real silly.....but no less infuriating.

I mean why are these guys still out-right lying and telling us to not believe our eyes and our own experiences? Are people so easily brainwashed by anyone who calls themselves an "authority"?..... apparently, they are, because people have, and will continue to go around repeating this crap as though it's true. I thought people in general were sick of being lied to by authority and the media.

GTA4 and Skyrim are perfect examples......and not coincidentally the 2 biggest games hype-wise this gen. All the internet and media say is how much better both are on 360, meanwhile I have owned both versions of both games, and both border on being what I would call "broken" on 360, so many bugs and glitches it's rediculous, of which I would say I see NONE of on PS3. Almost every day, to this day, I hear co-workers and friends talk about all the glitches they ran into the previous night playing Skyrim 360. As much as I'd like to see backwards flying dragons and have my armor class randomly go down to 0 so I get one-shotted by a crab.....I can't say it ever happens to me, not even when the PS3 version was at it's worst.

So why does the internet and gaming :journalists" tell us the opposite? Is MS STILL paying loads of money to right a ship that's being raplaced in a couple months? Or does brand loyalty just run THAT deep in "journalists" that in most cases are supposed to be unbiased? Brands specific sites are one thing, I wouldn't expect OPM to review Halo. But when you're a site claiming to just be informing the gaming consumer to make the best possible choices, there should be consequences for purposefully dis-informing the consumer.

And now THIS pseudo-"journalist" is telling me that both versions of GTA5 look pretty much exactly the same with the only difference being the 360 version has better shadows and grass, yet the pictures provided when made full screen are pretty clearly showing the 360 version also having noticably lower quality textures (either that or they hadn't fully loaded up yet, either way it's a problem), and I think the lightling or something else maybe (I'm not a techie), whatever it's makking for an over-all more realistic look.

So.......Here we go again. The gaming media still using the mainstream media tactics of propaganda to help MicroSoft look to have a better product than they do in reality. Why? It's not like MS has earned or deserves the help anyway.

Sorry for the long rant....I tend to go on anyway......but this is an issue that's been festering within my head since like 2006......these horrible changes that took place in gaming media almost overnight. And For a little while there, I thought it was slowly changing back.....I'm disappointed that I was so very wrong.

Nintendo Power - 2005
"Hey, you and professionalism had a good run."

3911d ago
ovnipc3911d ago

Cause ur a ps troll. Both look the same , and drones admit it 95% of multy plat games look better on xbox. Admit it stop trolling so hard, you trolls with out looking at the pics jumo saying ps3 look better, they look the same!

wishingW3L3911d ago

gameranx: "Without a shadow of a doubt, the Xbox 360 version comes out on top for this one"

But I don't even see a difference! How does he know the Xbox version looks better when both versions look exactly the same?

Raf1k13911d ago

Looks like darker shadows on PS3. I'm sure GTA4 had this issue too. Shadows were simply too dark sometimes but hopefully it won't be a problem this time around.

Death3911d ago

From the images the PS3 colors are too distinct and the shadows unnatural. Could be the settings of the tv used. The 360's "washed" out textures make it look more realistic. Both are great looking games. If you didn't have labels or side by sides you wouldn't know which is which.

BlackTar1873911d ago


95% is a pure fanboy comment.

InMyOpinion3911d ago

@dark_101 - They look a bit crap on the PS3.

I think I will be happy with the 360 version. Just as I've been with all other Rockstar titles so far. Lead console this, teh Cell that. ;)

AngelicIceDiamond3911d ago

They both look the same which means they both look fantastic.

One console doesn't have the edge over the other. Plus R* said both versions look the same, in which they do.

Seems like most of you just look at the PS3 version and automatically choose that platform, since its N4G favorite console in all.

BallsEye3911d ago


Look what happens with palms on ps3.. open both links and change tabs



JokesOnYou3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

"Without a shadow of a doubt, the Xbox 360 version comes out on top for this one, but barely." - See more at:

-I couldnt tell much but again I don't count pixels, both look great, just good to see the supposedly weaker xbox 360 showing its muscle after all these years. Funny how that works

tokugawa3910d ago

looks identical. no difference what-so-ever

JarqueMcLark3910d ago

Have you seen the trailer for the 360 version? It looks way better -

WiiUsauce3910d ago

of course it is. lol, this is Sony land.

Gaming1013910d ago

I bet these are identical images just with the Gamma turned up on one version, it wouldn't surprise me as we've seen that before with so called "comparison sites".

KazHiraiFTW3910d ago

Every scene looked pretty much the same except for the last one with the trees. The 360 version definitely has some sharper textures and shadows. Overall both versions don't look that great and are slideshows @ >30fps. I'll wait for the PC version thank you.

MysticStrummer3910d ago

"just good to see the supposedly weaker xbox 360 showing its muscle after all these years. Funny how that works"

How funny can it be, when Rockstar are one of the few devs honest enough to admit that their games were gimped because of the 360?

No_Limit3910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

Bad screenshots.

Here are the better screenshots showing that the X360 version is indeed better.




dmeador3910d ago

Mr. Larry L, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul... and I'd like to point out how Skyrim was literally unplayable for a large number of PS3 owners for a very long time

dragon823910d ago


+bubs for the Billy Madison reference. :)

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3911d ago Replies(4)
HammadTheBeast3911d ago

I'd rather just wait for lens of truth or some better website.

Bigpappy3911d ago

Looks identical folks. Nothing to see here except one is a bit darker than the other. I you are seeing a difference other than that, you are seriously just looking for someone to argue with.

Izzy4083910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

You're right. Another thing I noticed was that the X360 pics were taken from a slightly longer distance. I'm not really sure why they would do that on purpose.

3911d ago
monkeyDzoro3911d ago

You have to wear glasses or replace those you currently have.

Just look at that big wheel (on the first picture), and you'll notice on the PS3 version it is more detailed with cleanier and sharper rays.
Plus, the textures of the white wooden plank (left lower corner on the 2nd pic) are more detailed.
Overall, the contrast is better, shadows are better, reflection in the water is better, drawing distance is better...

Let's be real, everything is better on that PS3 version.

Death3911d ago

The textures on the planks are more defined on the PS3 version. That's not really a good thing. They should be more blended and not be so obvious.

Aleithian3911d ago

I agree. Checking specific details like that shows it. Glad I'm getting PS3 version. Just need to know whether to get the disc or the digital download for better performance.

DiRtY3911d ago

Just by those pics:

Basically there is no difference. Even when you look closely, you just MIGHT see some MINOR pixels, but nothing you would actually notice during gameplay.

If anybody disagrees, he is a troll.

Benchm4rk3910d ago

Agreed man. Both have advantages over the other in different aspects. At the end of the day when you playing the missions are you really gonna drive past a palm tree at 100 km/h and notice the difference and wish you got the 360 version. Or are you gonna go stand on a roof and say those textures aren't as good as they could be I should of got the ps3 version. The differences are negligible

mark134uk3911d ago

i think 360 pic looks a little washed out

Megaton3911d ago

That sounds about right. I 100%'d GTAIV on both consoles and the most significant difference was more pop-in on 360. Not surprised the pop-in is worse again.

3911d ago Replies(1)
princejb1343910d ago

I must be a blind fanboy cause they look the same to me

GarrusVakarian3910d ago

What? Look at the 2 pictures in the link above your post, the textures of the rooftops are blatantly more blurry on the 360 version.

princejb1343910d ago


Yea dude but honestly who's gonna stand around on one spot to look at graphics
Usually I'm to busy playing the game to even care how pretty the graphics look

starchild3910d ago

"Without a shadow of a doubt, the Xbox 360 version comes out on top for this one, but barely."

I love how in the other article about GTA5 a bunch of people were claiming it would look better on the PS3. People always believe what they want to believe.

Just enjoy it on whatever platform you own or prefer.

saywat2473910d ago ShowReplies(1)
IRON883 3910d ago

How about we all say the game look great on both systems! GTA5 will be a amazing game and I think a great way to end this generation of systems and games! This gen were all going out in a blaze of glory which is GTA5!!!!!!!!

mcstorm3910d ago

Ever been a fan of any of GTA but I have to say this dose look a impressive game esp as its open world on 8 year old hardware. I can't seen any difference from the pictures and im sure which ever version of the game you guys get you will be happy with.

