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"Black Ops 6 Devs Have Been Playtesting for 2 Years"

Well this is total BS "if" the Black OPS devs are playtesting a Call d Duty game. They been been playtesting this since 2005'ish when they where making Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 for 2007 release. Whatever they release in the fall 2024 if its called Call of Duty its nothing more than a remaster of the same game that was released in 2007 and its sad the
"Black Ops 6 Devs Have Been P...

6d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The current Microsoft Xbox motto is .....We're Microsoft Xbox, and we don't care and it shows!

21d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Finally a Media source with the balls to speak out in very negative terms about Microsoft Xbox. Most Media articles are paid for ads for Microsoft Xbox but not this one. IMO Microsoft Xbox is the absolute worst thing to every happen in gaming and they need to remove themselves from it. Microsoft makes nothing I think Steve Jobs once said and they destroy everything they touch. Anyone think Bethesda is better off having Microsoft as its overlord? How bout Activision they gonna be able to stop ...

21d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe Forbes is writing articles about what Microsoft is paying then to write or Microsoft is writing the article and Forbes attaches a name to the article and then they produce it. Either way its all BS as is\was most things ever written about Microsoft Xbox......all BS to paint Microsoft Xbox in a better more positive light.

21d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your right HellBlade 2 in unlikely to be "trash" its not even released yet but the thing this game has going for it is its not been given the usual over hype that Microsoft gives its games and personally I think that helps its. I don't want to be told something is the greatest thing ever then it fall short of that as most all Microsoft games do. Also fair to say Starfield was not trash but it did get the usual Microsoft hype and it fell well short of that. That said I got to see...

21d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

100% correct! And no, A "Great Show Could Mostly Eclipse Anger" it can't do anything to change Microsoft and the anger gamers have had that has been built over years, decades! Microsoft has had great "shows" every year. The easy part is making a game look real good with CGI but at some point Halo Infinite, RedFall, CrackDown3, Bleeding Edge, Hellblade 2, Starfield these games have to release and when they do we've found time and time again that what was shown at wh...

22d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

You shouldn't ever bite the hand that feeds you!

22d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok...that makes sense......Microsoft closes Game Studios because the games those Studios made don't meet Microsoft's sale metrics. Why pay more good money to feed the leaches when they provide no benefit and controllers sell so lets make more. Also the PR messaging "Feel the Burn" was a msg. to all the other Microsoft First Party Studios that if the games you make don't sell you'll "Feel Tue Burn"! Same goes for Xbox gamers they didn't buy the Microsoft...

23d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

It so sweet watching the PC Cult throwing another temper tandrum. Just remember when your in the mist of your hissy fit and review bombing Helldivers 2 a couple months after you gave the 8 or a 9 or maybe a 10.....you just remember Sony done got your money and they ain't given it back. Maybe Steam or some other fool will give you a refund but Sony......nope!

23d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

One thing that I think is overlooked here with Microsoft is yes they made a lot of Developer and Publisher acquisitions over the last 5yrs but what's not talked about is how do the employees feel about being bought out by Microsoft. Microsoft constantly has dumpster fires several at a time at different Developers and IMO many of the employees didn't want the buyout to happen they weren't happy with the buyout and they're not happy now. Now I get in many cases what an employee ...

24d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game had a iffy start for sure but Hello Games although a tiny small group of gamers that form a little Indie studio responded by hitting every pitch outta the park then they added VR! You know you've found success when you have the Trillion Dollar Corporation trying to copy and duplicate your game and failing to the point of embarrassment you know you have greatness.

25d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I get what your saying but just to be clear you don't believe "Rise Of The Ronin Sales Are ‘Surpassing The Nioh Series"?
I purchased Rise of Ronin and I'm enjoying the game but i liked Nioh and Nioh 2 much more and still play both and TBH I was hoping Rise of Robin was off on sales in hopes it would push Team Ninja to work on
Nioh 3 asap. Now I concede that's very selfish but I'm a fan what can I say and if you're...

30d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
36d ago

Looks like Sony has yet another PS5 System Seller with Stellar Blade. PS5 is truly the place to be.

36d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

100% correct! The makers of Call of Duty ran out of ideas long, long ago so they take ideas from other games like Ghost Recon, Fortnite and any other FPS game hat had success hell CoD remasters maps that they've remastered several times already then charge you again for it. Call of Duty is simply a cut, copy and paste and then put the $70 price on it every year. Activision and now Microsoft has been essentially remastering Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare every year since it was released in...

42d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Foamstars is no different a GAAS game than say Anthem or Halo Infinite where if your not a great game then people will quickly move on. Foamstars may not have had the hype that Anthem or Halo Infinite had but gamers have to a ha reason to stay with the game a and like Anthem and Halo Infinite Foamstars just isn't good enough.

50d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wait, what!!? Microsoft is charging more for a dumb glove than the cost of the original game. No surprise really but only the absolute dumbest people would buy such a item no matter if they have the money to throw away or not.
On another note.....why the hell is King Kong in a Call of Duty game?

51d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment
53d ago Show

I looked up the top selling games of 2021 when COD Vanguard released and it wasn't in the top20 (21st) of games sold that year. I also looked up the top sellers for 2022 and COD Vanguard wasn't on The list that covered the top 25 of that year....so I'm saying something don't smell right about this report claiming Call of Duty Vanguard sold 30 million units.

After post mg comment I looked for the top selling Cal of Duty games of all time and what I found was...

54d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Top 10 of what? Currently on Xbox Live its not cracking the Top 40 (41st) of most played games. On Game Pass where you play it free I'm told it can't crack the top 10 (15th) and on Steam its not one of the Top 100 most played. Sure a lot people bought into the pre-release hype as they did with Halo Infinite and jumped in on release but Starfield isn't currently on any top 10 most played list. So maybe back in 2023 just after release the game had good player count but that's no...

55d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment