
Star Wars Outlaws Jabba the Hutt Mission Can Only Be Access via Season Pass

There is a Star Wars Outlaws mission featuring Jabba the Hutt that's available on day one but exclusive to Season Pass owners.

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Community46d ago
ZeekQuattro46d ago

Straight bantha poodoo if you ask me.

coolbeans46d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Couldn't have said it better. ;)

Christopher45d ago

Why I wait for Ubisoft games to be on deep sales for their most expensive versions of games. Eventually they'll hit $30 or so and I'll try it out. I'm patient and I'm not lacking for games.

neutralgamer199245d ago


Complete agreed. UBI games usually drop in prices within few months so get the gold/complete or ultimate edition (whatever they decide to call it) for under $30 (usually I wait for under $20-$25)

solideagle46d ago

in Chewbaca's own words "WAGRRRRWWGAHHHHWWWRRGGAW WWWWWRR." <-- The Empire Strikes back!

thorstein46d ago

Not defending Ubi. It's a crappy thing to do. But it's only one Hutt mission. There are other Hutt missions.

Crows9045d ago

It's only 1 mission.
It's only 3 days later
It's only cosmetic
It's only 100+$ if you want
It's only your integrity

thorstein45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

"Not defending Ubi" and [not providing that mission to everyone] "is a crappy thing to do. "

It's literally my integrity. Yep. I'll keep that integrity. I'm not sure what the rest of your post is about but go ahead and defend them, I guess. I have never defended any of the things you mention.

But go ahead. Quote me. Search all my comments on N4G ever and link me stating anything that.

Now you made the claim/ insinuated that I have no integrity.

Prove it.

Crows9045d ago


Sorry...I don't have time to read through peoples comment history but...

Name one thing that I mentioned that you defend...that's easy

It's only one mission. You said it, not me. You say not defending ubi...and then defend it.

All the other things in the list are just comments people have said about previous issues...that you know...were downplayed...cuz it was only cosmetic...or only 1 mtx. Or only horse armor

thorstein45d ago

And those are all things I've criticized. You misread the statement. The last sentence of my original post makes it clear that I'm referring to "only" one mission of many.

That's not defending them, especially after I say it's "crappy."

So it's the word "only?" Then my original post without "only" days the exact same thing. "But it's one Hutt mission. There are other missions."

Did that change the meaning for you?

The article makes it seem like players can't do missions with the Hutts.

Popsicle45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

How do you not see the slippery sloop associated with these types of business practices? If you have been paying attention it is evident that as gamers we have been sliding since the inception of horse armor for a nominal fee. Keep giving them a pass and the slide towards paying more for less will only continue get faster.

thorstein45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

"Not defending Ubi"

"It's a crappy thing to do." -me.

"Keep giving them a pass" - you.

Who's giving them a pass? I simply said it was 1 of the Hutt missions in the game. It's not the only Hutt mission. Not providing that content to everyone is a "crappy thing to do."

So who is giving them a pass?

BTW Slippery Slope is a failure of logic. Are you sure you want to start whatever argument you're trying to make by announcing that your about to fail at logic?

Your Strawman claim about what I was doing is also a failure of logic.

Are you going to go for a natural hat trick and hit me with one more fallacy?

monkey60246d ago

No matter how good this game turns out to be, it is a wait for a deep sale purchase for me.

anast46d ago

UBI games are so heavily monetized that it's tough to buy their games day 1.

CrimsonWing6946d ago (Edited 46d ago )

Vote with your wallet. The only reason they do this is to get extra money and it appears that it works. If the game is good, I’ll shell out some extra money and buy it. If the game sucks I won’t even bother. You can save up money and buy it, wait for a sale and buy it, or don’t pay at all and enjoy your life. You got options.

Crows9045d ago (Edited 45d ago )

You can't use options they never gave you as options they gave you...
These aren't options provided by Ubisoft.

The only option is to purchase their game ...that's the only option worth discussing...since everything else is a given.

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Star Wars Outlaws Accessibility Spotlight

Today, Ubisoft provided a first look at some of the accessibility features that will be available to players in Star Wars Outlaws.

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Community19h ago
jznrpg16h ago

Always online and stupid tiers of the game with locked content make it not accessible as it should be. Ubisoft has turned into shite

Wretchedstain13h ago

Not just Ubisoft, just about all gaming has gone to shite.

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Christopher1d 20h ago
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Community1d 20h ago
Garethvk1d 20h ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack1d 18h ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

jznrpg16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

With their shitty practices I really don’t care what Ubisoft announces until they reverse their course

Relientk771d 20h ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long1d 20h ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk1d 20h ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

Garethvk1d 20h ago

I would love The Division 3.

RaidenBlack1d 18h ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast1d 16h ago (Edited 1d 16h ago )

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius1d 20h ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer19921d 18h ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX1d 20h ago (Edited 1d 19h ago )

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack1d 17h ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist1d 17h ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

jznrpg16h ago

I love Rayman, played it a ton with my kids years ago. But Ubisoft puts dumb crap in their games. MTs , paid tiers , always online requirement for single player games and as they stand now I could see them doing that to Rayman

OtterX16h ago

Yea unfortunately, you're right. :'(

Garethvk1d 20h ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX1d 19h ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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Unveiling Star Wars Outlaws: Leaked Image Teases Death Troopers and Epic Gameplay

Discover the excitement of Star Wars Outlaws with leaked images showcasing Death Troopers. Explore the game's epic storyline, gameplay, and more.

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Redgrave4d ago

Are we that starved for SW content that we will overlook the staples of Ubisoft practices and embellish with terms like "epic"?

At best, this is a 7/10. That is likely without platform and property bias. I do not think this will in any way be a transformative or definite star wars experience.