Gamer19823910d ago

Look at the blur on the 360 shot here
compared to the ps3 shot
especially on the shack roofs. That's a memory issue and for that to happen it was obviously made on ps3 as lead platform. Lower graphics settings on a PC and to cope watch crap get blurry. Its the oldest trick in the book to improve graphics.

Number-Nine3910d ago

ps3 version seems to have deeper blacks. 360 looks saturated.

Ps4Console3910d ago (Edited 3910d ago )

All the great debates there is on here & every mature adult gamer runs to which game looks better grow up guys , are we not gamers who debate but this takes it to another level of FanBoy-Ism .

3910d ago
CRAIG6673910d ago

They 99% the same all you arguing this is better,that is better need to get a life, seriously pathetic!!!!!

Gekko363910d ago


I've just looked at them and tehy look identical.

So whats all the fuss about?

Nothing thats what, chill the fuck out!

jusumoner3907d ago

Yes but we dont play gta 5 to go so close to the screen to see the vegetation but when u play is great to see a details at distance and not pixel shit when u drive xbox 360 sucks

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user74029313911d ago

they look identical, but im still waiting to stream it on ps4 via gaikai. or wait for a ps4 version.

0pie3911d ago

you really want to strem a game like gta5? Say hello to your bandwidth usage for me :P

Mustang300C20123911d ago

I don't know why you assume everyone has a cap. I am on 105mb Comcast and Comcast doesn't have caps.

jmc88883911d ago


Yeah you do

By the looks you have 600 gb/month cap.

Obviously enough for most people, but still can easily be used up in a week.

_LarZen_3911d ago

You do know that streaming games are not the ideal way to play? It's not nearly as responsive as playing a game locally on you console.

You are in fact getting a video stream from a server running the game. When you click a button on your controller it will send that over the internet and to the server.

It then sends the result on the server back to you and something happens on the screen.

It requires a hefty broadband connection with good speed out an in. And even if you have a good ISP the video will be compressed.

It will not look like a game you insert in your PS3. Not even close.

I tested the Gaikai service many times when it was for PC. And I have tested the Onlive service.

It's nothing that is preferable to the alternative, not at all. Just saying...

BlingBlaine3911d ago

Hello these are screenshots, wait to see how it runs on xbot before judging, framerate and texture popping for xbot for sure.

jusumoner3907d ago

You gonna wait long time and everybody gonna stream on ps4 so gl ;)

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ThatCanadianGuy5143911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

I would prefer an actual professional comparison instead of a low tier site like gameranx just copy & pasting some random screens from reddit of all places.

By the way, Lazlow jones in studio with Opie & Anthony says the PS3 version is better due to, and i quote, "more horsepower"

ape0073911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

IGN said the ps3 version of gta iv look better and after buying both versions, i say LOOOOL @ that, xbox 360 easily beats ps3 gta 4, that was seriously a bad version

thank god that gta v is same as 360, im buying the ps3 version btw, im hoping its not like IV ps3 version

HammadTheBeast3911d ago

Apparently, people have noticed that whichever game version R* shows off is usually the best. For GTA IV, they only showed 360 footage, same with Red Dead, but for LA Noire, Midnight Club and Max Payne they showed PS3 versions which turned out better.


ThatCanadianGuy5143911d ago

Not sure what IGN has to do with my comment, but carry on with ramblings.

GameSpawn3910d ago


I agree with you on waiting for a more professional comparison.

Screenshots are one thing (and these aren't even good screenshots). They say 1280x720, but all these screens look like poo on my computer. I want a full 1080P capture, even if it's upscaled by the system (hopefully upscaled by the system and not post-capture).

Also, I don't want screenshots. I want full motion video, because what really matters as far as differences in these games is how they are in motion.

Looking at the screengrabs the differences are so miniscule. Nitpicking at its finest.

In all honesty, who cares? I don't have a 360 (for my own reasons) so I got the PS3 version. I guess if you have both systems this might be more important to you then the circle of friends you have on each respective console (for any online components). It's simple own one system, get it for that system, own both buy it for the one you'll enjoy the most out of the game on.

There is only ONE game in history I EVER bought for multiple consoles and it was Soul Calibur II (PS2, NGC, & Xbox) and it was because (1) I got the last 2 at bargain bin prices, (2) each game had a unique character and (3) each had unique play styles due to different controller designs (I had VASTLY different character preferences because of this; Cervantes, Maxi, and Kilik respectively).

snake_eater3911d ago

They are identical to me. I must say the game looks sick for 7/8 yo consoles.

gaelic_laoch3911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

"It’s possible they could have had the game looking as good as Uncharted, but Rockstar decided to keep things mostly equal to keep console-loyal fans from both sides happy."

So PS3 owners get shafted out of a better version just to keep xbox 360 owners happy! Your testing PS owner loyalty by admitting that Rockstar!

Lets hope the same policy will not apply to PS4 versions in the future in comparison to xbonE versions!

Fishy Fingers3911d ago

Pretty sure that your quoting the author of the article there and not R*.

KonsoruMasuta3911d ago

I don't think that's what happened here.
This is a massive game and I'm surprised they was able to make this run on 7 year old consoles. And from what I see, it' already having some problems with things like texture popping.

It looks to me as Rockstar has already pushed these consoles to their limit.
Anymore and the game could have probably suffered some bigger issues.

Plus, that quote came from gameranx, not Rockstar. They weren't developing the game, so they don't know what it could looked like or if one version is holding back the other.

Tctczach3911d ago

No way they could make it look that good and still be able to have an open world of that size on pS3

ape0073911d ago (Edited 3911d ago )

gta v, crysis and rage prove that ps3 and 360 are the same, i know you're so much into sony that made u blind

and what the hell is " PS3 owners get shafted out of a better version just to keep xbox 360 owners happy"

the game looks absolutely freakin phenomenal, it looks too good to be true for a 7/8 year systems, great animations, advanced PC like draw distance, great lightning, fantastic explosions, smooth butter like framrate, details everywhere, real weather, water physics, under water envinronments, rays, euphoria physics, animals, in short, the game is a technical miracle and perhaps the most technically advanced game in this entire gen

i don't know if your trolling or not but don't make yourself look like 12 again

ThatCanadianGuy5143911d ago


And Killzone, Uncharted and TLOU prove they're not.

SuperLupe3911d ago

"And Killzone, Uncharted and TLOU prove they're not"

Even though they look good theres not a shadow of a doubt that those games are running on console within the same gen as the 360. If those games were to come to 360 and look just as good nobody would be surprised except for the few diehards who stil believe in the incredible "power of the cell".

If you want to see a huge difference in graphics go check out the PS3 and PC versions of multiplats.

gaelic_laoch3911d ago

Just because someone has an opinion you don't agree with does not mean they are trolling! Now that is immature behavior right there.

Death3911d ago

Uncharted and TLOU prove that Naughty Dog is an awesome developer. It proves nothing as far as the consoles "power" goes. People use multiplats for comparison since we can see how the game looks on each system. Metal Gear couldn't be done on the 360 due to it's massive size. Then the actual install size was revealed when they patched it. Turns out is was 9 gigs.

With all the talk of GPU's with the next gen systems I am surprised that the PS3 is still thought of as more powerful with a weaker GPU. Originally we were going to see a second Cell used as a GPU. By launch that was scrapped for a standalone GPU.

XboxFun3911d ago

Uncharted and TLOU don't do nearly or even more than half of what GTA does. The size of the open world, the amount of NPC each doing their own tasks, the side missions, every single vehicle (plane, car, boat, etc).

This game is a beast and Rockstar deserves more credit than ND for making such a huge game look this good on each system

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Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Best Settings for Low End PC: RTX 3060/RX 6600/RTX 4060 Laptop GPU

Grand Theft Auto V was released over 9 years ago, but the player base is largely intact due to regular updates to the Online Multiplayer. The game had some technical issues at launch, most notably a CPU utilization issue, but most recent chips shouldn’t have any issues running it.

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PS Plus Is Losing 12 Games In June 2024 Along With A Major Rockstar Release

Subscribers of the Extra and Premium tiers of PS Plus will lose access to a total of 12 games during the month of June, 2024.

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Community8d ago
gold_drake9d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX8d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos8d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville8d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes8d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long8d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff21838d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion8d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage8d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody8d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

8d ago
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